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Was there a positive spin on Metabolic?

Yeah your financial results over the last several years speak for themselves. Trend=Sucks
If a company could run on ass kissing ability, blind faith, and sliminess you guys could be run as a successful top fortune 500 company. Based on results? Bankruptcy.

Somehow the Metabolic team is not held to this basic business principle.
How the hell can one area be singled out for a free pass while everyone
else in Sales is getting slammed? Total bullshit management team
to allow this to go on. Results matter or do they?

I think that upper management is so distracted by the HepC disaster that they are not even concerning themselves with the bloated Met sales force. To say that this group of people is the best is too far fetched to even touch upon reality. The sad truth is that the HepC group probably has some of the best people who unfortunately, were really dealt a bad hand. I doubt that many Metabolic reps will actually make it in a true business model

What a bunch of bull shit, you crying baby's are always the best and better then us, wake us losers, metabolic is the number one sales team in this company, wake up and deflate your egos.

What a bunch of bull shit, you crying baby's are always the best and better then us, wake us losers, metabolic is the number one sales team in this company, wake up and deflate your egos.

What the hell is Metabolic selling? Your big negative trends on Androgel are pathetic.
You must be referring to Synthroid. That's called a sample drop, not sales. Many docs are taking the online sample ordering route and don't even want to look at you.
Making that the only way for them to get samps would easily eliminate the need for any of you. Why do they keep you around?
No business rationale at all. Purely politics.

Let me clue you in based on what I have heard from many teammates in Humira:
Get it? Your area has continued to underperform for a long time but there never seems to be any consequences. Humira reps are constantly under sales pressure and many have been let go for not making numbers.
Metabolics has been known as a lame pony for a very long time with ever increasing bad results with nothing but darker skies on the horizon.
For a while there was talk of a contractual agreement with Solvay that was saving you but it has gone on far too long.
Enough is enough. I got to believe they have plans to deal with your bloated area soon. If not the blowback from other areas under sales pressure will only increase until it is dealt with.
Any questions?

generic in 2016. I will bet Humira gets dick slapped before Metabolic. You see your tiny little mind doesn't understand TRT. We had 300 reps when total sales were 300 million, it's detail sensitive. Synthroid is %90 profit and we barely sample it so we will be just fine and thank you for pulling all the weight. Enjoy your 2016!
BTW all of us Solvay losers will be just fine, we're all millionaires while you have to get down on your knees to keep your pension, my Solvay stock looked really good at 78 A SHARE!

Let's all bow down to the great Humira reps. You are Almighty sales beasts, who begged me to recruit for their programs because sniffle sniffle we have to do 1 per week. Wah! YOU CAN THANK KNOLL FOR THAT ONE.
What has Abbott given us. Tricor 200, no Tricor 160, no Tricor 145. It was the blockbuster called Trilipix, no it was Simcor. Let's just relax and understand that as sales people we are disposable. We can't blow 5.5 billion dollars on a banged up acquisition or lie about having a PhD or any degree and not be held accountable. We're all insignificant and if your around long enough you will understand that YOU are not very special either. Your skills, useless. That MBA, big deal.

Let me clue you in based on what I have heard from many teammates in Humira:
Get it? Your area has continued to underperform for a long time but there never seems to be any consequences. Humira reps are constantly under sales pressure and many have been let go for not making numbers.
Metabolics has been known as a lame pony for a very long time with ever increasing bad results with nothing but darker skies on the horizon.
For a while there was talk of a contractual agreement with Solvay that was saving you but it has gone on far too long.
Enough is enough. I got to believe they have plans to deal with your bloated area soon. If not the blowback from other areas under sales pressure will only increase until it is dealt with.
Any questions?

I have this post laminated. Whenever my DM starts to give me pressure on my sales numbers I plan to pull this out and ask for an explanation.

Convinced you are superior based on what? You guys really need to go. Your continued lack of accountability is a big negative on the morale of the other reps like myself who are busting our ass on a daily basis because we know the consequences of not adequately producing. You never had to face any consequences.

Having an arrogant Solvay/Metabolic team is completely understandable.
No consistent expectation requirements for years while everyone else has either been downsized completely or selectively pressured out for falling short of revenue goals.
Not them. Everything stays status quo as their Jonestown attitude prevails.
Thus has got to be addressed. It is far too blatant to be swept under the carpet any more.
Stockholders will start wondering as reported Agel revenue continues to crater after it was touted as the #2 revenue gainer just after Humira. Other sales organizations are not happy nor fooled by this obvious politically motivated pandering.
This will get leaked externally to analysts. Afterall we are talking hundreds and hundreds of reps stumbling around with no business return.

Having an arrogant Solvay/Metabolic team is completely understandable.
No consistent expectation requirements for years while everyone else has either been downsized completely or selectively pressured out for falling short of revenue goals.
Not them. Everything stays status quo as their Jonestown attitude prevails.
Thus has got to be addressed. It is far too blatant to be swept under the carpet any more.
Stockholders will start wondering as reported Agel revenue continues to crater after it was touted as the #2 revenue gainer just after Humira. Other sales organizations are not happy nor fooled by this obvious politically motivated pandering.
This will get leaked externally to analysts. Afterall we are talking hundreds and hundreds of reps stumbling around with no business return.

We ❤️ your obsession with us!

Having an arrogant Solvay/Metabolic team is completely understandable.
No consistent expectation requirements for years while everyone else has either been downsized completely or selectively pressured out for falling short of revenue goals.
Not them. Everything stays status quo as their Jonestown attitude prevails.
Thus has got to be addressed. It is far too blatant to be swept under the carpet any more.
Stockholders will start wondering as reported Agel revenue continues to crater after it was touted as the #2 revenue gainer just after Humira. Other sales organizations are not happy nor fooled by this obvious politically motivated pandering.
This will get leaked externally to analysts. Afterall we are talking hundreds and hundreds of reps stumbling around with no business return.

This will require a co.sale to reverse this kind of business atrocity. Someone outside Abbvie needs to put an untainted eye on this absurd business environment and really clean house. The fossils in charge now are not going to make any constructive changes.

Let me clue you in based on what I have heard from many teammates in Humira:
Get it? Your area has continued to underperform for a long time but there never seems to be any consequences. Humira reps are constantly under sales pressure and many have been let go for not making numbers.
Metabolics has been known as a lame pony for a very long time with ever increasing bad results with nothing but darker skies on the horizon.
For a while there was talk of a contractual agreement with Solvay that was saving you but it has gone on far too long.
Enough is enough. I got to believe they have plans to deal with your bloated area soon. If not the blowback from other areas under sales pressure will only increase until it is dealt with.
Any questions?

I believe the dividend increase includes making some serious expense cuts in the relative near term.. It certainly is not based on much revenue increase with latest HCV outlook or crashing Androgel revenue.
There is a good possibility this Met area will be part of these expense cuts to add more profit to the bottom line and help support the dividend.

I believe the dividend increase includes making some serious expense cuts in the relative near term.. It certainly is not based on much revenue increase with latest HCV outlook or crashing Androgel revenue.
There is a good possibility this Met area will be part of these expense cuts to add more profit to the bottom line and help support the dividend.

The company definitely needs to start looking inward at their own sales inefficiencies and rep overlap.
Metabolic would be the poster child for the start of this crusade.

The company definitely needs to start looking inward at their own sales inefficiencies and rep overlap.
Metabolic would be the poster child for the start of this crusade.

HQ insider here:

It is being handled. Much kicking and screaming over the proposed cuts but they will be vast, sweeping and deep.