Urology Sales position

Do not accept an offer with Olympus. That’s all I will say. I worked there for 10 years. Terribly run company. Most managers just biding their time to collect a pension... No one tries to fix the pay or the issues. It’s a clusterfuck.

urology sells itself due to the Olympus name- what a joke. Obviously you are not in uro. We work hard, in cases every day, and have more competition than any other division. We have nothing handed to us and have made quota despite everything Olympus has throw at us over the past few years. Most ACMI studs are still here. Hiring reps without medical exp is hurting our reputation in all divisions.

I had a conversation with a doc recently about this. They were not happy with the turnover and their inexperienceed rep within their specialty.

I had a conversation with a doc recently about this. They were not happy with the turnover and their inexperienceed rep within their specialty.

management couldn’t give a damn. morale in urology at a all time low. Lack of confidence in leadership. Nils completely silent on issues. Rep turnover to continue.

You fucktards at Olympus are getting taken to the cleaners.

Here’s why:
Your leadership doesn’t give one fuck about you. Your market share will continue to decline!
Your pay is already disgraceful.
You are the laughing stock of the industry!

Hahaha! Joke!
Enterprise Rental Car Porters of America!!

Out with Nacho & Randy Clark!
They are both useless, as are Nils, Chadwick, Crowley, and Fleming...

The whole company is one big shit show!
Do not accept an offer with Olympus.
You will be very sorry if you do.

PSS Urology will continue to erode Olympus’s bipolar market...
Olympus is an evil company.
Urology Comp plans to be slashed come April 1. Courtesy of SOD!
Mass exodus coming to territories near you.

Always appreciate your input Conner!

Colleague read the boards and sent some screenshots to me. I can tell you I’ve never posted on here before. Mind blown at some of the posts and whoever is trolling you. It’s rather comical. Figured I’d give you the courtesy of letting you know so you don’t sound so ridiculous. Good luck

I see that Mick Malone is hiring a new team again, if there was ever one manager to stay away from its that one right there. This is the third maybe fourth time he is rebuilding his team within 18-24 months. everyone ends up leaving or going to a different division. Head this warning.....

management couldn’t give a damn. morale in urology at a all time low. Lack of confidence in leadership. Nils completely silent on issues. Rep turnover to continue.

Mass exodus in urology this year. Urology probably made their number because they took it out of our commission. You can make more in Pharma with less hours and less stress.

I see that Mick Malone is hiring a new team again, if there was ever one manager to stay away from its that one right there. This is the third maybe fourth time he is rebuilding his team within 18-24 months. everyone ends up leaving or going to a different division. Head this warning.....

Mick Malone being investigated for inducement. Ed Chadwick covered it up.

Mick is great. His team is turning over for reasons out of his control.

Mick is a piece of shit. The guy threatened doctors to pull residency $ if those doctors used a non Olympus disposable. So try again you lying sack of shit! Mick also offered a urologist an envelope with cash in it to not stray from Olympus. Mick Malone has no soul and no personality. Zero respect for MickDick!
Chadwick can eat a dick too!

Chadwick & Randy Clark need to go!!!
They do nothing except gobble salary!
Fire the useless turds!

Chadwick is trying to stay afloat until retirement give him his walking papers!