What Do You Like About Grifols?

I would like to repeat myself, I like workin for Grifolds because of the nice peeples that I work on. They are very kind and helpful and wear pretty clothes. Sometimes their choice of matching colors and fabric is bad but at lest they are clean. I also like working for a Spinash company, especially since Nadal beat Federer earlier dis yer.

The products I sale are not the best but i gets paid lots of monies and drive a new car. I am happy but my manager...she kinda drives me crazy with her constant humming.

Addios muchacha y muchachos.

how are your company benefits; what kind of car do reps drive; no. of weeks of vacation, personal holidays, company holidays, etc. are there any openings for sales reps; where and how long is training; are products well accepted and who is the competition? any information would be helpful. thank you.

what's inappropriate? the information about the company benefits posted above? obviously, you must be stating that the above poster's information is false? So what is your answer to the question about benefits?

Top 10 List:

1. Friday 4pm Teleconferences
2. The day I drop my Manager off at the airport.
3. Typing up reports with information that can easily be seen in Salesforce.
4. Worrying about getting receipts to prove where I was for the day - this many times seems like the most important thing of the day - how ridiculous is that.
5. Working multiple conventions throughout the year, committing to supporting local chapter events and summer camps - all on weekend time.
6. Going to Regional/National meetings and having every moment of my 24 hours planned out - would be nice to develop some corporate comoraderie at these meetings (during our "free time") rather than having every second planned out.
7. 38% increase - I don't think I need to go further with this one.
8. The ability to submit ideas to marketing/corporate that are utilized - oh never mind that would never happen.
9. Having manager take credit for ideas.
10. This is my only serious comment - what I like about Grifols is the other members of my region - the support/friendship is very important to me.

All True But The Real #1 thing I Like About Working AT GriFOOLs......... They FIRE The Right People!

what I like most about Grifols is their Mexican heritage . Viva senor Grifols and his quatro de bano band of merry men, women, lab animals, and goofy sales and marketing staff!

Era una adivina tan buena, tan buena, que no sólo adivinaba el futuro, si no que también el condicional y el pretérito perfecto y pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo.

hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! do you get it?

Una mujer está leyendo un libro y le dice a su marido:
- ¡Qué descaro! ¡Qué descaro! ¿Te quieres creer, Manolo, que un tal Pablo Neruda ha publicado un libro copiando las poesías que me escribiste cuando éramos novios

and you thought Grifols peeple had no cents of humier !!! ondo le ondo le-eppa arriba arriba !

hmmm, I like the way we have an open door policy-oops! sorry, that's not it.
ahhhh, I like all of the new and exciting products we have coming--shucks, that's not it either
Let me get back to you!! I have to update my salesfarce information.