
Someone sounds nervous! We will get it approved and it will be the next greatest. A flea/heartworm pill will be forgotten! Maybe you can get a job with us.

1. Get approval on something, then maybe improve at either Novartis and/or Elanco will be "nervous".
2.Get approval on something , then start your "next greatest" comments.
3. When you get approval on something, what makes you think Merk won't go for combo w/heartworm as well? It just makes sense too, unless toxic.
4. NO ONE who is good would leave either Novartis or Elanco for Merk!

Bottom line, go play on Baeyer, Merial & Cevas sandboxuntil you get something worth boasting about.

we are going for a flea/tick/hw combo, but the flea/tick will be first. Also, as far as playing in another sandbox, we are doing quite well with our Activyl brands. It is in 1/3 of hospitals already.

we are going for a flea/tick/hw combo, but the flea/tick will be first. Also, as far as playing in another sandbox, we are doing quite well with our Activyl brands. It is in 1/3 of hospitals already.

1/3 of Hospitals seriously, maybe if you count all the free samples that were just left behind in Hospitals. You don't have to lie to make friends, everyone in the industry knows better than that one.

Trifexis is the only thing I will use on my dogs. It kills the ADULT fleas, therefore they can only bite one time. Two of my dogs have flea saliva allergies and Trifexis solved that problem. Sentinel will not kill the adults, therefore they can bite over and over again which was making the dogs allergies act up. Pricewise, yeah, Sentinel is alot cheaper, but just doesn't do what I need it too. Trifexis is not a flop at all!!

Our little poodle has been using trifexis and he now has fleas, as do we and the house. We will not use this product again. Going to the vet today for different method, doing tons of laundry and treating the house. This is a pain.

Go login to facebook and type in Trifexis kills dogs to see how many dogs have died from Trifexis. Trifexis had to shut down their facebook page due to all the negative posts. Elanco know this is killing dogs and still they publicly deny.

A note to Novartis, bring back Interceptor, people are moving away from flea and tick/heartworm combined medicine due to the neurological problems associated with it.
You would rule the market!

yes, thank you we will now be taking Sentinel off the market (combo) and bringing back Interceptor.
oh, and we will be shelving our new product Sentinel Spectrum (combo) because you want Interceptor back.
get a life

I came to this site looking for information at four in the morning because my yorkie is miserable and scratching himself bloody after getting his second Trifexis dose yesterday. I thought maybe I could find some idea of what to do for him. The callousness of the (apparent) company reps, for Trifexis and for its competitors, turns my stomach. I will do everything in my power never to use ANY of your products again. I am also sending a complaint to your respective companies referencing posts on this forum. I doubt they will appreciate your juvenile, unprofessional, and downright disgusting behavior. Remember that nothing on the internet anymore is truly anonymous.

I came to this site looking for information at four in the morning because my yorkie is miserable and scratching himself bloody after getting his second Trifexis dose yesterday. I thought maybe I could find some idea of what to do for him. The callousness of the (apparent) company reps, for Trifexis and for its competitors, turns my stomach. I will do everything in my power never to use ANY of your products again. I am also sending a complaint to your respective companies referencing posts on this forum. I doubt they will appreciate your juvenile, unprofessional, and downright disgusting behavior. Remember that nothing on the internet anymore is truly anonymous.

Write the letter in cursive.

Hey Lou Gallo, you are pathetic piece of dog crap. You are all over the internet slandering a company and drug. Everywhere, Trifexis Kills Dogs on your facebook group and obviously here too. This site isn't for you moron or anyone else you want to send on here. Get a life. You are using your grief to decieve people on Facebook and giving medical advice. I hope Elanco sues your ass down to your pants. You are deceiving the public by stating Trifexis Kills dogs and you didn't even have a necropsy. Dogs will die if they listen to you. I wonder if Radford University would say about your profanity, oh yeah you been trying to clean that up the past 2 days. Eat shit and die.

Our little poodle has been using trifexis and he now has fleas, as do we and the house. We will not use this product again. Going to the vet today for different method, doing tons of laundry and treating the house. This is a pain.

Trifexis does not repel fleas. It kills fleas once on pet. Doing laundry will not get rid of fleas. Goodluck.

I notice you wrote this anonymously, you would think a veterinarian and so called educated person sign their post. So then we would all know to not go to! Do some continuing education and learn about pesticides. Go to the Trifexis facebook page and read the posts, so you are ready when one of your patients comes in with their dying dog. Not putting your name will probably save you from being sued, coward.
Signed, an educated person who knows pesticides are lethal and we if don't put them on us and our kids we should not be putting it on our other family members...pets!

................didn't you just respond to the vets post anonymously?...Pretty hypocritical, no?...No room for you to be calling anybody a coward....anyways i am about to put my dog on trifexis and hope nothing goes wrong....everybody else should stop an adult and monitor your dog for side effects...if they have a reaction switch them to something else until you find something that works...but i refuse to rule it out completely just on the say so of money hungry sales reps....i hope you all lose your jobs for confusing everybody...i haven't seen one report of it killing a dog from one pill so give your dog a damn pill and if they are one of the dogs that is okay with it then you found something that works for your dog if not then take them off of it and find something aren't signing a damn contract that makes you give them the rest of the damn if your dog has a flea problem like mine then pick something and use trial and error until you find something that works...your dog is more likely to die due to the indecisiveness instilled by all the idiots above....and i'm not a sales rep i don't give a damn what you pick just pick something and just like every medicine label states: DISCONTINUE USE IF PROBLEMS PERSIST. Hope this helped somebody...and to all the sales reps on here regardless of who you are representing: grow the fuck up