Veklury Insitutional Sales Specialist

LMAO K has been doing this as an RD for yrs, even back when he was with us.
Also manipulating data to cheat & game the system in order make team look better than they are. (Tells us to remove docs not writing then adds back if they start writing. Most people call it manipulation and cheating. He calls it "working smart not hard" LOL)
The KING of fluff talk with repeat spin factory verbiage while trying to sound & look the part all while not working. Acting the part is not being the part K.
I m sure his ED will figure him out, if not then he is clueless or BFFs in with him. You can only have a mirage by talking the talk before character and integrity start to show. Maybe a Reason he has bounced around

You are correct, all the posts about K have been removed??????????

He is best buds w ED and has followed him around. Both are very primary care type leaders only focusing on call activity and canned call presentation. They Been like that their entire careers.
Think the division struggles w a VP who has never been in sales and designing the worse bonus plan in Gilead history. I heard last 2 Quarters Remdesivir made $3 Billion yet only 6 reps & 1 RD made target payout with most only getting 60-70%.
Then the VP did not make it right for a horrendous bonus plan. Very poorly designed bonus plan the VP, ED and NE RD designed from what I am hearing.
So lack of specialty experience along with sales leadership is making it challenging.
Remdesivir is paying a lot of peoples salary so I hope they figure it out over there before its too late as we need the revenue for our RSUs.

He is best buds w ED and has followed him around. Both are very primary care type leaders only focusing on call activity and canned call presentation. They Been like that their entire careers.
Think the division struggles w a VP who has never been in sales and designing the worse bonus plan in Gilead history. I heard last 2 Quarters Remdesivir made $3 Billion yet only 6 reps & 1 RD made target payout with most only getting 60-70%.
Then the VP did not make it right for a horrendous bonus plan. Very poorly designed bonus plan the VP, ED and NE RD designed from what I am hearing.
So lack of specialty experience along with sales leadership is making it challenging.
Remdesivir is paying a lot of peoples salary so I hope they figure it out over there before its too late as we need the revenue for our RSUs.
My bet is they're going to hand the entire business over to the virtual team (who we have no idea WTF they're truly doing) at the end of the year. No leadership... just micro-managing and almost no bonus for the entire team minus those that have a COVID surge in their area. They don't seem to care. I just hope the job market opens year end and 1st qtr 2022. This is coming to an end way faster than any of us could've guessed. Out-patient dosing?? Nope. Pill? Nope. Fibrosis drug? Nope. I doubt seriously FDA will approve the inhaled version of a mediocre drug at best. So that'll prob be a big NOPE.

All I know is the ED & VP totally screwed up the IC plan! Heard NE RD was involved also.
In 2 Quarters we made $3 Billion but they only paid 6 reps target bonus!
Only reason it wasnt changed after Q1 complaining is the NE RD & most reps were #1 making all the bonus & contest money, thus I believe above post about BFF......

No leadership in their right might would keep such a horrible demotivating IC plan that is based off of forecasts & government website for treatment rates!!!!! You can not believe Gov data on anything!
Poor Poor decision to have this kind of inaccurate treatment rate part of Bonus but to keep after Q1 is just horrendous....
We made the company $3 billion in 6 months, at least pay at target.

Our Division lacks leadership and if an RD just preaches a canned call flow, protocol, call activity then that is NOT leadership. Its being a manager and puppet for upper management.
There are only 50 of us so we all talk and know.
(If my RD talks to me about another canned cheezy opener & close, or another conference call on how to manipulate administratively to make my metrics look good , I am going to smash my ipad over his head.)

All I know is the ED & VP totally screwed up the IC plan! Heard NE RD was involved also.
In 2 Quarters we made $3 Billion but they only paid 6 reps target bonus!
Only reason it wasnt changed after Q1 complaining is the NE RD & most reps were #1 making all the bonus & contest money, thus I believe above post about BFF......

No leadership in their right might would keep such a horrible demotivating IC plan that is based off of forecasts & government website for treatment rates!!!!! You can not believe Gov data on anything!
Poor Poor decision to have this kind of inaccurate treatment rate part of Bonus but to keep after Q1 is just horrendous....
We made the company $3 billion in 6 months, at least pay at target.
No you didn’t. Even my low IQ next door neighbor has heard of this drug. It was the only approved med for a while. Don’t flatter yourself. You likely moved some but a smaller percentage than you imagine. Entitled much ?

No you didn’t. Even my low IQ next door neighbor has heard of this drug. It was the only approved med for a while. Don’t flatter yourself. You likely moved some but a smaller percentage than you imagine. Entitled much ?
It’s time to eliminate this division and PrEP - both worthless, pay the rest of us more

I will tell you regardless of sales generated, the talent on VKY blows HIV HEP away! Not even close... the Account Management experience, RD exp, and even a few MS's in the past. They are just so financial and clinical with knowledge that Gilead has never had in the other divisions Primary Care skills. I been with both and talent is much higher. Avg rep has 3 P Club wins and several have over 6... also many companies P Club was Top 5%...
So even if you think the drug sells itself, the talent & capabilities & experiences are much greater than the other Gilead divisions.

Given if VKY reps need to be removed, they need to replace the primary care call flow reps in other divisions.
(This is very reflected in the ED & RDs who came over internally that are just primary care skills--- a direct reflection actually)

Just remove non using accounts or those with low volume each quarter like my RD who comes from HIV tells us. Then you will make a lot of bonus and good rankings manipulating the IC sales data.
They cant fire us because my RD & ED tells our region to do this each quarter.
Easy sailing with very little if any work effort.

I will tell you regardless of sales generated, the talent on VKY blows HIV HEP away! Not even close... the Account Management experience, RD exp, and even a few MS's in the past. They are just so financial and clinical with knowledge that Gilead has never had in the other divisions Primary Care skills. I been with both and talent is much higher. Avg rep has 3 P Club wins and several have over 6... also many companies P Club was Top 5%...
So even if you think the drug sells itself, the talent & capabilities & experiences are much greater than the other Gilead divisions.

Given if VKY reps need to be removed, they need to replace the primary care call flow reps in other divisions.
(This is very reflected in the ED & RDs who came over internally that are just primary care skills--- a direct reflection actually)
Laughable dumbass

I will tell you regardless of sales generated, the talent on VKY blows HIV HEP away! Not even close... the Account Management experience, RD exp, and even a few MS's in the past. They are just so financial and clinical with knowledge that Gilead has never had in the other divisions Primary Care skills. I been with both and talent is much higher. Avg rep has 3 P Club wins and several have over 6... also many companies P Club was Top 5%...
So even if you think the drug sells itself, the talent & capabilities & experiences are much greater than the other Gilead divisions.

Given if VKY reps need to be removed, they need to replace the primary care call flow reps in other divisions.
(This is very reflected in the ED & RDs who came over internally that are just primary care skills--- a direct reflection actually)
Keep that line for your next interview’s, that will be very soon. Us “inferior” divisions will still be here so stop by and say hi.

Summarize our division
- Extremely clinical talented reps who are multi Pres Club winners with half having RD, NAM, RAM, GAM & HQ experience

- ED & half RDs are primary care activity base managers for new hire 101 reps , not for specialty 20yr strategic reps.

-VP nice but out of position

-VP screwed up IC plan with only 4 reps at target bonus through 2 Quarters. They should never ever tie government data treatment rate to IC.... its a comical joke.

- if they dont compensate us accurately then 50% of reps will leave & not even finish 1yr.

-hospital is here to stay with 2 not 1 oral antiviral in Jan, racing Pfizer to launch

targets people ? how?
Lord forbid if reps in our region actually are more strategic with depth than memorizing a dam cheezy presentation... it is like he wants robots and talking 60sec billboards..... absolutely zero foresight strategic ability. It's all about making it look like we are working when actually not...just manipulation....
You wonder why half our team has left in the first 6 months and the other half is actively interviewing?????? (And we made all the bonus and won the contests so its not financial)

Should be in an office cubical, not leading people, but has long history w ED so all of us will leave before him.
Another post mentioned primary care mindset... that is extremely accurate with our region.

Summarize our division
- Extremely clinical talented reps who are multi Pres Club winners with half having RD, NAM, RAM, GAM & HQ experience

- ED & half RDs are primary care activity base managers for new hire 101 reps , not for specialty 20yr strategic reps.

-VP nice but out of position

-VP screwed up IC plan with only 4 reps at target bonus through 2 Quarters. They should never ever tie government data treatment rate to IC.... its a comical joke.

- if they dont compensate us accurately then 50% of reps will leave & not even finish 1yr.

-hospital is here to stay with 2 not 1 oral antiviral in Jan, racing Pfizer to launch
Here is the complete list of people who give two shits about any of you leaving -

Worse IC plan and Worse Bonus pay out in my 25 yr career---

As I told my RD in Jan, I knew at our NSM when they rolled it out that it was bad adding a government data collection to the formula.
Whatever RDs that came up with having treatment rate as part of the IC bonus should never ever be involved in IC planning again!
At first sight in Jan all the reps knew it was bad & now after 2 quarters it has been validated.
Half the reps will not stay a full year due to this historic colossal poor decision!
Only 8% making target is down right insulting .
(Also it's a borderline HR issue with what NE Region was allowed by ED to get away with.)

Sad thing is this division has more experience, awards & promotable positions achieved as much as any Gilead division, but the HQ Leadership doesnt seem to know what they are doing. It is obvious they never launched a division before.
Overall the reps are good and with the exception of a couple Primary Care activity base RDs, they are good.
It is the Sr Leadership that doesnt have a clue of what they are doing.
Hopefully they can get their act together soon as we did not leave highly successful award winning jobs to come to what this division has become.
This is not what we signed up for. We could have stepped down to primary care family practice reps if we wanted this culture & model.
(Still holding out hope, as the next 6 months will determine if they can change for the better)

Sad thing is this division has more experience, awards & promotable positions achieved as much as any Gilead division, but the HQ Leadership doesnt seem to know what they are doing. It is obvious they never launched a division before.
Overall the reps are good and with the exception of a couple Primary Care activity base RDs, they are good.
It is the Sr Leadership that doesnt have a clue of what they are doing.
Hopefully they can get their act together soon as we did not leave highly successful award winning jobs to come to what this division has become.
This is not what we signed up for. We could have stepped down to primary care family practice reps if we wanted this culture & model.
(Still holding out hope, as the next 6 months will determine if they can change for the better)

a little full of yourself? The fact that you didn’t see this coming speaks volumes about your intelligence.

a little full of yourself? The fact that you didn’t see this coming speaks volumes about your intelligence.
I'm in no way taking up for the original post in which you're responding however this BU was in line to get the pulm fibrosis product until after we found out it wasn't coming to market after all which was literally a month after training. The company was also working on an outpatient indication for VKY that never came to fruition. I think all of us can agree the pharma industry in general is just not the most stable place to be right now. Criticizing people for taking a chance on this drug and this company isn't warranted. It wasn't necessarily an unintelligent move albeit a wrong one. I for one left another more stable position and also turned down another offer to work here with high hopes there would be more opportunity than has presented itself. One day you may find yourself in a similar situation so don't throw stones.