To get rolled over you must believe in the numbers they give you. It's made up. If you have the chance sit with your direct counterpart and look at the same doc with the same time, Nrx, Trx whatever and guess what. It doesn't match. I found this out and asked my manager why is this different? This put me on the radar screen and before I knew it, I was looked at as having a bad attitude. The above poster is right. If you have a problem or a question, do not go to your manager. This will only cause them to have to think of an excuse and the last thing they want to do is think. They want enthustic, robotic, box checkers that think this is the greatest job ever and believe them when they speak of roll over or contract extention. If you want a job that goes from year to year with only hope of getting signed onto a new contract. That is to say they have one avaiable. If you fit the above criteria they Pharma Contract sales is right for you. If you are a free thinker with good ideas and think that working hard and most importantly producing results will get you ahead your only half right. Remember the results (made up) and the working hard stuff. Well unlike most jobs where it will make you stand out, you might get an atta boy for having a high call average and not get put on the list that says you only make 3 calls a day. Quick fix there by using the detail no sample box. FYI Black Box warning here is that if you want a job that gains you little and are willing to start over year after year then this might be for you. For me, I got off this merry go around and at first I missed the pay check and the interactions with my doctor friends. Then, I got a job that rewarded me for my efforts and gave me hope for a better future. I need to produce results and continue to work hard. Bu there is no looking down on me from others and I know where I stand at the end of the day or year. I wonder now why I ever got started in contract. I think like most I was let go from direct ect employment in pharma because of downsizing and this will continue. But contract was there and I go some money in their salary but bought into their pipe dream of bonus and roll over. Neither of them happened and before I knew it it was time for the phone call of stay at home today and we will call you to let you know if you have a job tomorrow. My suggestion and it is just that. Take your self esteem and your belief in hard work pays off and get out of not just pharma but for sure contract pharma it's a dead end.
Many times they adjust the numbers to promote certain individuals. They screwed over a friend of mine and were adjusting their numbers so that they would not be promoted. A manager of mine admitted that they thought that was going on as they decided to leave the company for a direct position. Your true attitude has nothing to do with it. You can be a total asshole. If the client likes you, you're good. You can have a great attitude and they'll make you look evil to justify not rolling you over. Some of it has to do with a client being threatened by an individual's past experience. I watched this dude get buried because I truly believe they were afraid that he had too much management potential and he made people nervous.