Veklury Insitutional Sales Specialist

This salesforce dead end. We all knew this would be a <2 year gig. Oral products on horizon do not much need. RD say this coming and left and his peeps are all looking too. Oday is famous from Roche upsizing and downsizing. All RDs and upset and looking how to find a job. Mine is so ticked off.. this telling.
Why all the broken English?

VP is nice person but out of position as a Leader in Sales.
ED is a micro manager not Strategic Leader
Our RD in NE, well enough said.

Division needs to Specialty Strategic Leadership at the top, not a Task & Activity manager like retail Primary Care.
If my NE RD tells me one more time to read a can call flow or find accounts not using VKY so he can remove from IC to manipulate treatment rate , I m going to ask my old company for my job back and get my years of service reinstated like the SE RD and Head of Marketing just did!
Heard this about them back in HIV days.
Starts at top w VP though

Interesting a few of the posts on this thread have been deleted. There was a one about Kevin the hospital RD that was removed?? He sucks and has accounts taken out of his region's mix so they won't negatively impact IC. He also targets people. Just saying....

I am so excited I just received an offer to join the Veklury team!! The EVP is no longer with the company SB and there are lots of enhancements with the product which will extend the lifecycle. Its a great opportunity to grow my career. Excited!

I am so excited I just received an offer to join the Veklury team!! The EVP is no longer with the company SB and there are lots of enhancements with the product which will extend the lifecycle. Its a great opportunity to grow my career. Excited!
This gave me a good laugh. lol How the hell did any of us take this role? SMH

Why does this salesforce still exist? Seems to be filled with retreads and desperate dead-enders.
Not true in most cases. There are some really great reps on the Veklury team. Now management is a different story. They were all desperate for something since Filgotinib was denied and took what they could get. Otherwise, the Veklury team was supposed to get another hospital product that was also denied. Now I don't see this team lasting past year-end and it does it'll be virtually only. Nobody needs to hear about this product anymore. They've been using it since last May 2020. We have literally no new data to share. It's a joke. Making a statement like the one you made calling the team retreads and dead-enders is unfair and incorrect.

This team has challenges. No new products true. Not sure what kool aid you are drinking that you are excited to join. No new products all challenges with the pipeline. Prep competes against its own generic. Managers are all jockeying for next position.

This team has challenges. No new products true. Not sure what kool aid you are drinking that you are excited to join. No new products all challenges with the pipeline. Prep competes against its own generic. Managers are all jockeying for next position.
Excellent future and full pipelines for both of the aforementioned divisions!

Just remove non using accounts or those with low volume each quarter like my RD who comes from HIV tells us. Then you will make a lot of bonus and good rankings manipulating the IC sales data.
They cant fire us because my RD & ED tells our region to do this each quarter.
Easy sailing with very little if any work effort.

Interesting a few of the posts on this thread have been deleted. There was a one about Kevin the hospital RD that was removed?? He sucks and has accounts taken out of his region's mix so they won't negatively impact IC. He also targets people. Just saying....
Just memorize the dang call flow, and be a primary care level rep with canned presentations. Do not get into a conversational selling presentation because it does not follow script pre call plan. Just do whats on paper like PC 101 reps do and not use your skills.
Make the RD happy with simple canned call flow and you will not be targeted.

Just memorize the dang call flow, and be a primary care level rep with canned presentations. Do not get into a conversational selling presentation because it does not follow script pre call plan. Just do whats on paper like PC 101 reps do and not use your skills.
Make the RD happy with simple canned call flow and you will not be targeted.

Wow. That takes real talent. Why would anybody with an oz. of self-respect put up with such horse shit? You do realize that the HCPs think it’s pathetic, don’t you?

Wow. That takes real talent. Why would anybody with an oz. of self-respect put up with such horse shit? You do realize that the HCPs think it’s pathetic, don’t you?
Look... no one wanted or expected this. It sucks but people need jobs. It is what it is. Yes... docs can see right through it. Many can't make a change now. We need to wait it out for at least until year end. Others that have been here for a while should seriously start looking. The less they care about the sales force the less committed the sales force is to them.

Just memorize the dang call flow, and be a primary care level rep with canned presentations. Do not get into a conversational selling presentation because it does not follow script pre call plan. Just do whats on paper like PC 101 reps do and not use your skills.
Make the RD happy with simple canned call flow and you will not be targeted.

LMAO K has been doing this as an RD for yrs, even back when he was with us.
Also manipulating data to cheat & game the system in order make team look better than they are. (Tells us to remove docs not writing then adds back if they start writing. Most people call it manipulation and cheating. He calls it "working smart not hard" LOL)
The KING of fluff talk with repeat spin factory verbiage while trying to sound & look the part all while not working. Acting the part is not being the part K.
I m sure his ED will figure him out, if not then he is clueless or BFFs in with him. You can only have a mirage by talking the talk before character and integrity start to show. Maybe a Reason he has bounced around

You are correct, all the posts about K have been removed??????????