VBU Ship is sinking

Just forget about your bonus. If you haven’t figured it out yet, GSK benefits more when fewer reps get a lot of money from their bonus. They’re saving money. That’s why the goals are unrealistic. Then when bonus time comes and most have a crappy bonus they (GSK) makes it seem like they care about you by telling you they’ve adjusted the bonus structure so you can get some kind of bonus. It’s all smoke and mirrors bull crap. Dust of your resume and get searching. Layoffs cometh

Problem always start at the top way beyond us in the trenches.
Still, you can blame or convict those who carry out the orders.
Both vaccine managers in Oregon and Washington in the VBU should be fired for the way they have treated good reps. Shame on both of them.

If you’re working in the VBU for GSK you lack dignity and integrity. When you were growing up did you ever think you would lower yourselves to work for such a crummy organization, I don’t think so.... Self centered leadership, backstabbing teammates, micromanagement, horrible bonus metrics to pimp as much out of you as possible while giving you less. There’s one good story for every hundred bad. Everything there is morally bankrupt.

The ship is surely sinking. So many of us years ago when J. Fox took over here in the SE were excited and hopeful because we envisioned a VP with rep experience would be a good change. Unfortunately we have been proven wrong... the person that once was is no longer. Corporate programming at its finest.

If you’re working in the VBU for GSK you lack dignity and integrity. When you were growing up did you ever think you would lower yourselves to work for such a crummy organization, I don’t think so.... Self centered leadership, backstabbing teammates, micromanagement, horrible bonus metrics to pimp as much out of you as possible while giving you less. There’s one good story for every hundred bad. Everything there is morally bankrupt.

Accurate. That’s why I got the hell out. A lot of people are too scared to leave.

Would someone ask that silly KS to shut the hell up. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. AL had some damn sense. She’s such a phony with that hooked nose of hers and stupid workplace videos she keeps posting.

Problem always start at the top way beyond us in the trenches.
Still, you can blame or convict those who carry out the orders.
Both vaccine managers in Oregon and Washington in the VBU should be fired for the way they have treated good reps. Shame on both of them.

the whole west area is a joke. Those two are terrible. The FBM still thinks he’s in pharma. The two managers in Missouri pushed out the Public Account Manager in Missouri. That area needs an overhaul.

the whole west area is a joke. Those two are terrible. The FBM still thinks he’s in pharma. The two managers in Missouri pushed out the Public Account Manager in Missouri. That area needs an overhaul.
West is a mess. There was zero leadership from their now departed FVP. She only cared about herself and didn’t understand the business. That is probably why she is an account manager at another company now. And yes, the Missouri managers are terrible leaders.

My director in Florida even thinks that vaccines is turning into a garbage place to be. The irony is that our whole team thinks he’s a douche bag on a power trip and part of the problem. Another director here in Florida just recently jumped ship, smartest decision they ever made. Get out people....

West is a mess. There was zero leadership from their now departed FVP. She only cared about herself and didn’t understand the business. That is probably why she is an account manager at another company now. And yes, the Missouri managers are terrible leaders.

Most the FLL's in Camille's former Area are worthless. The mangers in Montana and Colorado are decent.
All the rest are not very good people and not good at their jobs. And yes, upper management must have agreed as well, Camille was a tyrant and she deserved being fired.

All of your whiny pond dwellers can go for all I care. I look forward to the day when we don't need reps, or should I say, delivery reps to stock the sample shelf. I have never had a huge respect for sales people or their tactics. Real credit goes to those making the medicines that are changing the world and saving lives.

All of your whiny pond dwellers can go for all I care. I look forward to the day when we don't need reps, or should I say, delivery reps to stock the sample shelf. I have never had a huge respect for sales people or their tactics. Real credit goes to those making the medicines that are changing the world and saving lives.

No need for reps in the field.
I prefer to do business with my contact in-house.

You have to look outside GSK as there are no opportunities internally. I know first hand as I was recently displaced. Yes, I was a FLL. Get out while you can. There are many wonderful opportunities outside of GSK.