What Do You Like About Grifols?

heard that Grifollies is planning to open it's own fast food chain in the US to compete with Taco Bell. They're calling it Bell's Taco !! Sounds original, doesn't it ?!? Their trademark icon will be a senor Bell who is a cross between Juan Valdez and Colonel Sanders. In their commercials they will call him Senor Bell Juan Sanders de Taco. He will appear on an ass riding down Los Ramblos in Barcelona!!!!! Giddyup little donkey, giddyup !

me likes most the peeples.they are wery groomed and well posturlated. the men are ispeciallee handsum with there deep dark eyes and puffable lips. just purfeick for kissing. the woman are ruff but ready, iffen you no what i mean. and can thay sail. there plasma producks are the bestest on the marcut today. remember whut they sat. no pain no spain!

me likes most the peeples.they are wery groomed and well posturlated. the men are ispeciallee handsum with there deep dark eyes and puffable lips. just purfeick for kissing. the woman are ruff but ready, iffen you no what i mean. and can thay sail. there plasma producks are the bestest on the marcut today. remember whut they sat. no pain no spain!

Dude, let it go, this brand of "humor" is not funny or clever.

au contraire, this is one of the funniest threadfs on CF. Don't go away dude, keep the eloquent prose coming. Thae Spaniards particularly love the attention.

Here's a joke explaining why.....

Despues cirogia un hombre se desperto en hospital;
HOMBRE: "Medico medico"
MEDICO: "Que pasa?
HOMBRE: "Yo no puedo sentirme mis piernas"
MEDICO: "Si, es porque he cortado tus manos"

ja ja ja

I am most impressed with their nonchalant approach to flatulence. Passing gas seems like such a natural act to them. Holding back is what they perceive as unnatural. Easy to understand why he US group loves to have fart parties everyother Friday night at Nathanial Hall Bingo parlor.

it's common industry knowledge that the Spainairds love their cheeses. Along with cheeses comes gas, and plenty of it. The methane they produce rivals that of cattle and swine. The cattle and swine are ot happy that the Spainairds share the same di-stink-tion--get it???

Me likes the preety peeples. All th girls smell like candy and the boys are even sweeter! I like unwrapping their minds and undressing their call schedules. Why do they flirt with Baxter reppies ? They're not that saucy.