Several RVP's getting fired on Friday this week. Massive scandal. More of the same.
Several RVP's getting fired on Friday this week. Massive scandal. More of the same.
Olympus will screw you over and over and then turn their back on you. Don't trust your endoscopy RVP/AVP. They're useless, lying pieces of shit who only care about themselves and the pension...that's it.
Desperately seeking new leadership who care more about Sales than Also need proactive mindset, constantly reacting is costing us time&money!
RC, you have micromanaged us to death which cuts into our selling time. Try listening to the sales rep instead of calling us complainers and babies. I bet your pay hasn't been drastically cut over the last 5 years, or you would complain to about the added BS.
TU and PC have f-up everything else. No more BSC idiots. They have demonstrated their incompetence.
You have created a culture of yes men who are scared to stand up to tell the truth, so nothing will ever change. Definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. You have now created competition within Olympus for equipment, and AVPs will decide who will be successful. Nice planning.
Randy- time to start making big changes- management, marketing and contracting. When will urology have a leader to represents us effectively? Our marketing team is a joke and their favorite line is “we were blindsided”. We are losing great reps and will continue to until the comp plan is fixed. You can’t continue to give us more work but cut our pay every year! Urology is a great profitable business unit for Olympus. Time to solve the issues we are having and pay us for continuing to meet our quota and carrying the load for the Surgical division. Here’s an idea - cut energy and Gyn, divide those products up and use this money to increase the pay of the business units that are performing!
Randy would rather hire copier reps and pay them $110-160k per year max. Urology sells itself and the reps are nothing but a customer service liason. The Olympus name is whats sells and it has been shown the last few years as Urology continues to grow and hit its number while turning over 50% of its sales force. Most of the stud ACMI reps are gone and have been replaced by no namers from other small companies/industries that continue to bring home the sales. Total target comp for urology next year is going to be $175k. Think about that...gone are the days of the average rep hitting $300k with more than 25% going over $500k. This is a $175k job and if you get lucky up to $250k. New comp plan will shave another 10-15% earning potential like the last 4 comp plans have done. Competition will continue to erode the business away and everyone will realize the golden road of Olympus Urology has ended.
urology sells itself due to the Olympus name- what a joke. Obviously you are not in uro. We work hard, in cases every day, and have more competition than any other division. We have nothing handed to us and have made quota despite everything Olympus has throw at us over the past few years. Most ACMI studs are still here. Hiring reps without medical exp is hurting our reputation in all divisions.
Do what Rob and his ATM do in Orlando do !