May not be able to compete against bigger pharma.
May not be able to compete against bigger pharma.
Wow!!!! This manager is really trying to fool people!
Agreed Topamax is already much more tolerable than oxcarb. That's why there is hardly any difference between Topamax and Trokendi. Try harder you RDs, most of you are pathetic, as if we needed more proof this proves it.
So terrible that you are still here after a year. Ha, if its so bad, leave. But I'm sure you're cool collecting a paycheck. Btw, not backing the taRD's at all, just saying you are probably the same person that complains on all of these threads. Just can't wrap my head around how you have so many issues with the company's products, leadership, pay structure etc. yet you won't quit. Weird.
People should go to jail for charging $25 a day for this crap medicine. Just take the regular pills twice a day for less than a dollar. Total scam on the consumer.
Listen buddy we give a hell of a rebate to Medicaid!!
I've taken both. I like Trokendi XR better. My body cannot tolerate heat as well when on Topiramate. However, with that being said, the difference in price, when I was self pay, made me question what miracle might be in Trokendi XR that I was unaware of. If they can do something to get price down that's my pick.