Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

RF here-so much drama now! Feel bad for my ex counterparts but know there is life outside of Merck. Sounds like things have gotten worse instead of better. So glad to be done with it! Whackyass does suck but it's layered through the whole company. He's just one guy. Love the flobey!

Hey Welshass-is this what you took us out of the field for? This sucks ass! Training should be handled by the training department not some company shill who only talks the company line. You are an empty suit if I ever saw one.

Realize that JW is just trying to save his job and do something seen as relevant. "hey I know-if I hold a training TC maybe that will show I bring value!"

It means nothing. He's gone. G-O-N-E!

The best part is there are no questions. Is he serious? Does he think anybody actually listening?

He's always been aloof and non-responsive to what really needs to happen, and this teleconference is just more of the same from old JW.

Be Well JW. Hope the resume is good to go

Realize that JW is just trying to save his job and do something seen as relevant. "hey I know-if I hold a training TC maybe that will show I bring value!"

It means nothing. He's gone. G-O-N-E!

The best part is there are no questions. Is he serious? Does he think anybody actually listening?

He's always been aloof and non-responsive to what really needs to happen, and this teleconference is just more of the same from old JW.

Be Well JW. Hope the resume is good to go

J W is still here? Years and years ago he got sick at a meeting. The hotel conference breakout room was far from the bathrooms. He took a dump in a box, no joke!

I was wondering why he smells so had.

Can't wait unil 6-23. I also how whacky is gone

He's created the most hostile and toxic work environment I've ever seen

I will be having a celebratory lunch on this fateful day to celebrate the exit of any of the CTL or exec team. See you later Odonell smith. You too Hopkins. You too Hoskins. You too Webster.
And best of all you too whackyass!

All paid for by Merck of course

Anybody want to join us?

RSVP to: 1-800-URGONE

I was wondering why he smells so had.

Can't wait unil 6-23. I also how whacky is gone

He's created the most hostile and toxic work environment I've ever seen

I will be having a celebratory lunch on this fateful day to celebrate the exit of any of the CTL or exec team. See you later Odonell smith. You too Hopkins. You too Hoskins. You too Webster.
And best of all you too whackyass!

All paid for by Merck of course

Anybody want to join us?

RSVP to: 1-800-URGONE

Askins needs to go before Michelle. Period! NO VALUE. DUMB OLD WANNA BE JOCK STRAP

I was wondering why he smells so had.

Can't wait unil 6-23. I also how whacky is gone

He's created the most hostile and toxic work environment I've ever seen

I will be having a celebratory lunch on this fateful day to celebrate the exit of any of the CTL or exec team. See you later Odonell smith. You too Hopkins. You too Hoskins. You too Webster.
And best of all you too whackyass!

All paid for by Merck of course

Anybody want to join us?

RSVP to: 1-800-URGONE
Great idea! I phoned the rsvp number but the operator said the event was already overbooked. Is there a stadium we can rent? Ha ha ha.

Thank you and let us know. We've got a huge party planned for the Western Region with all the layoffs coming to those CTL's and Whacky who deserve everything they get.

Are we allowed to bring a guest or spouse? Do we have to abide by the AMA guidelines?