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Wall Street Protests

It's easy to be so flip when you are spared the the hard times. There are a lot of people hurting now, and be glad it isn't you who poke fun.

You just might get yours. It's not a good time for a lot of Americans.

The Wall Street greedy bastards who are sucking up the wealth and hoarding it will be the downfall of this nation. Isn't it sad that the greed-mongers who twisted rules, bought politicians, generated wars, and bent the system in the name of democracy will be the SAME force that destroys democracy? Oh I know, I should be a good little boy and allow them to keep raping America right?

The truly rich in this country have forgotten that you have to GIVE to GET. They got TOO greedy and caused the WORLD to spin out of control. This is not going to just go away. Some of the same greedy bastards are the ones who have RUINED our company.

The last post is the most intelligent one I have ever read.
It's not that the failing middle class should resent the rich, just the sheer greed of some of the so called 1%.

useful idiots for the unions! What a bunch of fools!

Did you say this about the Tea Party protesters as well? What is the difference? If someone doesn't start pointing out the mismanagement and greed that is at the heart of this financial mess who will. Do you really care whether they are dressed up as patriots in ridiculous hats and dresses or dressed down like "hippies". At least someone is taking the time to bring attention to the frustration we all feel.

Corruption only exists if the government allows it. The government has 2 purposes ONLY.

1. Referee commerce

2. Defend citizens from violent citizens, and invaders.

That's it, nothing else. Instead the people bitch and moan and bicker about everything else instead of tarring and feathering and excommunicating our inept and corrupt politicians and government workers.

Enjoy your misplaced hate. Keep rooting for your political parties and dear leaders.

Did you say this about the Tea Party protesters as well? What is the difference? If someone doesn't start pointing out the mismanagement and greed that is at the heart of this financial mess who will. Do you really care whether they are dressed up as patriots in ridiculous hats and dresses or dressed down like "hippies". At least someone is taking the time to bring attention to the frustration we all feel.

The difference?? How about that the Tea Party was protesting against MORE debt, runaway spending a growing government that is completely ineffective. These idiots protesting on Wall Street don't even know what they are FOR when asked by news crews. They are deadbeets, afraid their handouts are going to be cut. The Tea Party wants people to be able to help themselves, the Wall Street protestors want the gov't to take care of them at the expense of those of us who actually do pay taxes.

Pfizer is criminal. It broke federal laws promoting off-label and used taxpayer TARP money to layoff 55,000 employees in the Wyeth takeover. Wall Street is not the only greedy, corrupt institution.

And this post has what to do with Pfizer? Couldn't you post this arguement under a thread labeled "I don't know what I'm talking about"? Do you posters even try to understand what the other is saying or do you just keep your ignorance?

Just like that douche bag pastor who ripped Mormonism. What an idiot. I expect to see him on tv asking old people to clean out their savings account any day now.

The protests are relevant to pharma because of all their filth, defecating in public, urine smelling, rat and roach infested, venereal disease spreading living conditions will be a boom for pharma.

Truth be told - the idiots and low lifes and miseducated youth are showing us what little value our tax dollars return to the hard working, patriotic and law abiding citizens.

The protests are relevant to pharma because of all their filth, defecating in public, urine smelling, rat and roach infested, venereal disease spreading living conditions will be a boom for pharma.

Truth be told - the idiots and low lifes and miseducated youth are showing us what little value our tax dollars return to the hard working, patriotic and law abiding citizens.

I'm proud to be a tea party member. Why do you have to hate on us with this bs post?

You're right, protests are wrong, we shouldn't do it. Why should anyone voice their opinion? In fact this site should be taken down, it's full of :idiots and low lifes and miseducated youth showing us what little value our pfizer dollars return to the hard working, patriotic and law abiding Reps out there everyday doing an ethical job.

Spot on grandpa