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What has been the experience with programs in your territory?

Hey Asswipe instead of deflecting since you can't handle the truth google novartis vaccines macedonia/croatia Croatia admitted it has tested Novartis vaccines on Croatian kids for years. As a result, many Croatiankids developed mental deficiencies and all sorts issues including death.

It doesn't have to be opiods to expose pure evil leadership.

The sham pograms are global & Novartis was busted in many countries in addition to rigging trials & falsifying data, like in japan. Collectively 2 billion or so in fines around the world but corp apologist paid shill assholes like you will come on social media to defend them as some benign entity despite the overwhelming facts that bitch slap you in your stupid face .
Similar to the castrated euro cucks defend the muslimHordes causing death & mayhem everywhere they touch.

PS- OYL (sp) was intentional , DUH

snake oil
ˈsnāk ˌoil/
  1. a substance with no real medicinal value sold as a remedy for all diseases.
    • a product, policy, etc. of little real worth or value that is promoted as the solution to a problem.
      "entresto was denounced as snake oil"

Wow you take "stupid" to a whole new level. Here is what you stated: "Taxpayers have had it with this racket & there isn't enough lobbying $$$ on earth to change the coming storm" but then state how Novartis did testing on Croatian kids???? Which tax payers have had it???? Croatian tax payers or the US???

Only an idiot would purposely misspell something for no apparent reason whatsoever.

And did you say I am getting paid to write this crap?? Shit I wish. I will be in Dallas in a week. Come bitch slap me please.

Wow you take "stupid" to a whole new level. Here is what you stated: "Taxpayers have had it with this racket & there isn't enough lobbying $$$ on earth to change the coming storm" but then state how Novartis did testing on Croatian kids???? Which tax payers have had it???? Croatian tax payers or the US???

Only an idiot would purposely misspell something for no apparent reason whatsoever.

And did you say I am getting paid to write this crap?? Shit I wish. I will be in Dallas in a week. Come bitch slap me please.

Did you miss the part about GLOBAL incidents moron?
Perhaps taxpayers from ALL affected countries are upset.
Every consider that sherlock?
Oh you'll be in dallas so you must be a tough guy.
Would like me to bitch slap you? Are you asking? Bring a dildo too?
Don't forget your 10 gallon hat, it will make you an even scarier dallas tough guy.

PS- Mispelling on purpose, look up urban dictionary grandpa. Covfefe!

Did you miss the part about GLOBAL incidents moron?
Perhaps taxpayers from ALL affected countries are upset.
Every consider that sherlock?
Oh you'll be in dallas so you must be a tough guy.
Would like me to bitch slap you? Are you asking? Bring a dildo too?
Don't forget your 10 gallon hat, it will make you an even scarier dallas tough guy.

PS- Mispelling on purpose, look up urban dictionary grandpa. Covfefe!

Let me entertain this one more time.

1) you purposely misspelled Oil, why? OYL means out of your league according to urban dictionary. I guess Novartis sells us Snake Out of your League?!!

2) Are you trying to say that Tax payers from around the world are going to unite and sue Novartis? Wow oh wow you are stupid. So to answer your stupid questions if I "Every (I am assuming you did this on purpose as well) consider that Sherlock? ABSOLUTELY NOT. You want to know why? Because that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my entire life.

3) Being in Dallas means you are a tough guy? I guess you don't work for novartis. But what I find funny is you call people "asswipe" and say how you are going to "bitch slap" people and you are calling me the tough guy?

Yes it's confirmed, you are a moron. Goodnight dummy! Enjoy your juice (I really mean your steroids) and protein shakes

Let me entertain this one more time.

1) you purposely misspelled Oil, why? OYL means out of your league according to urban dictionary. I guess Novartis sells us Snake Out of your League?!!

2) Are you trying to say that Tax payers from around the world are going to unite and sue Novartis? Wow oh wow you are stupid. So to answer your stupid questions if I "Every (I am assuming you did this on purpose as well) consider that Sherlock? ABSOLUTELY NOT. You want to know why? Because that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my entire life.

3) Being in Dallas means you are a tough guy? I guess you don't work for novartis. But what I find funny is you call people "asswipe" and say how you are going to "bitch slap" people and you are calling me the tough guy?

Yes it's confirmed, you are a moron. Goodnight dummy! Enjoy your juice (I really mean your steroids) and protein shakes

Dude you are clueless It's like you need a specific map to point to any pun, euphemism what have you
which isn't surprising coming from a likely dumbed down novartis low level mgmnt type. So forgot the spelling it's far beyond you.

Tax payers , once again it's like you are in some sterile bubble of thought, much like the left wing press.
Has it escaped you that NVS has paid fines in France Italy Russia China Japan S Korea USA Turkey to name a few? Obvioulsy the governments are acting on behalf of their citizens. Did you think I meant tax payers were going to strorm the corporate offices or something so inane? That's just sad. .

The point of the opiate lawsuits demonstrated there will be liability beyond the bribing /sham programs.
AG's can make the call on their own & this will open the door to scrutinize every aspect of pharma
regardless if they win the suit (it will be settled). To explain this in further detail there is a new level of exposure pharma will face because people aren't stupid. They get that the VA can negotiate prices where Med D is strangled because of 'yuge' (sp) lobbying effort pharma employed during dim wit Bushy Jr's reign. Google Billy Tauzin & tell us if you're still proud of your industry after that. Enough sociopaths exist that it wouldn't be shocking if you still do.

FInally meeting in dallas you implied you would like a confrontation. Rest assured such a meeting wouldn't end well. Someone would likely leave on a stretcher & 2 people unemployed & my guess is you're too much of a pussy for that. Since someone so comitted to defending this rat hole can't fathom you walking away from their copper handcuffs ;)


The Speaker Bureau Program at Novartis was on paper designed to educate American physicians about Novartis Drugs and their respective disease states they treat. After all, what better way to teach our physicians the latest and greatest ways to treat these diseases, but by having leading industry experts called K.O.L.’s, Key Opinion Leaders speak on behalf of the drug.

These K.O.L.’s, as I mentioned earlier, are the renown experts in their specific fields of medicine. Practically every specialty in medicine has several doctors that fall into this category, and are considered leading knowledge experts in their particular fields of medicine and their opinions carry a great deal of weight in the medical community, for obvious reasons. So it is not uncommon for these select few individuals to be sought after by many big pharma companies in the hopes that an endorsement from them will translate to a quicker uptake of a drug post launch, or in other words, More Scripts!” Just think about it for a second, if Dr. Smith is the leading cardiologists in the country, chances are that when she speaks to other cardiologists they will listen to what she has to say, and for the most part that is true. Now I know what you are thinking, What’s wrong with that?

I know, I might ask the same thing, but as I stated, that is what it looks like on paper when Novartis submits all these thousands of programs to the FDA every year, but that is a very different picture than what is happening in reality. No, unfortunately Novartis has much more devious ulterior motives in mind. Novartis discovered early on the ways to exploit this legal way of educating doctors to monstrous proportions.
Let me explain in detail how Novartis achieved what is tantamount to a multi billion dollar Kickback / Bribe scheme that has been paying off our U.S. Physicians under the guise of providing the medical community with invaluable pertinent pharmaceutical and disease state education. Novartis conducts more speaker programs than any other pharmaceutical company in the world. Why?, as you are about see it’s quite profitable, plain and simple stock price mathematics. You got to spend money to make money, and as you will see nobody out spends Novartis, Nobody!

More to come........

Novartis has several divisions with thousands of reps in the U.S. and I was in The X Division. The rules set for by the FDA are same for our division as it is for every other division, as well as they are the for the entire industry.
As discussed briefly earlier, According to the FDA, for a speaker program to be considered legal it must have these criteria met:

1. The event must take place at a venue that is conducive to learning like a private room at a restaurant or banquet hall. No ball parks, fishing trips, etc…

2. You must have 3 healthcare professionals in attendance.

3. A slide show must be presented and the slide deck must be approved by the FDA, also certain portions of the lecture must include unbiased disease state education as well as a few other factors like not being allowed to show off label clinical study data.

Now there are other smaller, less intrusive requirements like how much you can spend per person on the dinner. The amount the speaker gets paid can vary greatly depending on who is speaking, to whom and how many. At Novartis we were told not to exceed a hundred bucks a person for dinner or risk raising a red flag to the FDA or OIG come expense time. So if dinner was 1500 bucks, you better have 15 names on that receipt. The honorium the speaker gets paid is anywhere from 500 bucks for the night, or as I have seen, 50,000 bucks for a conference with hundreds of attendees.

The amount, Novartis will have you think, is based on the speaker’s stature and their influence on the others in their medical community. This is a complete and utter fallacy! I REAPEAT, " COMPLETELY FALSE!!"

In reality, the selection for speakers was solely based on his or her ability to write Drug X. The more scripts the doctor wrote, the more they would get paid. We paid with flat out checks, we paid with endless dinners and lunches, we paid with all expense paid vacations for the doctor and their spouse to Europe. There was literally no set limit to how much you can pay any physician in the U.S. under this program, the sky is the limit and Big Pharma knows it, and so do the doctors that participate in these programs.
Again, on the surface the Novartis Speaker Bureau program sounds legit and perfectly acceptable, but just like the iceberg that tore open the Titanic, the real danger is in what lies beneath the surface. See, Novartis NEVER did, and STILL DOESN’T just target K.O.L.’s to become paid shills for the company, nope, not even close. They target any warm body with a pulse and a M.E. License, and even some who don’t, as I will explain. They will target any physician, doctor’s assistant, Nurse, and P.A. who according to the data, write scripts for that disease state your drug targets, which in my case was Drug X. The more drugs you wrote for the class, the more we tried to recruit you to speak on behalf of the company. It didn’t matter if you were an actual K.O.L. or a brand new Physician’s assistant straight out of night school, if you can write Drug X we recruited you as a speaker. At one time we had over 5000 Registered Speakers for Drug X doctors across America. With only 500 sales reps promoting the drug, that meant there were literally 10 doctors promoting Drug X for every one sales rep employed by Novartis. 10 to 1!

The reality is that there are maybe 50 doctors, MAYBE!, in any field of medicine that would be considered actual real life K.O.L.’s by their respective peers, not 5000! The idea that Novartis would even have the audacity to try and claim that it only targets K.O.L.’s would be quite laughable if it weren’t true. That’s exactly what they claim they are doing with their Speaker Bureau Program.

Much the way lobbyists pay our congressmen and women to pass laws that favor their respective industries they represent, Novartis pays U.S. doctors to write Novartis drugs, quid pro quo. Now Novartis wouldn’t spend billions of dollars on this program if it didn’t pay off in spades. Novartis did internal studies and shared the results with the sales reps.

The statistics showed that after a doctor had been sent on a lavish trip somewhere exotic, for an all expenses paid weekend for them and their spouse to be trained on how to speak on behalf of Novartis regarding Drug X, or any Novartis drug for that matter, their prescriptions for the drug went up anywhere from 30-50%. So naturally with these types of figures we were told make EVERYONE a speaker, and that’s exactly what we did. Hell, I had speakers that could barely speak English, giving talks every month for years and years, same talks, same physicians, same attendees! Didn’t matter, “Show me the scripts!” It was really a contest come evaluation time, how many doctors could you get registered as speakers, a contest I often won.

For some physicians that may mean a few more scripts a week, for others, especially the bigger doctors, it meant dozens of extra scripts every week. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math, it’s extremely profitable, so that’s why it is done, Period! That is exactly why as reps we were constantly under pressure to recruit more speakers, to conduct more programs, it was absolutely relentless. The company was constantly evaluating your ability to recruit speakers so much so it became a daily grind, and one that starts to become extremely stressful. After all there is only so many of these programs you can do before doctors say I been there, done that, no thanks, I won’t be attending. So inevitably management and reps decided that in order to preserve their own jobs, they start down the path of “questionable tactics” in order to not be the last one on the program list come evaluation time. Nobody wanted to hear from their district manager, “why weren’t you able to spend your speaker budget for the year?”, NOBODY! People that didn’t spend their budget were slackers, they were just lazy, so they got targeted on reviews for not being a team player and the biggest Christmas gift you got to open that year was a P.I.P. The dreaded Performance Improvement Plan. This is no joke, I witnessed this year in and year out, great reps chased out because they wouldn’t tow the company Kickback Line.
The real problem as I stated earlier, doctors are bombarded with invites to speaker programs every day from all the pharma companies out there and they simply don’t have the want, need, or desire to attend these events, and the more the reps press, the more they say no to everybody in order to not show favoritism. So as the pressure was ever increasing and the market of available attendees ever shrinking you get the following, you fudge the paperwork, and you and your manager, and even his manager is happy, a win, win, win. The only loser is the patient, whose cost of all this is built into the price of the drug they need, a drug that may be keeping them alive.

Here is how we went about cheating the system as directed by Novartis Management:

More to come........

Keep this coming. I was a rep before this charade, in the days we were professionals and could have a knowledgeable discussion on disease state and treatment. I also worked the speaker program shill game. The money is good, but the loss of our reputation has been horrendous. I look forward to your next installment

2nd post: my previous post was deleted within a couple of hours. We'll see how long this one lasts.

Getting back to the original reason for the post: I have only been with Novartis for a little over a year and have already witnessed 2 sham programs. During the first, there was 1 NP in attendance and the rep put down there were 8 providers. During the 2nd, the rep proclaimed there were 4 providers there when absolutely no one showed up. This is only my little corner of the Novartian world. I can't imagine how many of these are still occurring. And all of this is happening while Novartis is under the CIA for speaker programs. I want to turn them both in, but I am afraid of the repurcussions.

2nd post: my previous post was deleted within a couple of hours. We'll see how long this one lasts.

Getting back to the original reason for the post: I have only been with Novartis for a little over a year and have already witnessed 2 sham programs. During the first, there was 1 NP in attendance and the rep put down there were 8 providers. During the 2nd, the rep proclaimed there were 4 providers there when absolutely no one showed up. This is only my little corner of the Novartian world. I can't imagine how many of these are still occurring. And all of this is happening while Novartis is under the CIA for speaker programs. I want to turn them both in, but I am afraid of the repurcussions.

If you turn them in do it via email & copy your FLM (who's likely in on it ),
MD, Compliance, HR, VP's etc ALL the way up the food chain
because although they will probably target you for termination at least you will have a substantial paper trail
AND make sure you're specific on the details, time, dates , speakers that were paid, attendees who did or didn't show up. Keep a journal of all the specific facts as they are very easy to forget as time elapses
Also document the response you receive from management & any retaliatory actions

If you don't do anything then keeping your mouth shut sort of makes you complicit don't you think?

Was dismissed

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces $370 Million Civil Fraud Settlement Against Novartis Pharmaceuticals For Kickback Scheme Involving High-Priced Prescription Drugs, Along With $20 Million Forfeiture Of Proceeds From The Scheme
Novartis Admits to and Accepts Responsibility for Facts Regarding Its Distribution of Exjade and Myfortic

Boy! When I set up this thread a few weeks afo, I never expected to hit such a nerve. All I was doing was asking a question to see what was going on in other areas.
Must be a sore subject for many

Sorry I forgot one.........

PRECEPTORSHIPS was not something I did very often due to reasons I will explain.
Preceptorships are legal in the eyes of the FDA, but I bet if the American Public was aware of this practice, they might not think too kindly of the program, especially considering our HIPPA Laws and Regulations concerning patient privacy. The program consists of a sales rep following around the doctor while he or she sees patients, much akin to what a resident or what I call a doctor in training will go through in a teaching hospital before they receive his or her license to practice medicine. After the morning or even the entire day of doing this the hope is, that you as a lowly sales rep, will leave enriched with the knowledge the doctor passed on to you regarding disease state clinical experience, seeing the real life patients your drug treats. Blah Blah Blah!
In reality, you go around from patient room to patient room like a puppy dog following it’s master, posing as a colleague, or a Quality Assurance Manager, or even as a resident to the unsuspecting patient. All that’s needed is the patient’s verbal okay literally just seconds prior to the doctor entering the room. Really! What is the patient going to say, No? Not once did a patient say no and why would they, they didn’t know I was just a schlep sales rep ambushing them, trying to bribe a doctor under the guise of Medical Education. Pretty sure that is a violation of HIPPA, but hey, who gives a shit, the patient will never know and the doctor gets anywhere from 500-1000 bucks. Not a bad little bonus for just having someone tail you around for a few hours. Or as was the case during my tenure, a million dollar preceptorship at X Hospital in X State. Again, no limit on how many times you can do these programs, nor is there a limit on doing them with the same doctors over and over and over again, all under the guise of Medical Education - Wink! Wink! ;)

Novartis conducts thousands of these every trimester, across the board with ALL drugs, across ALL divisions. Again, the doctors know the game, the reps know the game, and the company certainly knows and exploits this loophole in the system to the fullest extent. The only odd man out is the patient, that ends now.

Here is how we cheat the "speaker bureau" system as directed by Novartis Management:
The following are The SECRET and UNWRITTEN Novartis Rules to follow regarding “Speaker Programs.”

Rule: Never put your D.M. in a bad spot, make sure they know which events they can attend and which ones they cannot. ( Legal speaker events vs. Fake ones)

Rule: If only one doctor shows up, you make up two other doctors and put down that three attended. Never EVER Cancel a program because no attendees confirmed they will be attending the event, because we can still do something positive as I will describe a little later.

Rule: Conduct as many “family affairs” as I can humanly schedule. As I explained earlier that this was just a way to take a doctor and their entire practice out to dinner so you’ll never have to worry about actually inviting eligible health care professionals. The doctor and their staff get a five start meal, no slides are ever shown, and everyone walks away happy, Merry Fucking Christmas!!

Rule: For REAL Speaker programs, Put extra slides in the slide projector that your manager gives you so the speaker can talk about off label uses for your drug. This is illegal of course, so you just take them back out when the speaker finishes their presentation.

Rule: Plant other reps in the audience to ask about off label uses during the Q & A portion of the lecture, again illegal.

Rule: My personal fav - To get a program approved where you knew nobody was going to attend. In order to not have any red flags raised you’ll need to do the following:

First, tell the speaker that no invitees have confirmed but you would like to take him or her to dinner anyway. Then proceed to have a lavish meal running up the bill as high as you can so it looks like an event took place, not just a two person dinner. Or, if the speaker declines the invite, Simply take your friends out to a nice dinner again racking up a huge bill. You must not turn in a hundred dollar receipt, it would be too low for a speaker program and raise a red flag.

Second, Just submit the paperwork, a un-itemized receipt really along with an expense form, notated with the proper amount of fake attendees and you’re good! It can’t exceed 100 bucks a head, and it can’t go under 50 buck a head, anything else raises a red flag, so you do the grade school math and turn in the proper attendee list, all ficticious of course.

Finally, Tell the doctor “They owe you one!” and a couple of weeks later you are in their office handing them a check for a program that never even took place. The doctors who spoke on behalf of Novartis loved these fake programs more than the real ones, and why not, they were paid for literally doing nothing. Well, nothing except writing more scripts for Drug X. Again, the only rule was that I had to give my manager the heads up so he didn’t accidentally attend a fake program, thus destroying their deniability.

Rule: NEVER SUBMIT AN ITEMIZED RECEIPT! NEVER!!! This way nobody could decipher how many meals were actually served, and how much each meal cost. Like I stated before, if the bill was 1500 bucks, you better have 15 names on that receipt. In reality it could be three people that ate that meal but since you have the right amount of people attending, no red flags will be raised, thus assuring you won’t get caught.

Rule: Target “Speaker Whores” as much as possible! These doctors know the system and will be receptive to these financial inducements!

Rule: Make sure you have at least one REAL speaking event a quarter or Trimester, so your D.M. can say he or she did attend your programs and they always found them to be in compliance. In other words, Deniability is crucial here, that way if the rep gets caught, they can say they had no clue. That the rep was a "lone wolf", a one-off if you will. This surely isn't a company wide system problem!!! Lol!!!!
We the reps always got a kick out of this one, we knew the game and the highest promoted reps played it well!!

Rule: Promise new speakers you will use them all the time, but first you will need them to write as much of Drug X as they can, you know, so they can get actual clinical experience with the drug. After a doctor starts prescribing then you can reward them with speaking programs, if they do not, don’t schedule any programs with them. This is Flat Out Quid Pro Quo, an exchange of goods or services where one transfer is contingent upon the other! PERIOD!!!

More to come.............

Now your manager must approve all programs, and he or she themselves are also evaluated on how many programs their district conducts in a year, so the pressure goes all the way up the line coming straight from the headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. So as the years went by more and more programs failed to meet the FDA requirements for being a “legal program“, so in response, more and more programs were faked. In my X year tenure the two thirds of the programs I conducted and attended were illegal under the FDA guidelines, and worse, at least a third of these programs were completely faked, having never taken place at all. My manager knew it! His manager knew it! Did I ever get written up for this, NEVER! Not once, and I did hundreds of programs during my time at Novartis.

Not that Novartis is the first big pharmaceutical company to skirt the system as we have seen in the news a steady stream of settlements resulting in huge fines in recent years from the biggest pharma has to offer, but it was Novartis that has turned cheating the Speaker Bureau program into an art form and even more importantly to their public image, how to get away with it. Novartis has gotten away with what is tantamount to a decades long, multi-billion dollar Kick-Back Scheme here in the U.S.

Novartis certainly knew all along their speaker bureau was a complete sham and did nothing to stop it. In fact, they encouraged it at every level, even going as far as promoting reps that had recruited the highest writing speakers. Documentation to follow later in this book. They knew they were getting away murder, but since the bottom line was looking better than ever, and why wouldn’t it, you’re literally bribing thousands of U.S. doctors with billions of dollars, stopping or even curtailing the program wasn‘t even in the equation. No, they saw dollar signs so they ramped it up even further, demanded even more programs, each year the quota for programs went up, the bar being placed ever higher for the poor Novartis sales rep. Remember, they ran the numbers, they knew every speaker amounted to a 30-50% increase in Drug X scripts after a doctor was paid to be a certified Novartis speaker.

I equate what the FDA has allowed Novartis to do is basically police itself, EVEN WHILE ON A CIA! It’s like asking the person who was caught embezzling from the company to audit the company books. Do you think for a second you’ll get the truth, No, of course you won’t, and the FDA isn’t getting the truth either. In fact, I would say that the FDA is being outright lied to on a daily basis. That’s what you get when you put the fox in charge of the hen house, you think Novartis will act honorably, or be altruistic? Ha!!! Novartis knows it’s programs are not in compliance and they couldn’t care less because it equals billions in revenue from the added scripts! Do you think the American public is aware of this? I know I would if I were a patient paying hundreds of dollars more for my Novartis' medicine all the while wondering why someone in Canada pays half the price as you for the same exact medicine, I guess I might give a shit!

Only in the Land of Oz can the laws of economics be turned upside down. I know I am beating a dead horse here, but the U.S. is far and away the largest purchaser of Novartis prescription drugs in the world, and yet pays the most for it’s drugs. It simply doesn't make any sense! Usually, in the normal business world, the biggest purchaser of products gets the biggest discount, it’s why stores like Sam’s Club and Costco were even created. The more you buy, the bigger the discount. Think about it, If you are Wal-Mart, do you think they pay the lowest price per unit when they purchase portable fans that they sell to you the consumer at their thousands of stores. Of course they do, because they are buying in bulk, literally millions at a time. However, those laws of economics don’t apply here in the Land of Oz, after reading this I hope you ask yourself, Why??

The United States is the largest purchaser of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Drugs in the world, and yet pays the highest for said drugs amounting to tens of Billions in Revenues each and every year going into the Novartis Coffers.

I ask you, the American patient, Could the cost of these bribes be built into the cost of Novartis Drugs??? Is that we in America pay so much more than everybody else??

And an even more troubling question, Are you the patient, getting prescribed the medicine that is best to treat your malady, or is the doctor simply being paid to give you that particular Novartis medicine???

Hmmmmmm I wonder……

Finally, in conclusion, thanks in large part through the illegal marketing practices I just outlined as well as Big Pharma lobbyists paying millions every year to our congressmen and women, you have the state of affairs we find ourselves in today. We as citizens of the United States of America, by and far, the LARGEST purchaser of Novartis prescription drugs in the world, are paying the MOST for those drugs, more than any other civilized country in the world, thus going against every basic law of business economics.

At least in the movie Dorothy had her red slippers whereby she could just tap the heals together and go back home to the way things used to be. Sorry, not here in the Land of Oz, we don’t have those red ruby slippers here, they’re hidden away in a closet somewhere in an ivory tower in Basel.

I think it’s time we take them out, dust them off, put them on, click our heals together, and demand Congress get their heads out of the collective asses, and bring us home to less expensive medicine. They must pass real reform, banning this Bribery Scam that is the Novartis Speaker Bureau Program. A scam that’s been perpetrated on the American Public for decades. After all, There’s no place like home, and last time I checked Basel is in Switzerland, where I have found out “Speaker Programs” aren’t even allowed!
Talk about your irony!!

Hey Novartis, Bribe your own doctors! Leave ours the hell alone!!!
More on the Novartis inner workings and marketing to come……..