Vaccine expansion ?

I also worked with him for a while and happened over here due to a post on a Merck site. He comes up quite often in posts "discussing" Alina, Mike, & Margie. Those of you lucky enough to work with him- I envy you. MVD was a fun place to be and now is is just a job in a division run by tablet morons who are afraid of vaccine people like Bill. Too bad. Goos luck to all of you.

I have worked with MVD (Merck Vaccine Division) since 1998. Bill was a great guy who worked hard, like to have fun, liked for his saleforce to have fun and was able to relate well with people. He is greatly missed at Merck and should be a nice pick up for Novartis.

If you get anymore resumes from Merck management that says they have worked in vaccines, check the number of years they have worked there. If it's less than three throw them out. Those are incompetent, self-serving losers from our tablet side (USHH) who invaded/destroyed MVD. You definitely would not want to hire Margie McGlynn, Mike Thomas or Alina Erhlich they and their cronies destroyed our vaccine division. Like all the other Merck people with vaccine experience that have posted on this board, check the Merck board. All you see are threads of frustration with the tablet side of our division who don't have a clue about vaccines blatantly destroying MVD.

I have worked with MVD (Merck Vaccine Division) since 1998. Bill was a great guy who worked hard, like to have fun, liked for his saleforce to have fun and was able to relate well with people. He is greatly missed at Merck and should be a nice pick up for Novartis.

If you get anymore resumes from Merck management that says they have worked in vaccines, check the number of years they have worked there. If it's less than three throw them out. Those are incompetent, self-serving losers from our tablet side (USHH) who invaded/destroyed MVD. You definitely would not want to hire Margie McGlynn, Mike Thomas or Alina Erhlich they and their cronies destroyed our vaccine division. Like all the other Merck people with vaccine experience that have posted on this board, check the Merck board. All you see are threads of frustration with the tablet side of our division who don't have a clue about vaccines blatantly destroying MVD.

It is incredible that the Three Stooges are being described here. I am still in MVD (I refuse to call it MVID), and knew Bill and miss him. We envy you for having him. Best luck to all of you.

Can someone please name the three RDs or whatever the official title is for the Vaccine expansion. I heard Bill Darnall is East but would like name of central also.

I knew Bill a few years ago at Merck and he is great to work with for those of you wondering.

Thank you

Can someone please name the three RDs or whatever the official title is for the Vaccine expansion. I heard Bill Darnall is East but would like name of central also.

I knew Bill a few years ago at Merck and he is great to work with for those of you wondering.

Thank you

The RD in the Central is from Novartis.