I remember back in 2003 when I saw a recruiter's website offering only "The Best Cheerleaders from the SEC Conference" as candidates to fill pharmaceutical sales positions. This is when I knew the industry "Jumped the Shark"! It has been a slow steady decline ever since. I only wish I saved a screenshot of that website!!! Not a joke....totally serious.

I remember back in 2003 when I saw a recruiter's website offering only "The Best Cheerleaders from the SEC Conference" as candidates to fill pharmaceutical sales positions. This is when I knew the industry "Jumped the Shark"! It has been a slow steady decline ever since. I only wish I saved a screenshot of that website!!! Not a joke....totally serious.
I don't need convincing. Just as bad back then was the absolute onslaught of spoiled and entitled relatives and neighbors of VPs and above.

I remember back in 2003 when I saw a recruiter's website offering only "The Best Cheerleaders from the SEC Conference" as candidates to fill pharmaceutical sales positions. This is when I knew the industry "Jumped the Shark"! It has been a slow steady decline ever since. I only wish I saved a screenshot of that website!!! Not a joke....totally serious.

I remember this website too. Sad.

Vaccines due for cuts. Unlike when we had the monopoly on prevnar for two decades, We don’t do well when we actually have competition. Nearly All doses of rsv and Covid come from retail NOT offices, which is where we are 99% of the time.

Fifty percent expansion last summer absolute unnecessary and navigator overlays serve no purpose. The word from vaccines VP at end of 2023 was no cuts to vaccines as part of the restructure and cost cuttings Albert announced. Laughable that anyone would believe this.

Vaccines due for cuts. Unlike when we had the monopoly on prevnar for two decades, We don’t do well when we actually have competition. Nearly All doses of rsv and Covid come from retail NOT offices, which is where we are 99% of the time.

Fifty percent expansion last summer absolute unnecessary and navigator overlays serve no purpose. The word from vaccines VP at end of 2023 was no cuts to vaccines as part of the restructure and cost cuttings Albert announced. Laughable that anyone would believe this.
That 2nd half of the 2nd sentence says it all!

I suspect if that happens it will be a mad scramble to the front of the line

Count me in. So looking forward to getting myself a severance package. The entire industry just sucks to work in. It is amazing that we still have this many sales reps out in the field when there are so few RXing medical professionals to see!

Customer facing roles were spared last year. Not so much this year. Cuts coming later this year. Especially the Internal Medicine KAM role. Big cuts and leadership cuts. Katina over played it and finally caught up

Oh no what will we do without the pretty document making do nothing Kams? Who will call together the sales reps to write down all their updates to make their reports and take credit? So unfair!!!!