I bought this for my 1.5 year old, 65 lb Boxer. This is the only change he has experienced in his routine. This is the first time he took the product. Within 2 hours he was groggy, unable to focus his eyes, disoriented, unable to walk, completely uninterested in any food or water and experiencing tremors. He has been sleeping almost exclusively for the last 12 hours and will only drink water if I give it to him out of a turkey baster.
This product has been cited in other cases with similar side effects. It is apparently incredibly dangerous and I urge you to talk extensively with your veterinarian, and veterinarians with your clients before giving it to any animal. My dog is dealing with what the vet described as toxicity which is affecting his neurological capacities. Please be careful with this product. This has been a really scary experience for my pet and I. I know this is not going to happen in all animals but as I have been reading online forums this seems to be a more common side effect than is initially stated.