What reps think of acell

The company culture here has always been poor, but the last year has been disastrous for morale. It’s clear that they don’t care about the reps and we have doofus with no experience running sales that nobody has an ounce of respect for.
Is anyone surprised that there is a collective eye-roll every time he tries to tell us to work Saturdays or send us an email with a pointless quote?

Most people are checked out, working at half speed, working second jobs, or actively looking for other jobs now that DD is making “strategic decisions” . If your leader is completely lost and a complete joke, your reps will think your company is a joke. Welcome to Acell y’all

Director of sales is helping his buddy here in the Midwest cover up the sh*tshow. The guy should already be in jail for all his illegal activities highlighted in the DOJ investigation. Everyone knows he’s been corrupt and unethical for years.

You can’t really cover up how bad it’s here. When this leadership team opens up their mouth it’s just undeniable how inexperienced an ignorant they are. Gotta run, I’m heading to the hospital to see who I can ask to sprinkle on some ACell powder on a Sunday.

Sales were going down before the virus, now bozo has his excuse. Did anyone actually believe this was going to turn out well when a guy with zero experience and no integrity is in charge of sales strategy?

Thanks for the base salary ACell. It will be a year before my brown-nosing manager realizes I’ve decided to spend 99% of my time with another company where I make real money and we have actual leadership. When you have a clown running sales, don’t be surprised when it turns into a full blown circus.

Did y’all hear the sales director address is on the National call yesterday? What an inarticulate bumbling idiot. That’s who we’re supposed to follow? The dummy with no sales or business experience that can’t complete a sentence or a thought with embarrassing himself. Really? The guy is the biggest joke in the company. Nobody respects this guy. Wtf are we doing?

Did y’all hear the sales director address is on the National call yesterday? What an inarticulate bumbling idiot. That’s who we’re supposed to follow? The dummy with no sales or business experience that can’t complete a sentence or a thought with embarrassing himself. Really? The guy is the biggest joke in the company. Nobody respects this guy. Wtf are we doing?

Americans have been asking themselves the same of their leader as of late

Did y’all hear the sales director address is on the National call yesterday? What an inarticulate bumbling idiot. That’s who we’re supposed to follow? The dummy with no sales or business experience that can’t complete a sentence or a thought with embarrassing himself. Really? The guy is the biggest joke in the company. Nobody respects this guy. Wtf are we doing?

Everyone knows he’s a bozo.

Bozo is being polite. The guy is a complete BS artist and I don’t know how he got to where he is. A tenured rep told me he was buddy-buddy with his bosses even though he doesn’t know the first thing about sales. It’s a disgrace.

Unfortunately this is true. I’ve been at acell about 2 years and I’ve never seen a more incompetent individual in a leadership position in my life. His lack of intelligence is painfully obvious every time he speaks and nobody respects the guy. He has no clue what’s he’s doing. How this guy became the director of sales is beyond me.

If someone is defending Trump it’s definitely DA he once opened a dinner promoting Trump Hahahaha This is the type of thing that’s ok here. Speaking of dinners opening with weird dinners just ask what one of the KOL’s had on their laptop starting a dinner. Rhymes with May Forn.

If someone is defending Trump it’s definitely DA he once opened a dinner promoting Trump Hahahaha This is the type of thing that’s ok here. Speaking of dinners opening with weird dinners just ask what one of the KOL’s had on their laptop starting a dinner. Rhymes with May Forn.

I have no clue what you are trying to communicate here! Great example of a typical sales call from an ACell rep. Get your shit together.