Vectra 3d Selling on Internet

I bought a lot of Vectra for my kennel, which is sizeable. Two dogs had seizures, but the vet won't take it back, so I posted it on e-bay! Then I got this e-mail...

This product is authorized to be sold through Veterinarian channels only. Please take your advertisement down immediately or we will pursue legal action against you - Summit VetPharm, LLC

- tommybro6

This clown actually bought 2 packs of Vectra from me! What an Asshole!

The Summit Pharm rep. comes in with my distributor person, & I have talked to him. He reports that it is 1 in blah blah thousand that has a reaction. - THAT'S BECAUSE NO ONE IS REPORTING IT TO THE COMPANY OR THAT THE TRUE COMPANY IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH. Imagine that. People must I remind you it is Permethrin product. also um toxic to cats. So all the mixed house holds need to use 2 products or another product, or as my rep told me, "Put your cat outside for 8 hours till it drys." Nice.

The Summit Pharm rep. comes in with my distributor person, & I have talked to him. He reports that it is 1 in blah blah thousand that has a reaction. - THAT'S BECAUSE NO ONE IS REPORTING IT TO THE COMPANY OR THAT THE TRUE COMPANY IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH. Imagine that. People must I remind you it is Permethrin product. also um toxic to cats. So all the mixed house holds need to use 2 products or another product, or as my rep told me, "Put your cat outside for 8 hours till it drys." Nice.

Might just be easier to get Frontline at Target then.

Check out FL+, Adv, Advx, Prog, & Cpstr are all listed on this no Vectra or Vectra 3D. It's a bait and switch commonly used on internet searches through Google, etc. You waste everyone's time with your false posts and this ridiculous thread. Since this is the Bayer Board, here is something applicable to this space. Check out to see the recent Bayer press release. These are the facts about, and Bayer that are indisputable. It's worthless to give any credibility to Bayer, or their silly little board postings.

Straight Facts not Fiction

-Sumitomo owns Hartz and Summit and hundreds of other companies just because they fund two companies in a similar market doesn't mean that they are the same product its not like toyota and lexus where there are just minor differences its a completely different product and company with no relationship

- I have seen in my practice a few cases of reaction to Vectra but not at a higher level than any other flea and tick product and as "medical professionals" you should all know that with almost every product there is a small number of cases where an animal or person has a reaction, if you paid attention in vet school then you would know this is a science not an exact remedy if every treatment worked perfectly for every animal we wouldn't have jobs..

-Vectra is not diverted as someone who has signed and reviewed a non diversion agreement you will be cut off by the distributor and manufacturer and in the sales industry they have a list compiled by a number of animal health companies that lists diverters of any product.

-Summit Screens Large orders to make sure that the practice could actually be selling the amount they are ordering

-Fighting over flea and tick products is just plain stupid. We all know that different products have different effectiveness on different animals and in different enviroments i personally carry several brands and try and work to find the one that best suits my clients needs, i feel this is my responsibility as a practitioner.

-Those of you that feel that breaching a non diversion agreement agreement is not a big deal display the integrity of the practices you operate. For those of you that are reps of companies why are you wasting your time squabbling on a forum if you want to sell your products to vets/clients then why don't you go out in your territory and sell to them, if your trying to persuade me you can make your pitch about how their non diversion agreement works or doesn't and why your product is superior and i will be more than happy to listen if you come to my practice but don't waste my time when im looking for how my peers rate a product on a forum....

-Promethrin is dangerous to cats, thats vet 101 and owners that don't properly apply products endanger their pets, dogs do not react under normal circumstances to it if you have more questions about this consult a medical book not an internet chat.

-Personally im glad that they are purchasing up any product on the internet. Not only because it keeps my clients coming in but because it shows some integrity in a company.. in this day and age they are doing what they say they are going to... what a novel concept call me old school but this business has always been about keeping your word i keep mine to every client that comes in and im glad that they have tried to run their company like i run my practice......

Check out FL+, Adv, Advx, Prog, & Cpstr are all listed on this no Vectra or Vectra 3D. It's a bait and switch commonly used on internet searches through Google, etc. You waste everyone's time with your false posts and this ridiculous thread. Since this is the Bayer Board, here is something applicable to this space. Check out to see the recent Bayer press release. These are the facts about, and Bayer that are indisputable. It's worthless to give any credibility to Bayer, or their silly little board postings.

In my experience is not a bait and switch company. In this economy it is much harder to pay extremely high prices for pet medications for chronically ill pets. I am a consumer who has bought many products from entirely at significantly better prices than at the small vet I go to. I understand the vet needs to make a profit, but I pay them a lot of money for diagnosis, tests, regular visits, teeth cleaning, etc. I have to control costs somewhere, and for me it's with the drugs I purchase at

Straight Facts not Fiction

-Sumitomo owns Hartz and Summit and hundreds of other companies just because they fund two companies in a similar market doesn't mean that they are the same product its not like toyota and lexus where there are just minor differences its a completely different product and company with no relationship

- I have seen in my practice a few cases of reaction to Vectra but not at a higher level than any other flea and tick product and as "medical professionals" you should all know that with almost every product there is a small number of cases where an animal or person has a reaction, if you paid attention in vet school then you would know this is a science not an exact remedy if every treatment worked perfectly for every animal we wouldn't have jobs..

-Vectra is not diverted as someone who has signed and reviewed a non diversion agreement you will be cut off by the distributor and manufacturer and in the sales industry they have a list compiled by a number of animal health companies that lists diverters of any product.

-Summit Screens Large orders to make sure that the practice could actually be selling the amount they are ordering

-Fighting over flea and tick products is just plain stupid. We all know that different products have different effectiveness on different animals and in different enviroments i personally carry several brands and try and work to find the one that best suits my clients needs, i feel this is my responsibility as a practitioner.

-Those of you that feel that breaching a non diversion agreement agreement is not a big deal display the integrity of the practices you operate. For those of you that are reps of companies why are you wasting your time squabbling on a forum if you want to sell your products to vets/clients then why don't you go out in your territory and sell to them, if your trying to persuade me you can make your pitch about how their non diversion agreement works or doesn't and why your product is superior and i will be more than happy to listen if you come to my practice but don't waste my time when im looking for how my peers rate a product on a forum....

-Promethrin is dangerous to cats, thats vet 101 and owners that don't properly apply products endanger their pets, dogs do not react under normal circumstances to it if you have more questions about this consult a medical book not an internet chat.

-Personally im glad that they are purchasing up any product on the internet. Not only because it keeps my clients coming in but because it shows some integrity in a company.. in this day and age they are doing what they say they are going to... what a novel concept call me old school but this business has always been about keeping your word i keep mine to every client that comes in and im glad that they have tried to run their company like i run my practice......

And why are YOU, "Dr. Vet", coming to a pharmaceutical board and wasting your time? What's the matter, not busy enough in your practice? Have to go on a pharm chat board and voice your "medical" opinion? Not buying're just another windbag rep trying your best to stir the ashes of a burnt out argument. Guess can buy anything you want on the internet...anything. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Your self rightous arrogent attitude is about as transparent as your "DVM" credientials. Good luck with "your practice" and "your clients" Summit-Hartz-Vectra-3D-DVM-wannabe-rep. Choke on "your word" there too, lier asshole.

Straight Facts not Fiction

-Sumitomo owns Hartz and Summit and hundreds of other companies just because they fund two companies in a similar market doesn't mean that they are the same product its not like toyota and lexus where there are just minor differences its a completely different product and company with no relationship

- I have seen in my practice a few cases of reaction to Vectra but not at a higher level than any other flea and tick product and as "medical professionals" you should all know that with almost every product there is a small number of cases where an animal or person has a reaction, if you paid attention in vet school then you would know this is a science not an exact remedy if every treatment worked perfectly for every animal we wouldn't have jobs..

-Vectra is not diverted as someone who has signed and reviewed a non diversion agreement you will be cut off by the distributor and manufacturer and in the sales industry they have a list compiled by a number of animal health companies that lists diverters of any product.

-Summit Screens Large orders to make sure that the practice could actually be selling the amount they are ordering

-Fighting over flea and tick products is just plain stupid. We all know that different products have different effectiveness on different animals and in different enviroments i personally carry several brands and try and work to find the one that best suits my clients needs, i feel this is my responsibility as a practitioner.

-Those of you that feel that breaching a non diversion agreement agreement is not a big deal display the integrity of the practices you operate. For those of you that are reps of companies why are you wasting your time squabbling on a forum if you want to sell your products to vets/clients then why don't you go out in your territory and sell to them, if your trying to persuade me you can make your pitch about how their non diversion agreement works or doesn't and why your product is superior and i will be more than happy to listen if you come to my practice but don't waste my time when im looking for how my peers rate a product on a forum....

-Promethrin is dangerous to cats, thats vet 101 and owners that don't properly apply products endanger their pets, dogs do not react under normal circumstances to it if you have more questions about this consult a medical book not an internet chat.

-Personally im glad that they are purchasing up any product on the internet. Not only because it keeps my clients coming in but because it shows some integrity in a company.. in this day and age they are doing what they say they are going to... what a novel concept call me old school but this business has always been about keeping your word i keep mine to every client that comes in and im glad that they have tried to run their company like i run my practice......

Vectra can't even make a blip on market share's very unlikely to be seen on the internet as there is less than 1% demand for this loser product. See you guys in the unemployment line....its where you are all headed (just watch the Comfortis numbers).

Summit, Merial, Bayer, Novartis, Pfizer, Lilly
Not a single one of them can alter veterinary client loyalty, they may attempt to influence what product your client buys but if your relationship is altered that easily there's more for you to be concerned about as a DVM than whose vet only. Veterinary exclusivity is simply that, it is not a panacea to practice growth, because most of those vet exclusive products, (for now), are totally unknown to your clients and have very low market share. You want veterinary exclusivity or practice growth; pretty basic Business 101?

I have to say this is quite the boring forum because it's focus is ridiculously ascewed from the real issue. The vet never mentions what side effects he is seeing. So the dogs don't benefit from this forum. One has to wonder why he praises this comany. Could it be because they are giving him a monopoly and guarantee hs high, fixed price won't be undercut by someone who doesn't have to make payments on an x-ray machine. Consumers need this to be competitively priced.

Don't want to say told ya so, but TOLD YA SO. I knew in time it would be available online. We are able to sell it from our online store as well. you have to be a client. I made it RX required, so that i know who is buying it. That way client x doesn't buy it for client y cause his vet doesn't care it. One day Summit Pharm will see it will have to be online or they will never make any money on it. Still able to Banfield version (same product -relabeled First Shield) with them seeing my pet.

As far as I am concerned, if they want to play games with vectra so vets can sell it at a price above internet prices, I don't need it. I surely don't care to use it on my dog when it is new and hasn't been on the market long enough for side effects to come out in the open. No Thanks!

As far as I am concerned, if they want to play games with vectra so vets can sell it at a price above internet prices, I don't need it. I surely don't care to use it on my dog when it is new and hasn't been on the market long enough for side effects to come out in the open. No Thanks!

Has anyone tried to purchase from Paws Plus? Notice there is no buy button. You have to be a client of theirs in order to purchase it. It's the same as Laguna... So yes it is available online, but no it's not a breach of contract.

Buy some Vectra 3D and pour a tube onto a styrofoam cup and watch it burn a hole straight through it. I realize a styrofoam cup isn't a dog... but come on, how can it not have side effects. If you went to put on some anti-lice shampoo (I hope you don't have lice) and it burned a hole through a styrofoam cup, would you rub it on your head? How about your dog's?

Diversion is inevitable with any product that can yield a return and has demand. Vectra 3d doesn't have a demand. Mainly because... they don't divert! The best way to get into the public's eye is onto these website, through the pet stores, THEN via veterinarians.

Elanco is fighting hard to stop the diversions of Comfortis, but they're also pushing it really hard. Their bovine side lost a lot of money last year with some bad vaccines and now they're looking to their new flagship Comfortis to make up for it. Be prepared to see Comfortis prices drop within the next 6 months.

To answer a lot of questions here about what happens when a vet is caught diverting... the answer is simple... nothing. Well, not really. It depends on the manufacturer. Merial? Bayer? They're going to ignore the problem most likely. Nutramaxx? Elanco? They'll just cut the contract and move on. There really are no legal ramifications. It's highly doubtful that the vet will lose business with distributors... Shit for the most part, companies like PVPL are diverting themselves...

<a href="">Check me out for more product reviews and insider information on this sort of thing</a>

I have heard so much about how Vectra 3D is "vet only". Well, here's something to chew on....The Banfield Animal Hospitals at Petsmart stores are now carrying a product called First Shield Trio. It's the SAME active ingredients as Vectra 3D...AND you can buy it WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION. Banfield is very well known for wanting their own private labeled products and looks as though Summit has obliged them!!...with a product JUST LIKE Vectra 3D.

Summit cut a deal with Banfield to private label Vectra 3D

they offered the same to me

Hartz has nothing to do with Vectra. You are ignorant if you think otherwise. Summit is the best place to work by the way and we get paid a lot of money!

Sorry to disappoint you but, if both companies are owned by a LARGER company they're linked. That does not mean, however, that information, formulas, etc are shared. BUT to say they are entirely separate is, based on what I've read here, not accurate.

Further, in this situation, overall ethics, policy etc flows down from the PARENT company.

One "sub-company" may be great, one may not, but they are connected.