Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

Even worse in WA region for cuts for UTAH with IHC access and Reno loosing access to Renown early summer. Business is drying up all over the region. Cuts may be way worse than we think here.

This business is a has been career. I am sending out resumes as we speak. Any references out there for me/us? I heard smaller companies are hiring?

Good leads?

God help us.

I hear there's an opening for an assistant managers job working night shift at Arby's ya prick

Wow! I'm saddened for my old collegues with all the drama/changes that are going on. As stated before, I'm not a WA fan and don't post frequently, but I do despise the shit face for what he's done to the lives of others.

Just know there's definitely life after Merck. And a pretty good one at that.

Good luck to all my old friends


Wow! I'm saddened for my old collegues with all the drama/changes that are going on. As stated before, I'm not a WA fan and don't post frequently, but I do despise the shit face for what he's done to the lives of others.

Just know there's definitely life after Merck. And a pretty good one at that.

Good luck to all my old friends



I hear there's an opening for an assistant managers job working night shift at Arby's ya prick

I LOVE a good BBQ Arby's sandwich! YUMMY! I bet I could make more there then you will as a contract rep for merck. Maybe you can cater from Arby's as a contract rep in the future with your very small frm budget:)

I'd rather not...

17 days and counting!!!!!!!!

Managers and wa- tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

I have NEVER worked in a region when there have been such terrorizing management condonded and encouraged by a poor excuse for a DCO.

Here is the short list, and if I go down too in layoffs so be it. Amen.

RW- terrorizer ( "most of you will fail your dulera certification while he went out partying(I mean REALLY partying the night before"...) Good for us reps because he was REALLY hung over for his attempt at terrorizing at certification)

OH- the BIGGEST terrorizer ( and that is just the beginning, not enough text space, I could write a book on that egomaniac).

MB- good guy but influenced by the terrorizers to look the other way and behave differently then he normally would.

NH- how is this man/boy still employed??.. Flip flops at meetings and backpacks? Bed head? Flying under the radar better then anyone I know! An Oscar is awarded to you my friend. And the award goes to......... NH

TH and GA- what can I say.....you guys are out of your league. There is some comfort in that because you aren't capable of terrorizing us because you just think managed care sells. I would like to quiz you both on the package insert. Enough said.

The girls- don't know enough about them. Only post on what I know.

Boom. Let this drama/terrorizing/ego centric/Group find their inner peace so we can find ours. GO AWAY!!!!!!

17 days and counting! Tick tock, tick tock.

Then we have those that don't bring much to the table and we have to fake that they are right and should do the used car salesmen tactics to get more scripts.

Couldn't agree with you more. The problem is that there will be some residue left over to still terrorize after several CTL's are gone. OH is a huge problem. TH is a clueless bastard, and JOS is just a.....you can fill in the blank. I'm sure it will fit. MW is a good one. And NH needs to retire or be thrown off the cliff. Talk about a nothing.

The hardest part has been losing great reps in the past several years. Not all were differentiated correctly. It came down to influence. And OH had it. Shit-what do you expect-he's running the region. You have RW acting like an immature baby during leadership council t/c's. MB is probably a lot better now than he was as a CTL. I think he understands what we're up against. GA? Seems like a nice enough guy. I hope he makes the cut.

Best case? Both Utah CTL's are gone. Lets start over. But now with RW. Please. This region has been so poorly managed that I'm not sure anything will ever be right. And now we have Bob prickass Murphy. Nothing will get done and nothing will change. All of these talk out of both sides of their mouth and I think we all see right through them.

hey WA-enough of the t'c's from you and the executive team. and include your LER team in that as well. they all suck ass. nobody is working so don't waste any more time

any idea where you will end up? Selling cars? Dishwashers? Magic Bullet manager?

you'll suck there as bad as you do here

what do you think of them apples?

We seem to get more information from others about our region from those outside of our region. This is why we suck ass. Welsh, you need to go. And you need to stick your head in the toilet. After all, isn't that where all the S#it belongs?

Are we engaged enough for you?

How's the sales performance looking?

Looks like you won't be getting a bonus based on what we're seeing

What a bunch of losers

The "exec team" will be gone!

I hear OH remains and RW, TH, and JOS are gone! That right anybody?

Now remember what you were told. 50% manager cut. That does not necessarily mean 50% of the mtn west. We are folding and separating into many different regions. They may keep the best of the best nationally or "new" regionally.

So don't think 6 mtn west managers, three stay. Think 40 managers and 20 stay? Who cares where you live. Your region won't be a region anymore.

Same for newly realigned territories. Four may become two? Three up for reps? Maybe, but territories may be combined?

Who knows. Next week should tell more.

Best of luck me peeps!

Well whacky, what's the latest? Why do we hear what's going on from reps in the region instead of hearing znything from you? Tell us something. Stop wasting time on bullshit MVX's about things that we don't care about. Oh yeah. I forgot-we get nothing from you because you are a nothing. o

Mountain West will be split up and incorporated into other Regions. Jim will pick up the Pacific Coast Region and outlying areas (MK raised her hand). DCOs find out on Thursday. Arizona DCO to pick up Northern CA and Northwest. Former Northern California DCO to pick up MAE group.

If you don't think Merck HR monitors this.... we do.

Mountain West will be split up and incorporated into other Regions. Jim will pick up the Pacific Coast Region and outlying areas (MK raised her hand). DCOs find out on Thursday. Arizona DCO to pick up Northern CA and Northwest. Former Northern California DCO to pick up MAE group.

If you don't think Merck HR monitors this.... we do.

Then why is he still here if you are HR???? Maybe we need layoffs in HR for poor judgement?

this thread is 3 years old, has 57,000 view, and almost 400 posts. Wow!

Still thinking there's no problems jimbo?

hmmm....maybe it's just me then

This post begs the question of ; Is Whackyass aware of this thread? I mean, it's been around for so long somebody somewhere must have made him aware of it. I doubt he reads it though. It wouldn't make an ounce of difference if he did.