Veklury Insitutional Sales Specialist

I dont know if 100% accurate but its pretty darn close.
The reps & RDs are pretty steller, it is the direction, decision making, and judgement of the VP/ED that have created the issues in the division. They are obviously out of position for building a new team from scratch. Our VP is very nice but that might get you a cup of coffee as she has never ever been in any sales position in her life let alone a complex hospital account selling.
My RD gets it and does a great job of keeping us focus as our own exclusive team trying to shield us from the ineptness of upper management.
The leadership at the top is the issue with the moral, motivation and engagement.
(Big hint to both--- this is not a cookie cutter primary care division with 25yr old new reps)
Yep-you keep saying this-great thing to put on your resume very,very soon

Ok so to summarize a 7 page thread:

There is no current pipeline.
IC is a nightmare.
Leadership is rudder less.
It IS in fact short term.

Basically if you weren’t already on board and somewhat stuck with your decision; don’t join now just to be looking for a new role in January 2022? That’s a shame bc Gilead is a good name in pharma, the drug and disease state are cutting edge and interesting.

Unfortunately covid is muting & adapting around vaccines and spreading faster with each mutation.
Good for the Covid business unit as it will be here for good , and likely to expand beyond 50 reps when the competition comes out in Q4 as well as our own Oral anti virals.
This unfortunately will be like Flu forever thanks to the mad scientists in China trying to control there aging population.

Funny how it's mostly R that refuse to get the vaccine or wear masks and are ending up in the hospital. That's who will be treated w VKY now.
Really? According to just released statistics by the CDC, blx are, by far, the least vaccinated group. In every election Blx vote over 90% D, and have been hit hardest by the pandemic. Care to try again genius?

Really? According to just released statistics by the CDC, blx are, by far, the least vaccinated group. In every election Blx vote over 90% D, and have been hit hardest by the pandemic. Care to try again genius?
59% of Democrats were white. See attached documentation if you'd like to fact check that.... however facts don't seem to matter to your party do they genius?? You make up "alternative facts" to fit your narrative.