Urology Sales position

Watch what happens after we turn this work
Tool Spreadsheet tomorrow. They will cut the comp plan
Severely next April. The new plan is to pay nothing to
Reps and hire young kids to do the job.
This way they have "the account intelligence" before
The mass exodus. The calm before the storm if you will.
What a joke... Then they can just hand a roadmap
To the new reps and say go get them...
This is your respectful employer named Olympus.

Watch what happens after we turn this work
Tool Spreadsheet tomorrow. They will cut the comp plan
Severely next April. The new plan is to pay nothing to
Reps and hire young kids to do the job.
This way they have "the account intelligence" before
The mass exodus. The calm before the storm if you will.
What a joke... Then they can just hand a roadmap
To the new reps and say go get them...
This is your respectful employer named Olympus.

I agree, you're an idiot

no one making money, and Olympus is way behind their number.
90 under plan 40 at or above plan. No bonus or finish strong this year because Olympus is flat broke. Lots of micromanagement crm. Apply at your own risk. Many are leaving after March 31. This place SUCKS!

Watch out for further commission cuts down to 5 %
This year at the end of April. People get a grip, this company
Is only concerned with profit. As far as Olympus is comcerned,
They could get rid of you and make even more money!
They don't care about you. They only care about sales
And controlling your every move!

Watch for mass openings In April!!!

Fuck this company!!!
I can't say it enough
Fuck this company!!!
I can't say it enough
Fuck this company!!!
Lying, cheating bastards!!!
Keep your eyes peeled for more comp
Plan cuts, and more micro management

Are you jackasses still working for Olympus?
You can't find another job?
Wow, they got you by the balls!!!
What a piece of shit company, run by
Dishonest pieces of shit!