Clinics are excited to get the Trifexis crap off their shelves. Sentinel may be crap but its better than your crap pill.
Guess we'll see, but that is if your crap ever gets back to the warehouse first.
Clinics are excited to get the Trifexis crap off their shelves. Sentinel may be crap but its better than your crap pill.
You guys make me laugh! Enjouy this for 2013. When 2014 comes MAH, yes Merck, will be king! Flea and tick pill here we come!!
Someone sounds nervous! We will get it approved and it will be the next greatest. A flea/heartworm pill will be forgotten! Maybe you can get a job with us.
we are going for a flea/tick/hw combo, but the flea/tick will be first. Also, as far as playing in another sandbox, we are doing quite well with our Activyl brands. It is in 1/3 of hospitals already.
Good luck when your dog "flops" on the ground from seizures.
I came to this site looking for information at four in the morning because my yorkie is miserable and scratching himself bloody after getting his second Trifexis dose yesterday. I thought maybe I could find some idea of what to do for him. The callousness of the (apparent) company reps, for Trifexis and for its competitors, turns my stomach. I will do everything in my power never to use ANY of your products again. I am also sending a complaint to your respective companies referencing posts on this forum. I doubt they will appreciate your juvenile, unprofessional, and downright disgusting behavior. Remember that nothing on the internet anymore is truly anonymous.
Our little poodle has been using trifexis and he now has fleas, as do we and the house. We will not use this product again. Going to the vet today for different method, doing tons of laundry and treating the house. This is a pain.
I notice you wrote this anonymously, you would think a veterinarian and so called educated person sign their post. So then we would all know to not go to! Do some continuing education and learn about pesticides. Go to the Trifexis facebook page and read the posts, so you are ready when one of your patients comes in with their dying dog. Not putting your name will probably save you from being sued, coward.
Signed, an educated person who knows pesticides are lethal and we if don't put them on us and our kids we should not be putting it on our other family members...pets!