What reps think of acell

November 17th - this is fun. At least you guys will have free time this year to spend with family over Thanksgiving and Christmas instead of listening to VPS tell you to "hope for holiday traumas" to put up numbers.

Chris Tucker in Friday, "You got knocked the f out man!"

this is actually a top notch exchange with pop culture references. having said that the november 17 references are lame. we get that date is coming. assuming we aren't in a civil war at that point, what do you assume will happen by that date?

Remind me who was named 30+ times in the DOJ report????? Oh yea, THE DIRECTOR OF SALES. He sets the tone for the circus. So don’t be surprised when his buddies like TB still thumb their nose at the department of justice, the OIG, and compliance.

Would you put a bank robber in charge of the bank and then be surprised when money goes missing? Well, that’s essentially what the CEO did at ACell.

so true. Self serving clown who disregards the rules put in charge of sales = F-ing circus. We all saw this coming and that’s why some people left and more are leaving after the new year.

Can someone please just let me know what is happening November 17th??? My family is asking if i'll be joining them for Thanksgiving and Christmas and I can't give them a definitive answer yet because I don't know if i'm going to be in the hospitals on those days chasing cases. Thanks!

Can someone please just let me know what is happening November 17th??? My family is asking if i'll be joining them for Thanksgiving and Christmas and I can't give them a definitive answer yet because I don't know if i'm going to be in the hospitals on those days chasing cases. Thanks!

Sure they are bud.

Sure they are bud.

Ok I lied... My family stopped expecting me after the past two years of TB and DD's pep rally texts and calls. How does everyone sleep at night, knowing there are patients on the ICU floors needing UBM in large quantities so that they can get discharged almost immediately post-op to be home with their families???? I was more asking about having to work the holidays for my own peace of mind.

Ok I lied... My family stopped expecting me after the past two years of TB and DD's pep rally texts and calls. How does everyone sleep at night, knowing there are patients on the ICU floors needing UBM in large quantities so that they can get discharged almost immediately post-op to be home with their families???? I was more asking about having to work the holidays for my own peace of mind.

It is with great sadness that I have to relay this message to all you hard working individuals that have helped build this great company to where it is today. Today will be your last day, as our top notch board has elected to cease commercial operations but will still pay themselves advisory compensation to evaluate the IP of the company and strategic positioning moving forward. You will receive no severance other than your last measly little commission check, you will be bound by your non compete, but, we will provide each one of you with a letter of good standing and recommendation moving forward. Thank you for your time, and we wish you good luck and silence moving forward. ~~PM

It is with great sadness that I have to relay this message to all you hard working individuals that have helped build this great company to where it is today. Today will be your last day, as our top notch board has elected to cease commercial operations but will still pay themselves advisory compensation to evaluate the IP of the company and strategic positioning moving forward. You will receive no severance other than your last measly little commission check, you will be bound by your non compete, but, we will provide each one of you with a letter of good standing and recommendation moving forward. Thank you for your time, and we wish you good luck and silence moving forward. ~~PM

somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and took some fear mongering flex pills
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It is with great sadness that I have to relay this message to all you hard working individuals that have helped build this great company to where it is today. Today will be your last day, as our top notch board has elected to cease commercial operations but will still pay themselves advisory compensation to evaluate the IP of the company and strategic positioning moving forward. You will receive no severance other than your last measly little commission check, you will be bound by your non compete, but, we will provide each one of you with a letter of good standing and recommendation moving forward. Thank you for your time, and we wish you good luck and silence moving forward. ~~PM

There was an "emergency board meeting" today at 3pm. Doubt this will be the narrative, but I would sure as hell like to know before the 17th wtf is going on.

this is actually a top notch exchange with pop culture references. having said that the november 17 references are lame. we get that date is coming. assuming we aren't in a civil war at that point, what do you assume will happen by that date?

Lame as a duck my friend, but true as arrow.

Hannibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs,"I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner (on the 17th)". Get it, see what I did there.

Lame as a duck my friend, but true as arrow.

Hannibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs,"I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner (on the 17th)". Get it, see what I did there.

“All good things come to those who wait”

Get ready all ACell lifers who waited for the big surprise. Look into that mirror and say it because it’s coming from your beloved board.

Would you **** me, I’d **** me, I’d **** me hard”

Remind me who was named 30+ times in the DOJ report????? Oh yea, THE DIRECTOR OF SALES. He sets the tone for the circus. So don’t be surprised when his buddies like TB still thumb their nose at the department of justice, the OIG, and compliance.

Would you put a bank robber in charge of the bank and then be surprised when money goes missing? Well, that’s essentially what the CEO did at ACell.

hard to argue with this one

tick tock, tick tock, tick tock - cant wait to hear what DD and PM have to say during this all company meeting. Might go against company policy, but be sure it will be recorded. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if federal ears will be listening in.

You may call our Ethics and Integrity Helpline anonymously at 844-620-0004 or visit Lighthouse Services. You can also email concerns or questions by CLICKING HERE or complete our online Compliance form below.Please note: You must include company name with report.

***this is a third party that will manage the investigation, but only if reported (even anonymously).

Just a little side note on Lighthouse Services.....
I called them one day and the woman was really nice that I spoke with. I told her about the information I had and what took place. I told her I have evidence of it all. I then asked her what happens next if I choose to report it. She said she she types it all up in a report, includes the evidence and hands it over to HR/Compliance. Then I kid you not!!!!! She said "I'll be honest with you, nothing ever happens... I've taken a few of these reports and they never follow up on them." It absolutely blew my mind and I told her then it's not even worth me making the report and putting the target on my back! THAT IS HOW THIS COMPANY ROLLS!!! They operate like a fly-by-night used car dealership of the med device industry.

Don't even waste your time! You will just out yourself and management will know that you are going against the grain and you will be eliminated.