What reps think of acell

Just a little side note on Lighthouse Services.....
I called them one day and the woman was really nice that I spoke with. I told her about the information I had and what took place. I told her I have evidence of it all. I then asked her what happens next if I choose to report it. She said she she types it all up in a report, includes the evidence and hands it over to HR/Compliance. Then I kid you not!!!!! She said "I'll be honest with you, nothing ever happens... I've taken a few of these reports and they never follow up on them." It absolutely blew my mind and I told her then it's not even worth me making the report and putting the target on my back! THAT IS HOW THIS COMPANY ROLLS!!! They operate like a fly-by-night used car dealership of the med device industry.

Don't even waste your time! You will just out yourself and management will know that you are going against the grain and you will be eliminated.

Had a very similar experience! I must have spoken to the same woman because I said I wanted to remain anonymous because I didn't trust our compliance department. I was reporting some things I knew were wrong that my manager was doing. I won't say any names but he lives in Buffalo, NY. Anyway, the woman said she has not seen one of these reports regarding ACell acted upon after submission. I gave up, all hope is lost, there is no governing body to turn to. We all know our choices at this point, we can either just put up with it or move on.

You can report this directly to the Government and their whistleblower hotline. You remain anonymous and the government will do their investigation if ACell’s compliance department doesn’t take care of these issues on their own. This has been the most effective path in the past if you feel like compliance and HR continue to marginalize you and protect their director of sales and shady managers.

Everyone please take note of this as this is the most legitimate route. ACell has put Lighthouse Service in place to look like it has an anonymous hotline in place but it is just to be compliant with the integrity agreement in place. It is really just a termination line if you utilize it. As mentioned, please direct all reporting to the Whistleblower government site. The Whistleblower Protection Programs | Whistleblower Protection Program This will prevent retaliations from within the organization. Thank you all and please know that you are not alone. If you aren't reporting to an area manager that lives in the Buffalo area or a regional manager that lives in the Pittsburgh area, you are already one step in the right direction toward finding inner peace.

Everyone please take note of this as this is the most legitimate route. ACell has put Lighthouse Service in place to look like it has an anonymous hotline in place but it is just to be compliant with the integrity agreement in place. It is really just a termination line if you utilize it. As mentioned, please direct all reporting to the Whistleblower government site. The Whistleblower Protection Programs | Whistleblower Protection Program This will prevent retaliations from within the organization. Thank you all and please know that you are not alone. If you aren't reporting to an area manager that lives in the Buffalo area or a regional manager that lives in the Pittsburgh area, you are already one step in the right direction toward finding inner peace.

Is forcing me to watch an anti Hilary Clinton movie at a regional meeting acceptable? Seems like thats okay with Acell since I reported him for that, and seemed to do nothing but put a target on my back. Glad Im long gone from your stereotypical 'Florida Man".

Nothing will get any worse after the 17th. The pain will have peaked.

That is where you are wrong. TB is a pillar in this company and they won't get rid of him because they know just how much dirt he has done and has on other people. It would be a cascade effect where he would get fired and then turn on DD who would turn on PM who would turn on etc.... So this is why they keep everyone until they move on to the next company on their own. If you want to make it at this company, transform into a beta male immediately and you will be promoted. Just look at NB or JS!

When you got fired for pissing all over the floor at NSM and flooding the floor below you, was that the low point in your life?

When your name is JS and you have to be obedient to your slave owner TB so you are shielded from losing your job on a daily basis. Imagine being this much of a puppet. JS you are the biggest tool bag I’ve ever had to work with. Come at me bro!

Company is dirty. Just look at the director of sales. He was named more than 30 times in the DOJ investigation report and the whistleblower specifically named him as the root of numerous allegations, including inappropriate interactions with Surgeons and off label promotion. No individual was referenced more time in the DOJ report than DD.

The guy is flat out dirty and clueless. Him and his “buddies” that stick together are a complete and obvious liability for the company.

DD is back like McRib

Holy smokes my new Integra manager is clueless idiot. And from talking to others that were retain, it seems to be a theme here. These guy a bozos who think they have it all figured out. Short the stock of Integra! This place is embarrassing.