
Opened it, read all of the BS written by reps, their friends, and reps' twisted family members who have nothing better to do. Write your fiction on whatever web page you want to, but remember one thing, you can't stop this train! Trifexis is the best, safest, cleanest, most effective product on the market, and millions of happy clients drown out your fictitious cries.

These aren't ficticious claims. Many dogs can use a product without any side affects but other dogs can not tolerate s product. My dog had a severe reaction to Frontlline the first time we used it so I switched to Trifexis and had no problem for a year. This week I gave it to the dog and she had severe multiple vomiting and took her to the doctor. They did a blood work up and it showed her liver enzyme was greatly elevated. She has been lethargic with no appetite for 3 days. Her appetite is finally picking back up. You do not know which of these flea medicines will hurt your dog and which will be safe. It all has to do with the dog.

My wife took my 5 year old Frenchy to the vet to renew her Sentinel heartworm pill and he informed her of this new flea and heartworm drug that he suggested we try.

My dog spit it out and threw it up until finally we gave it to her in 4 portions.

Once she finally ingested the drug she had the first seizure in her life, foaming at the mouth and convulsing. We took her to the vet and he identified this reaction as related to Trifexis and put her on anti seizure meds.

For over 12 weeks we watched her continue to have seizures despite being on anti-seizure meds, she would not eat, or drink on her own.

Finally, after one really bad seizure she showed signs of brain trama and Trifexis and our vet suggested we put her down.

Trifexis paid for a good portion of our vet bills, but kept maintaining that the drug was safe. They tried to tell us she had a bad reaction to the drug. I like many if the reps on here am not a medical school graduate, but I do know for a fact this drug killed my dog and there were no prerequisite tests suggested by the vet or drug company to clear my dog for this med that is known to give dogs a bad reaction (such a test likely does not exist).

My main point is that by taking this drug, we were playing Russian roulette with our dog's brain (albeit with a much larger chamber)

To you Elanco reps and to other dog owners, I ask:

Is this drug worth the risk? Is your dog going to be the next 'adverse event' statistic?

This drug has not been out there for that long and I have read online about hundreds if dogs who have died, and that's just from owners who bothered to post their story.

My sister is a drug rep so I know how you roll, it's a great job and the pay is super but I am sure you don't get paid extra to post defenses on here so knock it off, most reps just memorize and regurgitate the script that their company gives them and have limited if not any formal medical training so keep your novice opinions to yourself.

Don't put your dog on or prescribe Trifexis, it will eventually be discontinued one it has been on the market long enough and the FDA gets enough reports if the adverse events/deaths.

If your dog has had an adverse affect from Trifexis, print this form, fill it out and fax it back to the FDA

What needs to be asked is: how many dogs have been prescribed Trifexis and how mwny within this group had bad reactions? Take the percentage and make a conclusion. Let's see some empirical data on the findings and then we review.... That is the way to look at any risk vs. benefit.

I am not a vet, but my dog was poisoned by Trifexis. Her ALT numbers are still going up. Friday they were at 774. She was a perfectly healthy dog. She has excellent lab results pre dental cleaning. Two months later, she started Trifexis. November 6. Vomiting, Colitis like stools, Lethargy, Air licking, twitchy, not wanting to eat, and pure mucus stools... The vets and Elanco listened and She was hospitalized placed on IV's, Meds to detox... However the damage was done in the three weeks no one would listen...

Results of lab work:

Acute Pancreatitis. Her Cobalamin was 955, Alt 485 (normal values 10-100) while in hospital.

Thyroid panel was checked... Everything normal but her T-3 was 7 (slightly low) but not enough to show pre existing...

After two months of hell, and lots of help from holistic vets, and nutritionists, She is symptom free, but her liver enzymes continue to climb.

The point of this post? Vets will not listen to you, they believe that Trifexis is safe. They also are ignoring all the symptoms... less than seizures... However, they will tell patients that their pet wouldn't have a seizure unless it was predisposed to seizures... REALLY???

Yes, I have a case number from Elanco, Yes, they SAID: "They would turn it in to the FDA" I have no proof that have done so.

Will they pay for my ill dog? NO.

ONE pill, one Champion dog, perfect health prior, and now has permanent liver damage.

Any ideas for her healing? I would love that!! The sales reps are good I can tell you that. They are getting numbers, but Vets will lose long lasting clients to DEATH and or reputation loss.

Many people don't have the money to go through the treatments. I sure didn't, but will try to save my girl regardless.

I wish they would take it off the market!!!

so, have seen the press release today: Nebraska plant will open later than estimated.
I had been right with telling you that the re-supply will not be before June - if at all.

Not true! We will be back and better than ever. We will not be sold. Too profitabale long term. Yes, we struggled last year, but we didn't have our top 3 products! The rest of the division didn't have their top products.
We will be just fine.