Vectra 3d Selling on Internet

ok well I posted 2 tubes of Vectra 3d on ebay that I got from a dog I got form some people who couldnt care for her anymore....I listed in on the 19th and now today the 23rd I get this message....

I am Bogdan Enache and the purpose of this email is to inform you that you are illegally selling our products online.
This product is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is only allowed to be sold in the United States by authorized veterinarian practices.
By way of this email, you are under notice that selling Summit products outside of a licensed Veterinary practice will result in legally actionable claims against you, including but not limited to a claim of tortuous interference in a contractual relationship. In addition, we will pursue reimbursement for any other related costs associated with this investigation and actions required to close this case file.
You must remove this product listing from eBay ASAP and within 24 hours or we will notify eBay and the EPA that we will begin to take legal actions against you.
I hope you understand the seriousness of this sale and promptly attend to this situation.


Bogdan Enache

I also emailed another seller with Vectra listed..she ot the same email...
Bogdan, nice threat good luck with that

This guy, Bogdan, has an account on E-bay. It is BogdanEnache80 and he is buying lots of Vectra. You can check his feedback and see what he has been buying. What I do not understand is why he is buying so much of it..a lot of it from the same person, over a 3 month period. It is just to get it off of E-bay?

There is no legal recourse for Summit for those of you who put product on the internet. It is a pesticide, just like ant spray, or any other bug repellant or insecticide. The only contract that is breached, is the one between the vet and Summit. Summit now can refuse to sell the product to the vet that diverted or put on the internet. If you are a pet owner and you purchase some, go ahead and sell it on ebay. They cannot do anything to you, it is not illegal. Summit sells a brand of flea/tick under the Hartz name, why isn't that illegal, because it is just another pesticide.

Is this true? What about it being an "EPA regulated product"?

This guy, Bogdan, has an account on E-bay. It is BogdanEnache80 and he is buying lots of Vectra. You can check his feedback and see what he has been buying. What I do not understand is why he is buying so much of it..a lot of it from the same person, over a 3 month period. It is just to get it off of E-bay?

yes they have a dept that buys it back. I went on and bid a few of them up over a $100 per 3 pack a few weeks ago. The bad thing was I got stuck with one of the 3 packs. they must be going broke buying back all that product with the few sales they get at the clinics.

The above post wasn't clear, I apologize.

If a vet is caught diverting product, don't the distributors/vendors cancel their accounts, or do they just not sell them the product they diverted?

The above post wasn't clear, I apologize.

If a vet is caught diverting product, don't the distributors/vendors cancel their accounts, or do they just not sell them the product they diverted?

The first thing they do is call the vet and threaten to cancel the account. If the vet claims that it was a client, who diverted without their knowledge, then they make the vet sign an agreement that they will not sell to that client again.

All you people claiming it is on Amazon, IT AIN'T THERE. Search for it any way you can. If you do see it, let us know the steps you took to find it, otherwise get your facts and your information correct.

This guy, Bogdan, has an account on E-bay. It is BogdanEnache80 and he is buying lots of Vectra. You can check his feedback and see what he has been buying. What I do not understand is why he is buying so much of it..a lot of it from the same person, over a 3 month period. It is just to get it off of E-bay?

SVP has investigators that go on ebay daily and purchase Vectra to get it off the internet. Then they receive the product, scan it, and go after the vet office it came from, where they signed a LEGALLY BINDGING agreement not to let their Vectra get diverted. This guy is probably one of them.

There are now 20 + Listings for Vectra 3D On Ebay!

Yeah and over 700 for Advantix, over 4,000 for Advantage! GREAT JOB BAYER!!! Making our job all that much easier, worrying about your own pockets rather than the vet's. Lambert Vet Supply now brings it to grocery stores! That's right, drive more traffic to your pet isles! Sooner or later every Vet will be fed up with it all and watch the market share crumble.

Bottom line:

Vectra 3D kicks Advantix's butt because it does everything the same way PLUS kills fleas faster (6 hrs compared to 12 hours), has an IGR, has better efficacy over 30 days, and costs less to the client at the vet office.

Where's the issue here?

Bottom line:

Vectra 3D kicks Advantix's butt because it does everything the same way PLUS kills fleas faster (6 hrs compared to 12 hours), has an IGR, has better efficacy over 30 days, and costs less to the client at the vet office.

Where's the issue here?

THE ISSUE IS SIDE EFFECTS. In our practice we are seeing more dogs with seizures, lethargy etc.

Having a hard time understanding why you think Hartz has anything to do with Vectra 3D. VECTRA WAS DEVELOPED BY SUMMIT VET PHARM. They are both owned by a large Japanese company but that is the only familiararity between the two. Summit has no relation to hartz whatsoever

Vectra was developed by Hartz, that is how the original patent reads. Hartz or the parent company, Sumitoro or whatever figured out that vets would not buy a product from Hartz, their largest competitor so they formed Summit, so if you work for Summit it would be good for you to know the history and not be ignorant. It will bite you in the backside if you are not careful.

SVP has investigators that go on ebay daily and purchase Vectra to get it off the internet. Then they receive the product, scan it, and go after the vet office it came from, where they signed a LEGALLY BINDGING agreement not to let their Vectra get diverted. This guy is probably one of them.

I would most likely ask the SVP rep to cancel my account before I let them tell me how to run my practice. If I can't take back the product, then whatever the client does with it is their business. I have enough work without having to police my clients.

You could be like Merial and just sell openly to Target, Cosco, Pet Med, etc...

Hey Dr. buy from me I want sell to the public. Hold on Dr. I have ped Med on the other line, yes I know you have supported us for 15 years but they are going to give me a really big order. Sounds like Sience Diet again. Or Merck depends on how long you have been in the business.
at least summit it open about what they do.

You are just jealous that you were not hand picked for our team.

Hey moron..."Hand Picked"? Like a booger maybe. What about Vectra's sister product available in every PetSmart/Banfield?

You a nothing more than a recent college grad still wet behind the ears who thinks a free Jeep-bullshit whatever car and $50k/yr is as good as it gets.

How boring is your life selling one product???