VBU Ship is sinking

All of your whiny pond dwellers can go for all I care. I look forward to the day when we don't need reps, or should I say, delivery reps to stock the sample shelf. I have never had a huge respect for sales people or their tactics. Real credit goes to those making the medicines that are changing the world and saving lives.

All of your whiny pond dwellers can go for all I care. I look forward to the day when we don't need reps, or should I say, delivery reps to stock the sample shelf. I have never had a huge respect for sales people or their tactics. Real credit goes to those making the medicines that are changing the world and saving lives.

Hey idiot, this is the vaccine bu. There aren’t samples.

If you’re working in the VBU for GSK you lack dignity and integrity. When you were growing up did you ever think you would lower yourselves to work for such a crummy organization, I don’t think so.... Self centered leadership, backstabbing teammates, micromanagement, horrible bonus metrics to pimp as much out of you as possible while giving you less. There’s one good story for every hundred bad. Everything there is morally bankrupt.

And that’s why I left.

The VBU has the most unethical people that I have ever worked with. Entire culture is like the wild west. They lie, cheat and take credit for what other people do. The one that brags the loudest wins. Oh and screw the customer they are all idiots and WE know more than they do.
You would have a hard time finding a worse job or culture in the industry.

Wait, isn’t Next Gen Selling Ways going to save us?

haha, upper mgt has no clue how to motivate people. The new tactic is using the stick verses the carrot which anyone that took psych 101 knows doesn’t work. These write ups in work day for monthly, mid year, and c2w are so embellished with hr speak that they aren’t going to motivate or change anyone’s behaviors. It seems like the strategy is to make people so miserable they will leave, which is happening big time.

The VBU has the most unethical people that I have ever worked with. Entire culture is like the wild west. They lie, cheat and take credit for what other people do. The one that brags the loudest wins. Oh and screw the customer they are all idiots and WE know more than they do.
You would have a hard time finding a worse job or culture in the industry.

Totally agree. The mid west is terribly. Especially Michigan.

Yes. Kim S will save us with her amazing workplace posts. We need more metrics. More field rides. More unattainable spiffs. We need more excel sheets to fill out and trackers. Yes, we need lots of trackers. That’ll do it.

do you people bitch about everything? At least they are doing SPIF’s to try to provide some extra motivation. I’ve never seen so many people who make 6 figures bitch! As far as trackers, that’s on your FLL. I don’t fill out a single tracker. Boss man says stay focused on the business and doesn’t get lost in the bullshit. Good managers will remove barriers. That’s not a VBU wide problem, that’s a FLL issue.

do you people bitch about everything? At least they are doing SPIF’s to try to provide some extra motivation. I’ve never seen so many people who make 6 figures bitch! As far as trackers, that’s on your FLL. I don’t fill out a single tracker. Boss man says stay focused on the business and doesn’t get lost in the bullshit. Good managers will remove barriers. That’s not a VBU wide problem, that’s a FLL issue.

do you people bitch about everything? At least they are doing SPIF’s to try to provide some extra motivation. I’ve never seen so many people who make 6 figures bitch! As far as trackers, that’s on your FLL. I don’t fill out a single tracker. Boss man says stay focused on the business and doesn’t get lost in the bullshit. Good managers will remove barriers. That’s not a VBU wide problem, that’s a FLL issue.

1. Six figures isn’t what it used to be… it’s really not that great now a days. Good yes, great no. And the figures you are referring to are $100,000-$150,000 on average. Now if they were making $500k that’s another story.
2. there’s not enough money out there worth your mental health at GSK. I left and my overall well-being has improved drastically. The mental abuse you’re exposed to there is unreal.
3. I wish I knew who you were. I more than likely know you. Guarantee a complete douche company guy/girl that’s been doing extra projects for years to get favoritism for when your director has to do the tribal vote with the rest of the area directors to rise up the biggest brown nosers.
4. If you’re sticking up for GSK and their BS ways of treating people, then you need to do some self reflecting…. No good person would stick up for this organization… period

1. Six figures isn’t what it used to be… it’s really not that great now a days. Good yes, great no. And the figures you are referring to are $100,000-$150,000 on average. Now if they were making $500k that’s another story.
2. there’s not enough money out there worth your mental health at GSK. I left and my overall well-being has improved drastically. The mental abuse you’re exposed to there is unreal.
3. I wish I knew who you were. I more than likely know you. Guarantee a complete douche company guy/girl that’s been doing extra projects for years to get favoritism for when your director has to do the tribal vote with the rest of the area directors to rise up the biggest brown nosers.
4. If you’re sticking up for GSK and their BS ways of treating people, then you need to do some self reflecting…. No good person would stick up for this organization… period

1. Six figures isn’t what it used to be… it’s really not that great now a days. Good yes, great no. And the figures you are referring to are $100,000-$150,000 on average. Now if they were making $500k that’s another story.
2. there’s not enough money out there worth your mental health at GSK. I left and my overall well-being has improved drastically. The mental abuse you’re exposed to there is unreal.
3. I wish I knew who you were. I more than likely know you. Guarantee a complete douche company guy/girl that’s been doing extra projects for years to get favoritism for when your director has to do the tribal vote with the rest of the area directors to rise up the biggest brown nosers.
4. If you’re sticking up for GSK and their BS ways of treating people, then you need to do some self reflecting…. No good person would stick up for this organization… period

my mental health is fine because I’ve never been one of those people who freak out about every little thing. I stay in my lane and don’t feed into the bullshit. Am I a brown noser, far from it! I go out and do my job to the best of my ability and call it a day at 3:30 or so everyday. I have flexibility, great benefits, a mangers that doesn’t ride my ass, and am smart enough to stay off the radar. Salary is over $145 and add in bonus and I’m fine pulling in $175-$180 with the benefits I have. Haven’t had a car payment in 20 years, 401k is building and have plenty of vacation time. I’ve never been exposed to this mental health trauma you speak of. I’ve had 6 managers and have figured out how to work with each and every one of them. It’s not rocket science to stay off the shit lists! I wish more people who hated their job left. But they don’t! They stay and bitch constantly. If people are miserable there’s no harm in walking away. It’s those who stay that make the rest of us miserable . (P.s. don’t do many of the pet projects either. Every other year or so I will volunteer for something to help document in my PDP)

1. Six figures isn’t what it used to be… it’s really not that great now a days. Good yes, great no. And the figures you are referring to are $100,000-$150,000 on average. Now if they were making $500k that’s another story.
2. there’s not enough money out there worth your mental health at GSK. I left and my overall well-being has improved drastically. The mental abuse you’re exposed to there is unreal.
3. I wish I knew who you were. I more than likely know you. Guarantee a complete douche company guy/girl that’s been doing extra projects for years to get favoritism for when your director has to do the tribal vote with the rest of the area directors to rise up the biggest brown nosers.
4. If you’re sticking up for GSK and their BS ways of treating people, then you need to do some self reflecting…. No good person would stick up for this organization… period

Exactly. The person sticking up for GSK is a moron. Total company idiot like my FLL. I left as well and much better.

my mental health is fine because I’ve never been one of those people who freak out about every little thing. I stay in my lane and don’t feed into the bullshit. Am I a brown noser, far from it! I go out and do my job to the best of my ability and call it a day at 3:30 or so everyday. I have flexibility, great benefits, a mangers that doesn’t ride my ass, and am smart enough to stay off the radar. Salary is over $145 and add in bonus and I’m fine pulling in $175-$180 with the benefits I have. Haven’t had a car payment in 20 years, 401k is building and have plenty of vacation time. I’ve never been exposed to this mental health trauma you speak of. I’ve had 6 managers and have figured out how to work with each and every one of them. It’s not rocket science to stay off the shit lists! I wish more people who hated their job left. But they don’t! They stay and bitch constantly. If people are miserable there’s no harm in walking away. It’s those who stay that make the rest of us miserable . (P.s. don’t do many of the pet projects either. Every other year or so I will volunteer for something to help document in my PDP)

Just be quiet. You sound exactly like the GSK loser I thought you were. Sold out loser.

do you people bitch about everything? At least they are doing SPIF’s to try to provide some extra motivation. I’ve never seen so many people who make 6 figures bitch! As far as trackers, that’s on your FLL. I don’t fill out a single tracker. Boss man says stay focused on the business and doesn’t get lost in the bullshit. Good managers will remove barriers. That’s not a VBU wide problem, that’s a FLL issue.

Problem is there aren’t many good managers here. Most of the good ones left already and a lot of the decent one’s want to leave with Kim’s bs. She really doesn’t know what she is doing. So yes it is a VBU problem.

And yes, you can collect 6 figures here but there’s almost O upward mobility.

Just be quiet. You sound exactly like the GSK loser I thought you were. Sold out

and your a little bitch that keeps coming back to your former company’s page to bitch for no reason. You left, got a better job, blah blah blah. Obviously you have a hard on for GSK otherwise you wouldn’t come back “re-live” your so called trauma.

Yes. Kim S will save us with her amazing workplace posts. We need more metrics. More field rides. More unattainable spiffs. We need more excel sheets to fill out and trackers. Yes, we need lots of trackers. That’ll do it.
Kim Sanders is a nut job. She is one crazy person who unfortunately snowed Al. She’s very insecure and so jealous of others success. Do Not Trust her as she’ll smile at you then turn around and stab you in the back. Dysfunctional chaotic leadership does not even describe her authentic leadership style. She is the definition of a mean manipulative person. GSK putting someone of her caliber in leadership is why I and many others made the hard decision to leave GSK.

Kim Sanders is a nut job. She is one crazy person who unfortunately snowed Al. She’s very insecure and so jealous of others success. Do Not Trust her as she’ll smile at you then turn around and stab you in the back. Dysfunctional chaotic leadership does not even describe her authentic leadership style. She is the definition of a mean manipulative person. GSK putting someone of her caliber in leadership is why I and many others made the hard decision to leave GSK.
I think this is very accurate. And sadly describes half of the managers in the West. The culture is toxic.