This is getting good, more popcorn please.
^^Not gonna happen Mike...sorry budMike Snyder is the next VP of Sales. Take it to the manager ever
Don’t put sales director in front of a surgeon. Total embarrassment. Doc asked me later “How is that guy in charge of anything at your company?” True story.
Did y’all hear the sales director address is on the National call yesterday? What an inarticulate bumbling idiot. That’s who we’re supposed to follow? The dummy with no sales or business experience that can’t complete a sentence or a thought with embarrassing himself. Really? The guy is the biggest joke in the company. Nobody respects this guy. Wtf are we doing?
Americans have been asking themselves the same of their leader as of late
Please keep your political commentary off this chat. And I’d like whip with my latte’ snowflake.
Did y’all hear the sales director address is on the National call yesterday? What an inarticulate bumbling idiot. That’s who we’re supposed to follow? The dummy with no sales or business experience that can’t complete a sentence or a thought with embarrassing himself. Really? The guy is the biggest joke in the company. Nobody respects this guy. Wtf are we doing?
Bozo is being polite. The guy is a complete BS artist and I don’t know how he got to where he is. A tenured rep told me he was buddy-buddy with his bosses even though he doesn’t know the first thing about sales. It’s a disgrace.
If someone is defending Trump it’s definitely DA he once opened a dinner promoting Trump Hahahaha This is the type of thing that’s ok here. Speaking of dinners opening with weird dinners just ask what one of the KOL’s had on their laptop starting a dinner. Rhymes with May Forn.