VBU Ship is sinking

You all need to grow up and leave if you are not happy!!! Its really sad to read this and people bitching about their jobs with the state of the economy... please leave so others who want to work here can.

You all need to grow up and leave if you are not happy!!! Its really sad to read this and people bitching about their jobs with the state of the economy... please leave so others who want to work here can.

State of the economy. Oh yeah…. Record nasdaq and Dow, bars and restaurants paying $15/hr on top of tips and still can’t get people to work, home values up 10-30%… economy has gas on it when it comes to having leverage as a worker. Insane supply and demand measure on their favor. Your attempt at an argument with the above is simply idiotic.

The Vbu will have challenging times and will be just fine. We will adjust as needed. Sure, saleshead count may need to be adjusted and this happens everywhere.
You are joking, right? All of the focus has shifted to Shingrix because Pediarix is dying a slow death. And Shingrix sells itself. Look at the pipeline, oh wait...the MCV5 that’s behind Pfizer? Or do you mean the RSV that’s behind Sanofi and AZ? How about the Covid vaccine that never came?
get real...you might have a job today but even Judy has said on her calls they will make big changes...people are leaving every single day. Good people. And gsk will be stuck wIth people like you, too clueless to see the business for what it is.

You are joking, right? All of the focus has shifted to Shingrix because Pediarix is dying a slow death. And Shingrix sells itself. Look at the pipeline, oh wait...the MCV5 that’s behind Pfizer? Or do you mean the RSV that’s behind Sanofi and AZ? How about the Covid vaccine that never came?
get real...you might have a job today but even Judy has said on her calls they will make big changes...people are leaving every single day. Good people. And gsk will be stuck wIth people like you, too clueless to see the business for what it is.

You are joking, right? All of the focus has shifted to Shingrix because Pediarix is dying a slow death. And Shingrix sells itself. Look at the pipeline, oh wait...the MCV5 that’s behind Pfizer? Or do you mean the RSV that’s behind Sanofi and AZ? How about the Covid vaccine that never came?
get real...you might have a job today but even Judy has said on her calls they will make big changes...people are leaving every single day. Good people. And gsk will be stuck wIth people like you, too clueless to see the business for what it is.

It’s amazing how many people at GSK in the VBU think they’re valuable and GSK is going to take care of them. They prance around like the VBU is going to be fine. Amazing. They’ll be the same people asking the people who went to other companies if they can put in a good word for them and get them an interview. Oh wait, I thought you said the VBU was going to be fine and that those of us who said it’s in trouble should just shut up and leave. Give it a year and a half and see if you’re not looking for a new job.

It’s amazing how many people at GSK in the VBU think they’re valuable and GSK is going to take care of them. They prance around like the VBU is going to be fine. Amazing. They’ll be the same people asking the people who went to other companies if they can put in a good word for them and get them an interview. Oh wait, I thought you said the VBU was going to be fine and that those of us who said it’s in trouble should just shut up and leave. Give it a year and a half and see if you’re not looking for a new job.

There are valuable people in the VBU and then there are worthless turds. The unit will survive, time will tell if it's surviving on life support or thriving. It most certainly has reached its peak and has lost it's steam.
Most peoples guess is there will be less head count and currently management is happy with people resigning. At some point there will be a national reorg where a few folks will lose jobs, it's any ones guess when this will occur. The goal is to offer as few severance packages as possible.

There are valuable people in the VBU and then there are worthless turds. The unit will survive, time will tell if it's surviving on life support or thriving. It most certainly has reached its peak and has lost it's steam.
Most peoples guess is there will be less head count and currently management is happy with people resigning. At some point there will be a national reorg where a few folks will lose jobs, it's any ones guess when this will occur. The goal is to offer as few severance packages as possible.
October is the time frame. And yes, there are good people being managed out to save salaries. It’s a bad place to be right now.

Yes. This is exactly what is happening in the west.

Bottom line, if your an adult rep you'll be offered a package if you have not transitioned to another role by September. Full-line and ped reps you will be safe. Public account managers sell product dirt cheap, 1/2
Of their positions will be eliminated.
Good luck to all.