Urology Sales position

Olympus stock is plunging!
Down to $34.78. Sounds like the stock buyback failed in the long term there Pierre La Douche!
Up to $42 down to $34 after terrible earnings for year end. We will continue to sandbag and resign until you pay us what we are worth. Sales Ops Shitbag gets a raise every year. Why do you douchebags that do nothing get raises and we do all the work. FUCK YOU!

Independent jackass. Which means they have several other lines. Do you read English?

The only other line will be one of cocaine at 3 AM six months after quitting OCA to pursue riches with Wolf and then losing all the wealth you built up with Olympus in desperate attempt to stop your depressive spiral. You'll need many other lines to make up the short fall, Wolf has nothing.

Your reference of cocaine only divulges your immaturity. No seasoned veteran with respect in this industry speaks the way you just did. Why don't you resign instead, we don't want you Enterprise Rental Car reps at Olympus. You are ruining our credibility with the docs. I have no clue why our RVP's keep hiring clowns like you is beyond me. Its a sad day at Olympus. I have seen many of my astute colleagues up and resign this year. All divisions too! This job just doesn't pay enough to justify all of the work we do day in and day out for our customers. Goodbye Olympus!

Your reference of cocaine only divulges your immaturity. No seasoned veteran with respect in this industry speaks the way you just did. Why don't you resign instead, we don't want you Enterprise Rental Car reps at Olympus. You are ruining our credibility with the docs. I have no clue why our RVP's keep hiring clowns like you is beyond me. Its a sad day at Olympus. I have seen many of my astute colleagues up and resign this year. All divisions too! This job just doesn't pay enough to justify all of the work we do day in and day out for our customers. Goodbye Olympus!

Your moral preening is comical in light of how many customers you old timers screwed over via generator invoices, etc. And please don't insult me with silly Enterprise comparisons, I worked for Avis.

None of this gibberish matters. You all are going to be out of a job soon at OCA!!
You are managed by idiots that know nothing about the market they are in. They sold in the 90's when it was as easy as apple pie. Urology is getting taking down systematically.

See ya!

RVP's should be really nervous about job security.
100 open TM positions across the country and mounting.
Olympus is in a lot of trouble.
It doesn't appear that management is the least bit concerned.
Completely out to lunch, as per usual.

None of this gibberish matters. You all are going to be out of a job soon at OCA!!
You are managed by idiots that know nothing about the market they are in. They sold in the 90's when it was as easy as apple pie. Urology is getting taking down systematically.

See ya!


OCA is about to lose a HUGE bipolar account to the competitor in the deep south.
Sending lawyers and lies will come back to bite you in the ass Nilsy!
Can't wait to see it fall. Olympus has fallen!


10 more TM resignations last week at Olympus... it’s beyond out of control.
Everyone is looking for a new job.
This place is awful!!!

BS all the way.....you know nothing..you Olympus wannabee a sales rep for us.

Wannabee isn't a part of the english language you imbecile.
Did you learn that language at Enterprise Rental Car?
How does it feel to be making $81,000 per year when the rep before you made $200,000.
The joke is on you. You have proven that you are nothing more than a clown.

Have a nice day.

Wannabee isn't a part of the english language you imbecile.
Did you learn that language at Enterprise Rental Car?
How does it feel to be making $81,000 per year when the rep before you made $200,000.
The joke is on you. You have proven that you are nothing more than a clown.

Have a nice day.

17 resignations at Olympus Sales this week,

Connor, are you upset we didn't hire you? As bad as we have it you still will have to shine my shoes! Son, you are just not that good to be talking so much. Shut up and sell >Please stop worrying about us so much

Connor, are you upset we didn't hire you? As bad as we have it you still will have to shine my shoes! Son, you are just not that good to be talking so much. Shut up and sell >Please stop worrying about us so much

Dear Young Olympus Padawan:

A Padawan, or Jedi apprentice, is a trainee who is apprenticed to a Jedi Knight or Master. Padawans receive one-on-one instruction in the ways of the Jedi. When a Padawan's training is completed, he must pass the Trials to become a Jedi Knight. Padawan means learner in Sanskrit.Oct 12, 2017

From what many of us in the field have heard, you are Connor’s bitch. Watch and learn young Padawan, watch and learn.
He who laughs last....