That rsv vaccine isn’t going to save anyone with 2 companies ahead of gsk for expected our covid vaccine?
That rsv vaccine isn’t going to save anyone with 2 companies ahead of gsk for expected our covid vaccine?
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! . We do have other vaccines and are shifting to more of an adult and adolescent focus. Stop complaining and get out and sell something.
Is there any way the VBU survives Vaxelis, and the leadership mess they are in?
Will sink even faster if you don’t bonus reps fairly, that are “EXCEEDING” already high goals!
If you’re working in the VBU for GSK you lack dignity and integrity. When you were growing up did you ever think you would lower yourselves to work for such a crummy organization, I don’t think so.... Self centered leadership, backstabbing teammates, micromanagement, horrible bonus metrics to pimp as much out of you as possible while giving you less. There’s one good story for every hundred bad. Everything there is morally bankrupt.
Problem always start at the top way beyond us in the trenches.
Still, you can blame or convict those who carry out the orders.
Both vaccine managers in Oregon and Washington in the VBU should be fired for the way they have treated good reps. Shame on both of them.
West is a mess. There was zero leadership from their now departed FVP. She only cared about herself and didn’t understand the business. That is probably why she is an account manager at another company now. And yes, the Missouri managers are terrible leaders.the whole west area is a joke. Those two are terrible. The FBM still thinks he’s in pharma. The two managers in Missouri pushed out the Public Account Manager in Missouri. That area needs an overhaul.
West is a mess. There was zero leadership from their now departed FVP. She only cared about herself and didn’t understand the business. That is probably why she is an account manager at another company now. And yes, the Missouri managers are terrible leaders.
All of your whiny pond dwellers can go for all I care. I look forward to the day when we don't need reps, or should I say, delivery reps to stock the sample shelf. I have never had a huge respect for sales people or their tactics. Real credit goes to those making the medicines that are changing the world and saving lives.