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Trokendi taken with food...wow!!!


Your FDA submission data shows that when you take Trokendi XR with food the fluctuation index of Trokendi is wider than Topamax! Are you sharing this information with doctors and patients? It seems they might want to know...


Hmmmm that's interesting I've seen over 5k scripts of Trokendi XR over the past 2 years in my territory. Talk to numerous doctors daily and have never heard that being an issue. CRAWL BACK IN YOUR HOLE upsher, you are pathetic!!

That mindset might fly in an unregulated industry. However, when Supernus's marketing materials and reps are telling doctors, and by extension their patients, that they're getting the narrower XR fluctuation with Trokendi vs Topamax and you fail to mention that Supernus's own analysis shows this isn't the case if you take Trokendi with a meal that could appear to be a very misleading omission. Oops!

Thank you for letting us know the new "dig" at trokendixr from upsher... really is sad.. exp bc many of your reps are telling offices that they are getting a different indication and that is not the case... should be fun to let my doctors know about your little white lies to get lunches in my territory :)

Thank you for letting us know the new "dig" at trokendixr from upsher... really is sad.. exp bc many of your reps are telling offices that they are getting a different indication and that is not the case... should be fun to let my doctors know about your little white lies to get lunches in my territory :)

Like you haven't been "encouraging" migraine use all along little princess. Don't worry though, I don't think old Upsher has many reps left to challenge you.

Like you haven't been "encouraging" migraine use all along little princess. Don't worry though, I don't think old Upsher has many reps left to challenge you.
ive only been this industry for roughly 2 years and I'll admit that I'm a little green as far as "typical pharma protocol" but when you are warned multiple times by leadership not to mention the "M" word, we don't! Just cause you jack asses can't figure out how to sell doesn't mean we can't. I have learned that there are some pretty damn lazy "pharma sales" people in this industry. I take personal offense when these lazy turds from USL try to come in like a rat and steal my business. You didn't earn that, I did and you wanna play your brand/generic card/sprinkle option.... Get the **** outta here. Know who you are selling to, build relationships, understand each practice you walk in to. "Wait..... That's not it, you must be selling off label cause we sure can't figure it out". No wonder USL is a laughing stock in majority of the offices we walk in to. You guys have all the pharma experience but not a F'ing clue how to sell your product. Stop wasting our time and go try to bother someone else.

Good luck out there turd burglars

Like you haven't been "encouraging" migraine use all along little princess. Don't worry though, I don't think old Upsher has many reps left to challenge you.
Man.... You can smell this from a mile away. This ladies and gentleman is what you call desperation. Fishing for answers on cafe pharma. Haha, you guys really don't have a clue do you. I wouldn't be surprised if you're in some "leadership" role at USL.

Like you haven't been "encouraging" migraine use all along little princess. Don't worry though, I don't think old Upsher has many reps left to challenge you.

We can break it down to selling if you want. It only allows us to puff our chests. But in reality our product is just better than yours. It's been long enough now that we know it's not just a "first to market" advantage. I get that trolls from our company can go stir up USL boards but it's funny that you guys literally have nothing to throw in our faces, except some stuff about taking with food. I would say no harm no foul and send us your resume when you get cut, but we only hire "copy machine salesman."

Like you haven't been "encouraging" migraine use all along little princess. Don't worry though, I don't think old Upsher has many reps left to challenge you.

If my little princess you mean amazing salesperson then thank you very much... I'm able to support my family on one income Alone by utilizing my solution-based selling practices... I don't just walk into an office have a physician sign off on a bunch of samples and leave... I change my targets to use something different that works better for their patients... It shows in my numbers and it's unfortunate that you feel that everyone has to mention the m word in order to make any money and that's just not the case... Doctors can use medications whatever way they want I'm just there to teach them about how they were used in our studies and the benefits that they have for their patients

If my little princess you mean amazing salesperson then thank you very much... I'm able to support my family on one income Alone by utilizing my solution-based selling practices... I don't just walk into an office have a physician sign off on a bunch of samples and leave... I change my targets to use something different that works better for their patients... It shows in my numbers and it's unfortunate that you feel that everyone has to mention the m word in order to make any money and that's just not the case... Doctors can use medications whatever way they want I'm just there to teach them about how they were used in our studies and the benefits that they have for their patients

Congrats to you but please stop, no one on here cares that much. -A fellow Supernus rep

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