The new field team build was not ghosted in most situations, but offered. Managers interviewed and found the best candidates for launch. I’ve interviewed dozens of times over the last decade and never have I been on CP to complain about not getting offered. Shows why you didn’t make the cut in my opinion. The sensitive, emotional reps here couldn’t sell to 3/4 of my docs from my career experience. I get it, you didn’t get the job, but move on. I really pray you land something. But enough of the complaining...the company hasn’t even had field team training day one, let alone a day in the field!

The new field team build was not ghosted in most situations, but offered. Managers interviewed and found the best candidates for launch. I’ve interviewed dozens of times over the last decade and never have I been on CP to complain about not getting offered. Shows why you didn’t make the cut in my opinion. The sensitive, emotional reps here couldn’t sell to 3/4 of my docs from my career experience. I get it, you didn’t get the job, but move on. I really pray you land something. But enough of the complaining...the company hasn’t even had field team training day one, let alone a day in the field!
Couldn’t sell to 3/4 ?? Yea what ever , cause I’m sure you made such an impact as a pod rep going full Charles Charles as you handed your computer thru the front desk window for the Dr to sighn ! Now that’s a success ! D bag !

The new field team build was not ghosted in most situations, but offered. Managers interviewed and found the best candidates for launch. I’ve interviewed dozens of times over the last decade and never have I been on CP to complain about not getting offered. Shows why you didn’t make the cut in my opinion. The sensitive, emotional reps here couldn’t sell to 3/4 of my docs from my career experience. I get it, you didn’t get the job, but move on. I really pray you land something. But enough of the complaining...the company hasn’t even had field team training day one, let alone a day in the field!
Way to pat yourself on the back Mr 3/4 couldn’t sell to my docs !! I’m
Sure you made such a impact in a POD system as you handed your iPad to the front desk as she took it to Dr to get a signature multiple times a day !!

Ur a shi*%y motivational speaker. Might as well be rubbing salt in our wounds. What a prick. Happy holidays to u, yeaahh u got the job! Thx for reminding us our holiday won't b as happy cause we didnt. That's essentially how ur past reads.
That was not my intent. I didn’t get “the job” for 3+ years of applications and interview etc. So I’ve been there too many times to count. And have also been the one to sit by the phone waiting for the layoff call to see if I had kept my job or not...and there has been more than one time I didn’t.

The new field team build was not ghosted in most situations, but offered. Managers interviewed and found the best candidates for launch. I’ve interviewed dozens of times over the last decade and never have I been on CP to complain about not getting offered. Shows why you didn’t make the cut in my opinion. The sensitive, emotional reps here couldn’t sell to 3/4 of my docs from my career experience. I get it, you didn’t get the job, but move on. I really pray you land something. But enough of the complaining...the company hasn’t even had field team training day one, let alone a day in the field!
My guess is that 3/4 of ther reps here voicing a valid disappointment in putting energy and time into a lengthy process and not receiving any courtesy of a reply could outsell you in a heartbeat. A forum is a place to share opinion, if you and your self righteous mentality don't like it, move on. Several of us have moved on already, but choose to share what a sh%&ty way to act. Actions define a company so there you go. No bitterness, but I enjoy the forum to share if ur a d,#*k I think ur a d*#l!

Anyone know if launch meeting is live or virtual yet in February? I’m thinking virtual because of how out of control Covid is. I’m not too comfortable sitting in large conference rooms all day masked and 6 feet apart with a few hundred of us in there for days at a time. Biogen tried this I think and dozens got Covid.

Anyone know if launch meeting is live or virtual yet in February? I’m thinking virtual because of how out of control Covid is. I’m not too comfortable sitting in large conference rooms all day masked and 6 feet apart with a few hundred of us in there for days at a time. Biogen tried this I think and dozens got Covid.

Why don’t you try asking your DM ?though I’m not sure they are even qualified to answer that. If you got hired on here & come to cafe pharma for that basic information , your really doomed. Wonder where this launch is headed...

Just a bitter non hire. Manager says up in air still. But CP is a great place for info PRE start date to see if anyone else’s manager has info around the country. Filtering out the negative posts of non hires is exhausting lol. You guys wouldn’t be posting this way if you had been offered for the role you heavily pursued for months. Move on

Just a bitter non hire. Manager says up in air still. But CP is a great place for info PRE start date to see if anyone else’s manager has info around the country. Filtering out the negative posts of non hires is exhausting lol. You guys wouldn’t be posting this way if you had been offered for the role you heavily pursued for months. Move on
Wait. CP is a btr source of info then the company that hired you!? Who the heck did these idiots hire... their own kind!! You're celebrating an company where they share info with some mgrs and not all in a uniform manner?! Hope they do btr when the drug is launched.
"Dear CP, do you know when I'll get my samples because I haven't heard and my dm doesn't know?" Haha. God this is why we're not bitter we weren't chosen!

Just a bitter non hire. Manager says up in air still. But CP is a great place for info PRE start date to see if anyone else’s manager has info around the country. Filtering out the negative posts of non hires is exhausting lol. You guys wouldn’t be posting this way if you had been offered for the role you heavily pursued for months. Move on
Agreed. CP is def where you should be getting your company info from!!! That's a well oiled machine I'm happy not to be part of.
"Anyone know where I submit my expense report to or when I'll get copay cards? Bob's mgr told him but my mgr doesn't know" I can't believe you're defending that. A qualified hire would expect uniform dissemination of information that would qualify the company as effective and efficient. Must have been why they went with you, neither effective nor efficient so you'll not make a fuss. Us bitter non hires would have expected more and r thankful for you being the true place holder for such an inefficient company and saving us that frustration.
Cheers to CP for being your premier source of quality inside company information!!

I’m shocked reading this...hilarious! Of course managers know different information. It’s all who knows who, etc. company dispersed information is one thing. Inside information is another. Managers talk and share things that aren’t public knowledge. Literally every single pharma company my entire career I’ve learned things not dispersed company wide. This is why you are the rejects. The highly offended, non professionally treated cry babies that expected P1 to tell you you were second choice candidates never disappoint. You need Urovant to pay for counseling for the PTSD you now apparently all have?! Glad I won’t be launching with these out of touch, pharma 101, basic sample droppers. Touch base when you make the mix of that higher pay, better big pharma gig that you’ll land.

I’m shocked reading this...hilarious! Of course managers know different information. It’s all who knows who, etc. company dispersed information is one thing. Inside information is another. Managers talk and share things that aren’t public knowledge. Literally every single pharma company my entire career I’ve learned things not dispersed company wide. This is why you are the rejects. The highly offended, non professionally treated cry babies that expected P1 to tell you you were second choice candidates never disappoint. You need Urovant to pay for counseling for the PTSD you now apparently all have?! Glad I won’t be launching with these out of touch, pharma 101, basic sample droppers. Touch base when you make the mix of that higher pay, better big pharma gig that you’ll land.

I second this. I found out about layoffs at my current position on CP weeks before it was announced. These reps do not live in reality

I’m shocked reading this...hilarious! Of course managers know different information. It’s all who knows who, etc. company dispersed information is one thing. Inside information is another. Managers talk and share things that aren’t public knowledge. Literally every single pharma company my entire career I’ve learned things not dispersed company wide. This is why you are the rejects. The highly offended, non professionally treated cry babies that expected P1 to tell you you were second choice candidates never disappoint. You need Urovant to pay for counseling for the PTSD you now apparently all have?! Glad I won’t be launching with these out of touch, pharma 101, basic sample droppers. Touch base when you make the mix of that higher pay, better big pharma gig that you’ll land.
To douche 1 and I'll second that douche2... who believes anything on cp in the first place. This is ur capacity of networking to gain info is to go on a forum like this and expect legit answers. I'm shocked!!
Shouldn't you stud of a rep be studying or prepping for in home training for this drug that's gonna knock the competition out of the water with ur expertise and unparalleled talent. Or r u2 too bz trolling here and trying to put people down to validate yourself because you got ur name drawn out of a hat. And don't worry, we're glad we're not launching with u also, u won't be launching long anyways.

To douche 1 and I'll second that douche2... who believes anything on cp in the first place. This is ur capacity of networking to gain info is to go on a forum like this and expect legit answers. I'm shocked!!
Shouldn't you stud of a rep be studying or prepping for in home training for this drug that's gonna knock the competition out of the water with ur expertise and unparalleled talent. Or r u2 too bz trolling here and trying to put people down to validate yourself because you got ur name drawn out of a hat. And don't worry, we're glad we're not launching with u also, u won't be launching long anyways.

So sensitive and easily triggered. CP is the truth if you know how to censor the comical BS!! That’s why you and the other hypocrites have come here...I believe you guys are hurt and burnt forever by P1 and the management from Urovant. I take it as true, believe me. Or should I not believe it because you hammer CP as BS?! Move on now to the next employer potential

So sensitive and easily triggered. CP is the truth if you know how to censor the comical BS!! That’s why you and the other hypocrites have come here...I believe you guys are hurt and burnt forever by P1 and the management from Urovant. I take it as true, believe me. Or should I not believe it because you hammer CP as BS?! Move on now to the next employer potential
CP IS THE TRUTH What a quote. I dont think this is a urovant hire. I think it's a CP moderator. CP IS THE TRUTH hahaha. Thank you so much for the laugh and reminder of who was actually hired at this company fits in line with the leadership. Hahaha. Too good

Have to be talking about Donny. If so, I thought the same thing. How would u sell one of 2 products that are exactly the same and same price? Dumbest most obscure question ever encountered. Basically preparing you lucky chosen what 2 expect selling this. Enjoy

The one and only. Absurd questions! I felt bullied and disgusted by this person. My heart goes to anyone that will have Donny as a manager, i truly do. Best of luck to the people who have been hired and I hope you all have a successful launch

To douche 1 and I'll second that douche2... who believes anything on cp in the first place. This is ur capacity of networking to gain info is to go on a forum like this and expect legit answers. I'm shocked!!
Shouldn't you stud of a rep be studying or prepping for in home training for this drug that's gonna knock the competition out of the water with ur expertise and unparalleled talent. Or r u2 too bz trolling here and trying to put people down to validate yourself because you got ur name drawn out of a hat. And don't worry, we're glad we're not launching with u also, u won't be launching long anyways.

Lol you’re a joke. As is this company. I can’t wait to file a discrimination lawsuit! Hahahahaha! So funny, you’ll be out of business after 6 months