Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

good question

whats up there big Jimmy boy? Nowhere to go? Ah, too bad

do you know how bad you sucked at running a region?

i think Ross's Dress for Less has a spot open for an assistant manager working the night shift

JW, Whackyass, so fitting

Karma has returned to you now

how does it feel?

good question

whats up there big Jimmy boy? Nowhere to go? Ah, too bad

do you know how bad you sucked at running a region?

i think Ross's Dress for Less has a spot open for an assistant manager working the night shift

JW, Whackyass, so fitting

Karma has returned to you now

how does it feel?

He did not run the region silly minion, Hopkins ran the region. He is the award winner.tada

I guess it's that time where we ask you this question whacky-
Are you disengaged?

I just saw Whacky exit a gents club off the interstate. I would say he looked engaged. Bet the Whackster expensed his outing somehow, hi larious.

Be well and don't forget all those $1 bills.

*CP should give Whackster an official "Whacky CP" plaque for a record amount of reads. Nearing 60k, gotta be a traffic record.

And we've come full circle. I was in the room when whacky was going over the survey results years ago. Then he says " I don't believe thse numbers- we don't have these problems any more. The people that had these issues are gone"

And now so are you

You really thing it was wrong. Take a good look at this thread and tell yourself that.

Hey-you leave whackyass alone! He has a degree in journalism and will be able to land a job as an assistant editor at the now defunct oregon standard examiner.

Use that journalism degree Jimmy!


so great! Now you can put those CCS methods to work. With WA and OH gone we just eliminated a majority of the problems in this region. Now if Utah gets RW it would make it complete

I remember the movie deliverance. The famous act that everyone remembers is exactly what whackyass did to many of us individually and to the region for 4 years.

Karma has caught you this time. learn from it

I remember the movie deliverance. The famous act that everyone remembers is exactly what whackyass did to many of us individually and to the region for 4 years.

Karma has caught you this time. learn from it

Jokes on you, ole Whacky has amassed 1.8 million lump sum and OH 1.5, both with lifetime med. Both already have big $ offers with competitors. Won't be long before you see a brand new Whacky thread under a different board. The Whacks of the world are always two steps ahead. Maybe OH can use some of his $'s to get some work done at Bosley clinic for men. The Whack lives on!

I don't think so. I can't imagine anybody wanting to hire the whackster. Certainly, if anybody was good they would do some calling around. It's a small world out there and my guess is that the word is out

Jokes on you, ole Whacky has amassed 1.8 million lump sum and OH 1.5, both with lifetime med. Both already have big $ offers with competitors. Won't be long before you see a brand new Whacky thread under a different board. The Whacks of the world are always two steps ahead. Maybe OH can use some of his $'s to get some work done at Bosley clinic for men. The Whack lives on!

Don't know about OH but i know WA has some big time bills. That 1.5 mil wont go as far as you think

I'm going to make sure that karma follows WA. When we hear where he lands, I'll make sure there's a new thread on that company's board. That's IF he can make it back into the healthcare industry.

This guy ruined a lot of lives and careers. He's not going to leave that easy

Don't know about OH but i know WA has some big time bills. That 1.5 mil wont go as far as you think

RW,please go to bed. Not sure why you have such a hard on for reps. You're evil.

If they both got those amounts it would be a crime. You know they did not. Quit trying to be an asshole.
Yeah someone who make 200k times two weeks per year times 30 is not 1.5 mil. More like 400 k ish. They deserve it. Go crawl under a rock.

Yeah they get medical, they are old enough to properly retire.

What is wrong with you. Pot stirrer.

He does have the ability to apply for any posted jobs that may become available.

Lay off Jim (no pun intended). He's gone from the Region, so OP your life just got easier. Honestly, he's probably scrambling now for MGAM or CTL jobs, so cut him a break. The message was obviously received as he was let go as a DCO. Time to move on.