Very dumb recruiters

Had one of these nitwits leave me two separate voice mail messages within 10 minutes. She was slurring her words and stuttering so badly I actually could not truly tell what she was trying to say. I had just accepted a good job much better than anything like a CSO shit job so I never called the stuttering bimbo back but I did find it hilarious. Where does publicis hire these imbeciles from?

And your wonderful non-CSO job?

You prob. make 20k more, at best...and 40k more headaches. Its stinks all around, doesn't it? This game we have to play to pay the bills.

My advice? Downsize it all. Sell the house. Pay all debt. Rent. Start a business. Quit PSS. and be happy making a little less, with more peace of mind.

God speed to all believers!

The rest of you, YUCK. Bad way to live. Grow up.

Had one of these nitwits leave me two separate voice mail messages within 10 minutes. She was slurring her words and stuttering so badly I actually could not truly tell what she was trying to say. I had just accepted a good job much better than anything like a CSO shit job so I never called the stuttering bimbo back but I did find it hilarious. Where does publicis hire these imbeciles from?

It was our good fortune that you were never hired

Thank you. I love my fans! I know you CSO hacks don't make much money or have any real skills so maybe you can come over and clean out my garage for $5? I know you part time fatty Mommy recruiters are always looking for a few dollars.

Wow! So impressed! I envy you. Wish I could be just like you. You're the man!

Tell us something we don't know. Do you think we would be working at a 4th rate CSO if we could do better for ourselves?
There is this Glaxo guy I work with , lets just say his mouthwash ain't cutting it..his breath is a mixture of Listerine and Starbucks Breakfast blend, and the guy stands really close to you and is way to "friendly" beginning to wonder about his sanity
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This would be a great place to out the recruiter that posts on here all the time as "Your PSS recruiter". Let the nominations begin!

Yes, I love this idea. It is completely predictable who this person is every time even if they don't sign off as the PSS recruiter. Poor grammar and spelling and toilet's hilarious. Not to mention anger issues and napoleon syndrome that shines through on every post.

Go ahead troll----chime in any time now....

wait for it....

I would put Steve Pino at the top of the dumb recruiter list. He is driven more by commissions than finding the best candidate. He reminds me of a bad real estate agent who will black ball your house if he has to share commission with anyone else. If Publicis knew how these guys operated and how they treated experienced candidates they would do......oh well probably nothing since cheap is better than good these days.

I would put Steve Pino at the top of the dumb recruiter list. He is driven more by commissions than finding the best candidate. He reminds me of a bad real estate agent who will black ball your house if he has to share commission with anyone else. If Publicis knew how these guys operated and how they treated experienced candidates they would do......oh well probably nothing since cheap is better than good these days.

Hey Dumbo, PSS does not pay recruiter commissions. They are 1099 independent contractors paid by the hour on an as needed basis, However, don't let facts get in the way of your uniformed rant. PSS knows how they operate and they don't care. This is a CSO. Everything here is done on the cheap, period.

Steve, chill out and learn to laugh at yourself and join the rest of us. You put the jack in jackass.

And you put the "un" in unemployed. Ignorant and jobless is a sad way to struggle through life stinky. Really sad that you can't even get a job at a last stop dump like PSS isn't it? Sucks to be you. LOL
