
That our pipeline is empty is true. Also that good old Denagard is our biggest product (20 years old). Next launch in 2020...either invest or shut down....would love the investment scenario

Plant was not closed's producing and shipping some products....the media reported that Triminiac and Theraflu (that were produced in 2010-11) had a few bottles that needed to be recalled -- 97% of the product was already taken by consumers -- because of a faulty cap issue. The media also reported that this is a common obstacle for manufacturers of these type of products and they happen regularly. Had this issue not come up, Sentinel would already be back and Trifexis would have lost 1/3rd - if not more - of it's customers. Sentinel will be back in April and Elanco is actually going to have to work for it's business now. Christmas is over.

You obviously aren't "in the know". New York Times even reported a few weeks ago that Novartis's Lincoln, Neb. plant was scheduled to have it's final inspection and it was predicted everything will be fine. You keep waiting and when you see it on the shelves in the Spring and Trifexis is returned -- most good vets only bought because they had no other options / and or it was "new" and it intrigued them. When vets have options, Trifexis's big pill / big price / and awful side effects will take a major hit.

OK, I'm sorry. too little. too late....
From a Vet who is on the board of the largest nat' group in the US. Were you not present at the meeting? It was an "across the board" overall concensus that NAH has crossed the line/s and no longer welcome in our clinics. Good riddance.

For the dog owners on here who have had a dog react to Trifexis, my 70 pound pitbull is currently going through this. I have been home with her all day trying to help her. Any advice on helping her get through this? I am so angry I did not research this drug before taking my vets advice to switch my girl to it. I am upset that a decision I made had put her through this. She is an otherwise very healthy and tough dog. This is the first time she has ever had anything like this happen to her. How long will it last? Will the vet be able to do anything for her if I bring her in? I am growing less and less trusting of my vet and am in search of a new one.

Symptoms: trembling bad every time she breaths in, disoriented, wobbly when trying to walk, she has fallen over several times, trouble using the bathroom, very sleepy, eyes are low (not opened all the way), she has vomited twice and has not eaten all day which is a first in her 8 years of life. When I put her food down this morning, she would pick up pieces in her mouth, then spit them out... at first I thought it was a tooth problem but I have checked her all over, no pain, no ear issues. The ONLY difference is I gave her Trifexis last night, by the morning she was like this. This is her third month on Trifexis. PLEASE HELP, anything to help me get her through this! I called my vet and they said I could drop her off and they would monitor her, well I can do that here. Thank you for any advice.

OK, I'm sorry. too little. too late....
From a Vet who is on the board of the largest nat' group in the US. Were you not present at the meeting? It was an "across the board" overall concensus that NAH has crossed the line/s and no longer welcome in our clinics. Good riddance.

Good we hate dealing with vca!

We are on target to have Sentinel back by April. Once it is back, we will have the best programs for clinics and pet owners to regain trust and marketshare. It is very exciting!!

We are on target to have Sentinel back by April. Once it is back, we will have the best programs for clinics and pet owners to regain trust and marketshare. It is very exciting!!

A turd dipped in glitter is still a turd......and Sentinel my friends is still a turd! Then again you'll also be launching same turd + praziquantel, now that's ground breaking.

So help me understand which one of your three drugs is groundbreaking. A Program copycat, a Sentinel copycat, or generic Prozac. Wow, what a cutting edge company!

I love it, wrong company! However, at least their shit kills fleas so it still beats your turd products, also come one Novartis is last company to be throwing around "copycat", seriously Parastar line.

So help me understand which one of your three drugs is groundbreaking. A Program copycat, a Sentinel copycat, or generic Prozac. Wow, what a cutting edge company!
Didn't even try to defend turf product comments, maybe Novartis has come to except that and just try to overcome by giving the crap away to regain what little market share Sentinel even had in past 5 years.