If you haven't heard, don't assume you're out. Call P1 to check in. Many not accepting offers and they are moving on to other candidates. I know of someone that got a call late Weds.. you never know. Offers are low, not what P1 told us in the beginning. Classic bait/switch.

Alright thanks! Exciting opportunity! Wonder why it says product isn’t available till April though? When start date is Jan 19th? Anyone know?

I was told 3 weeks home study, 2 weeks field, launch meeting virtual or maybe live depending COVID numbers. That most def is not April. I’m assuming this is just a safe date until we get training going, etc. Any thoughts?

Bottom line take the job if you need it , make the most of it. But be looking for your next move. This gig won’t last long. I’d say 8-12 months before they start layoffs already due to a poor launch , which of course will be blamed at the Reps feet. Never mind the fact it’s a generic class , too many PA needed & the data isn’t that great over existing products out there . Plus the refill rates are really low for this disease state. Any time you hear this is a salesman’s drug , run ‍♀️ it means the product isn’t worth it ! Also their other product didn’t even get past phase 2 ! I think this is enough for you to draw conclusion here.

Grammar police never fail. Move onto a new board where you work. All the negative posts come from bitter people who interviewed and were not hired. I hope you find something new, I do. But realize you’re on an anonymous board, talking trash, about a company that hasn’t even started selling. You must have better things to do. We get it, you hate leadership here, you think the drug is me too, you say it’s a bust, etc. Speculation is over, nothing more you can add. Come back in 6 months and feel free to weigh in on the team hired and the success or failure that you’ll know nothing about since it’s a privately held company.
Right! Go get a job at Disney.... they value the language and insight. Loser

The abject desperation by people on this board is truly sad. The product is lame. Leadership were plucked from the layoff trash heap of big pharma. The pay is marginal. If you need the job, take it but for the love of God, have some dignity. If you haven’t received a call, it’s time to move on and there are much better opportunities to be had.

The abject desperation by people on this board is truly sad. The product is lame. Leadership were plucked from the layoff trash heap of big pharma. The pay is marginal. If you need the job, take it but for the love of God, have some dignity. If you haven’t received a call, it’s time to move on and there are much better opportunities to be had.
Wholeheartedly agree and just want to add how disrespectful all involved in the process have been. It's a learning opp, the mgr, recruiter all best friends during process. Heck, I even had recruiter call me and leave me a message informing me no decision made yet unprompted, and since ghosted me.
The lack of professional courtesy is astounding and I think moving forward, a) I'll ask the mgr were I not to be chosen, would he/she provide feedback so I know right away if dealing with a dbag, and b) if I'm told that we have to review other candidates to compare, I will kindly inform them if my presentation hasn't provided them the info needed to know I'm right for the position and they want to learn more that I appreciate the time but won't waste their or my time, and that I'm simply not a place holder.
All involved, particularly around Christmas, and the professional disrespect they've shown illustrates how little they value or respect they view us, and will view those chosen when the (&$* hits the fan this summer and treat them as numbers and cut costs by cutting overhead and reps.

Timelines were clear. Process was delayed about a week. P1 cannot close out candidates (backups) until someone accepts. If management did not communicate with you about delays and sit tight an offer is coming, you probably were the backup. It’s not unprofessional, it’s how a process works. P1 isn’t going to tell the backup it’s a no go until it truly is. They also won’t tell you that you’re the backup because you’d walk away. It sucks, but the delay of a week is what caused the “unprofessional” to some. If you’re still waiting, I assume you’re the backup and they reinterviewed for the territory for more candidates. Given the amount of layoffs in the industry, any pharma gig with a $120k+ base is amazing. There might be better positions in 2021 with a higher base, but you will be competing in dog eat dog processes due to the unusually large amount of qualified reps in the market. I’m grateful and excited to be joining here. Sure, tough sell and a bit of a me too, but I’m confident I’ll sell. The easy days of pharma, tons of coverage, low low copays are over. You’ll never be a launch rep if that’s what you want.

Timelines were clear. Process was delayed about a week. P1 cannot close out candidates (backups) until someone accepts. If management did not communicate with you about delays and sit tight an offer is coming, you probably were the backup. It’s not unprofessional, it’s how a process works. P1 isn’t going to tell the backup it’s a no go until it truly is. They also won’t tell you that you’re the backup because you’d walk away. It sucks, but the delay of a week is what caused the “unprofessional” to some. If you’re still waiting, I assume you’re the backup and they reinterviewed for the territory for more candidates. Given the amount of layoffs in the industry, any pharma gig with a $120k+ base is amazing. There might be better positions in 2021 with a higher base, but you will be competing in dog eat dog processes due to the unusually large amount of qualified reps in the market. I’m grateful and excited to be joining here. Sure, tough sell and a bit of a me too, but I’m confident I’ll sell. The easy days of pharma, tons of coverage, low low copays are over. You’ll never be a launch rep if that’s what you want.
Hey best of luck. You'll need it trying to convince the drs and staff of the reasoning to go away from a generic and having that in depth conversation when you will have no access. It is unprofessional, and not how the process works as it is not a uniform practice by quality companies. It is practiced by companies and managers of this level which exemplifies the lack of character this company possesses. I'm so happy for you you feel compelled to defend a lack of character in the company you chose to work with.
For those not chosen, be happy and thankful for their loss. Be happy you weren't chosen and then relax on your pursuit of a position that is a career and not a job that you'd be back in the same boat you were in of looking which led you here. Be happy you won't have a mgmt that hasn't a clue, or shared any approach that would lead to a successful launch. Cheers to a medication that will be so PA levied 'cover my meds' can't save it from...my understanding is that's Nassi's hope and direction.
I'll tell you this, 120 is great, but when you have 120 for 6 months,then are laid off and back in that dog eat dog world for months getting $0, 90 or 100 consistently with competent, respectable companies that aren't launching a drug on a wing and a prayer is much more amazing.

I know I’m thankful for this offer. Better than 6 months of unemployment. I do think there is enough here to sustain the sales force. No blockbuster here, but enough to slowly slowly inch forward quarter after quarter. I think Urovant is going to make it because it’s a field team that knows if this doesn’t successfully launch and take off it’s back to a horrible competition of laid off pharma reps competing for only a handful of jobs. I’ll work harder than I ever thought to keep this. Best of luck to anyone still interviewing.

Such negative comments! Keep the comments true yet objective. It obviously proves the disappointment the very talented/experienced candidates that did not get an offer feel. Their loss.
Launches are exciting however A LOT of strategic thinking and A LOT of work. Work becomes a love and hate relationship as you all know. Best wishes to those that got offers!!!
Is it possible I am still in the running? No responses of a Yes or No from Princeton One. Anyone from the Midwest know anything?

Such negative comments! Keep the comments true yet objective. It obviously proves the disappointment the very talented/experienced candidates that did not get an offer feel. Their loss.
Launches are exciting however A LOT of strategic thinking and A LOT of work. Work becomes a love and hate relationship as you all know. Best wishes to those that got offers!!!
Is it possible I am still in the running? No responses of a Yes or No from Princeton One. Anyone from the Midwest know anything?


Have some dignity.