VBU Ship is sinking

Wow, I am wondering what planning meetings you are in. Amazing. Maybe a consultant to GSK. So in the the know. Too funny.

I have been following this thread and if you think you’re safe and you’re an adult rep you’ve lost your mind. There is no need for an adult rep who basically sells a product that sells itself (Shingrix). You could pull all the adult reps and GSK wouldn’t miss a beat. The full line reps would just cover those offices/territories. Think about how many adult reps have resigned and how many of those positions were filled? Zero. Exactly. If you’re an adult rep you better get that resume fired up and get something ASAP

If anyone at GSK thinks they are "safe" you need to pull your head out of the sand.

Up until that magic day when GSK splits its pants into the two new companies, *everyone* is going to go. They are going to start with a clean slate: you get 6 weeks of vacation? Out. High salary employee? Out. Close to receiving the health retirement benefit? Out.

Your past performance isn't going to matter, the value you create isn't going to matter. Everyone is going to be out.

If you can't see that this is the way it has been headed then you can just enjoy the ride up the ramp into the whirling hall of knives.

If anyone at GSK thinks they are "safe" you need to pull your head out of the sand.

Up until that magic day when GSK splits its pants into the two new companies, *everyone* is going to go. They are going to start with a clean slate: you get 6 weeks of vacation? Out. High salary employee? Out. Close to receiving the health retirement benefit? Out.

Your past performance isn't going to matter, the value you create isn't going to matter. Everyone is going to be out.

If you can't see that this is the way it has been headed then you can just enjoy the ride up the ramp into the whirling hall of knives.

Exactly. I have ped/adult IS and AMs on my team that haven’t worked an 8 hour day in 20 years! I’ve been here almost a decade and can admit it’s been a paycheck while I built my investment portfolio and side business. Some really think the flu a IDN orders is because of them!

Our FLL managing a team of adult/ped and a system rep told the team on this mornings call that as the team has attrition- we will go full line. We've had two adult reps leave in the past two months and the pediatric reps of which I am one have been told that we will now be full line. I guess it just makes sense. As a pediatric rep the lift of having shingrix added to the portfolio seems doable. Our sole remaining adult rep is freaking out with the possibility of picking up the ped/adol soon.

GSK VBU is well aware they need to cut numbers. They’re silently forcing people out OR praying you’ll go elsewhere. Adult reps will be the first to go. Utterly useless. Shingrix sells itself. And why waste time and resources training an adult rep to go full line when they can just make a ped rep full line? Much simpler. They’ve already done it. If they didn’t make you full line a while back they will most likely be getting rid of you. And they will find a way. Doesn’t matter if your manager loves you and your numbers are good. Your FLL is powerless and they’ve been drinking the kool aid for soooo long they’re drunk off it.

The VBU will be full line very soon.
System managers will pick up 20% more accounts. Public account managers will pick up 50% more responsibility.
This means some cuts.
I am in a consulting role making these recommendations.
Makes sense, right.
Probably more cuts soon.

Our FLL managing a team of adult/ped and a system rep told the team on this mornings call that as the team has attrition- we will go full line. We've had two adult reps leave in the past two months and the pediatric reps of which I am one have been told that we will now be full line. I guess it just makes sense. As a pediatric rep the lift of having shingrix added to the portfolio seems doable. Our sole remaining adult rep is freaking out with the possibility of picking up the ped/adol soon.

Sole adult rep should be concerned about being laid off. It’s of absolutely no benefit to GSK to train them and of more benefit to let them go. They are saving money in all kinds of ways.