Can a Pfizer employee volunteer to be included for an upcoming layoff? I am near retirement and would happily receive the severance package and give up my seat to someone younger, with a family, who really needs to keep the job. Thanks.
Not sure about volunteering, but they do give you 5 points toward your “rule of 90” if you are close to retirement eligibility.
Holy crap!!! 35K views on this thread. I guess the sh*t is hitting the fan at PFE. Layoffs coming at our company too, so don't feel bad. We are all in this together:(
I'm guessing that the industry as a whole will be breaking out the ax and cutting field force numbers. Access in many parts of the country is absolute crap, as our doctors are being squeezed to see more patients every week.
Where you located? My OBGYNS still very much accessible. That doesn’t mean that they won’t cut me loose though. It’s Wallstreet BS ! We should never be in this situation after the billions made during Covid. CEO needs to go. Not the little people
Where you located? My OBGYNS are more than happy to see me FTF. That doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be cut. It’s all a WALL STEET SHOW. The head man/woman need to be fired IMO. We little peeps don’t shore up the 3.5 billion in cuts!
Are you going to post more pictures with your masks and blue rubber gloves again on LinkedIn? We were all wondering what that was about.

We were all back working and we were wondering what in the world you were doing

Signed, your Eliquis counterparts.