
Simply put it, TRIFEXIS is POISON !

How strange ... does that mean that 25% of the dog population is going to drop dead soon? Trifexis commands 25% of the canine flea control market, so ... WTF? Poison? Get off the soapbox all of you ... hot chicks. You all look so good, but then you open your mouth and attempt to sound edumacated, hahahaha. Like-aaa, you know what I mean? "Smooch"

How strange ... does that mean that 25% of the dog population is going to drop dead soon? Trifexis commands 25% of the canine flea control market, so ... WTF? Poison? Get off the soapbox all of you ... hot chicks. You all look so good, but then you open your mouth and attempt to sound edumacated, hahahaha. Like-aaa, you know what I mean? "Smooch"

What a disgusting human being you are, the Trifexis facebook page has many dire experiences with this drug. To be so disrespectful to people who have had a sick family pet or the death of one from Trifexis truly speaks to your character, shame on you.

What a disgusting human being you are, the Trifexis facebook page has many dire experiences with this drug. To be so disrespectful to people who have had a sick family pet or the death of one from Trifexis truly speaks to your character, shame on you.

Opened it, read all of the BS written by reps, their friends, and reps' twisted family members who have nothing better to do. Write your fiction on whatever web page you want to, but remember one thing, you can't stop this train! Trifexis is the best, safest, cleanest, most effective product on the market, and millions of happy clients drown out your fictitious cries.

Wow! Just reading this thread and all I can say is Wow! I almost don't believe that some of you are really reps for these companies! i don't know crap about this subject just got here looking for reviews on Trifexis and feel like I stumbled into the junior high locker room. " Your dumb. no, your dumb no, you and anyone who buys this product is dumb" Really? that's what your going with for your reasoning? I feel a little dumber just reading some of these comments. well there goes 10 minutes of my life wasted.

I bought this for my 1.5 year old, 65 lb Boxer. This is the only change he has experienced in his routine. This is the first time he took the product. Within 2 hours he was groggy, unable to focus his eyes, disoriented, unable to walk, completely uninterested in any food or water and experiencing tremors. He has been sleeping almost exclusively for the last 12 hours and will only drink water if I give it to him out of a turkey baster.

This product has been cited in other cases with similar side effects. It is apparently incredibly dangerous and I urge you to talk extensively with your veterinarian, and veterinarians with your clients before giving it to any animal. My dog is dealing with what the vet described as toxicity which is affecting his neurological capacities. Please be careful with this product. This has been a really scary experience for my pet and I. I know this is not going to happen in all animals but as I have been reading online forums this seems to be a more common side effect than is initially stated.

Nine years ago come Oct. I lost my 4 year old golden retriever after he got a ProHeart injection. I found story after story on the web of people who lost or almost lost a dog to it. In some caes, families lost 2 dogs.

Fort Dodge claimed it was all rumor, their product was perfectly safe, and many people called us nuts, etc for telling our story. BUT then after so many deaths were reported and investigated (we had to send complete medical history of our dead or sick dogs to the FDA) it was removed from the market and the FDA did not allow it back for almost 4 years til it was reformulaed. And it was returned with a black label warning. People were not quite so skeptical then. and for the record, Fort Dodge made a seettlement with me without my singing the required "jeep my mouth shut" release and that money helped pay a good chuck of my boys $2300 vet bill for a week in ICU, tests, meds,necropsy, etc.
I know dogs can have reactions to anything, but when a heartworm prevention kills as many dogs in 4 years time as all other combined, some out for 25 years, has done---there is a problem. I am checking out Trifexis in case I have to switch from the now rare to be found Interceptor. Unless you hae had a dog die a horrible death follwoing a drug, you can't know what it is like.

I bought this for my 1.5 year old, 65 lb Boxer. This is the only change he has experienced in his routine. This is the first time he took the product. Within 2 hours he was groggy, unable to focus his eyes, disoriented, unable to walk, completely uninterested in any food or water and experiencing tremors. He has been sleeping almost exclusively for the last 12 hours and will only drink water if I give it to him out of a turkey baster.

This product has been cited in other cases with similar side effects. It is apparently incredibly dangerous and I urge you to talk extensively with your veterinarian, and veterinarians with your clients before giving it to any animal. My dog is dealing with what the vet described as toxicity which is affecting his neurological capacities. Please be careful with this product. This has been a really scary experience for my pet and I. I know this is not going to happen in all animals but as I have been reading online forums this seems to be a more common side effect than is initially stated.

Trifexis is the best thing going right now. Too bad that you are employed by a failing drug company. FDA said YOU can't make quality drugs! FDA shut you down! Meantime, Trifexis is being used with incredible results nationwide.

Too bad you have to create such crap to feel better about the long days without products.
Too bad you are such an idiot!

Opened it, read all of the BS written by reps, their friends, and reps' twisted family members who have nothing better to do. Write your fiction on whatever web page you want to, but remember one thing, you can't stop this train! Trifexis is the best, safest, cleanest, most effective product on the market, and millions of happy clients drown out your fictitious cries.

I just gave my dog his first dose of it two weeks ago. He started itching uncontrollably and is now covered in hot spots. The vet has him on medication but so far it's not helping. I'm not happy with this medication and I just spent a fortune on it and can't use it at all.I will be going back to interceptor and frontline.

I just gave my dog his first dose of it two weeks ago. He started itching uncontrollably and is now covered in hot spots. The vet has him on medication but so far it's not helping. I'm not happy with this medication and I just spent a fortune on it and can't use it at all.I will be going back to interceptor and frontline.

You win. Because of your honest opinion, we will shut down the product and call it a day like the manufacturer of Interceptor did recently. By the way, Frontline is best if purchased through Costco because the key ingredients are stronger. For sure. Too bad your fortune is gone.

Lmao!!! Seriously!??!! Companies are getting this desperate? Lololol!!

FYI: I like many dog owners spent time with my dog long enough to know if she pukes up her pills... adulticides kill fleas... which means no more reproduction. Not only that but comfortis does so for AN ENTIRE MONTH... which means all those life cycles will eventually be dead when they reach the dog... but that's considering your not smart enough to follow directions and spray & clean your house if you have an infestation. But killing the adult fleas that your dog is more likely to pick up and killing them before they have a chance to infest your home... unlike sentinel which merely steralizes them or other products that might not work.... well I chose comfortis & am comfortable that my baby can pet my flea free dog and not get in contact with pesticides. The only thing close is capstar... but that only lasts a day but still works for a cycle breaker.

Comfortis is a an adulticide alone for killing fleas. It targets only 5% of the lifecycle. 1 in 16 dogs vomits on it. Now you just partnered your HW preventative with a product that ignores 95% of the flea lifecycle at the RISK of your dog throwing it up. Who watches their dog for an hour after they give them their HW preventative? That's even if you can get them to take it. Trifexis is the size of a quater and has the thickness of 5 quarters put together. Odds are, you'll have to shove it down the dogs throat. Trifexis cost more than Sentinel to boot. Adulticides alone for killing any insect are at a higher risk for resistence. Spinosad has been banned from Georgia, California, and Hawaii in agriculture for resistence. Many other southern states only allow one rotation of spinosad in agriculture. Too many problems with Trifexis. Clinics will be sorry that they bought this product and will have problems selling it long term.

Lmao!!! Seriously!??!! Companies are getting this desperate? Lololol!!

FYI: I like many dog owners spent time with my dog long enough to know if she pukes up her pills... adulticides kill fleas... which means no more reproduction. Not only that but comfortis does so for AN ENTIRE MONTH... which means all those life cycles will eventually be dead when they reach the dog... but that's considering your not smart enough to follow directions and spray & clean your house if you have an infestation. But killing the adult fleas that your dog is more likely to pick up and killing them before they have a chance to infest your home... unlike sentinel which merely steralizes them or other products that might not work.... well I chose comfortis & am comfortable that my baby can pet my flea free dog and not get in contact with pesticides. The only thing close is capstar... but that only lasts a day but still works for a cycle breaker.

Thanks Dr Dryden!!!!

You are wrong. Comfortis (and Trifexis) kill fast enough to prevent infestation for only about 2 weeks. After that, fleas start living long enough (longer than 24 hours) to lay viable eggs

Lmao!!! Seriously!??!! Companies are getting this desperate? Lololol!!

FYI: I like many dog owners spent time with my dog long enough to know if she pukes up her pills... adulticides kill fleas... which means no more reproduction. Not only that but comfortis does so for AN ENTIRE MONTH... which means all those life cycles will eventually be dead when they reach the dog... but that's considering your not smart enough to follow directions and spray & clean your house if you have an infestation. But killing the adult fleas that your dog is more likely to pick up and killing them before they have a chance to infest your home... unlike sentinel which merely steralizes them or other products that might not work.... well I chose comfortis & am comfortable that my baby can pet my flea free dog and not get in contact with pesticides. The only thing close is capstar... but that only lasts a day but still works for a cycle breaker.

Trifexis is available at your LOCAL COSTCO. It may take up to 2 weeks to come in. Bring your prescription and they'll order it for you. It is NOT available with COSTCO-online ordering.

-Also, it is covered by COSTCO's 100% satisfaction guarantee.
> COSTCO will issue you a FULL REFUND -if you are dissatisfied, your dog has a negative reaction, or you chose to switch to something else. What better guartantee can you get???

Novartis has announced production to begin again in Sepember 2012.

"Novartis has announced production to begin again in Sepember 2012."

How I would love to believe this. Got a link?
Heartgard almost killed one of my dogs (she tested negative all ways for MDR1 but had a severe reaction to Torbuterol & Acepromazine as well). 54 days out (last dose), she began to recover & 61 days out, she was all but back to normal. I have 4 dogs on Iverhart & 4 on Interceptor.

It's too bad this is such a flakey message board. If these are pharmaceutical/ pharmacological (or whatever the hell Y'All call yourselves) professionals, God Help us! I can- & do, avoid doctors like the plague. With my dogs, it's not quite that easy.
I got a completely flakey response when I called the 800 number (through the operator, not the recording) at pet, too. It didn't make me feel better, esp since she was just a flunkie answering the phone.

You guys are digging your own grave (putting yourselves out of a job is what I mean). If you don't know how this is eroding people's trust in doctors, vets, & pharma, you're in denial. Y'All are utterly destroying your- & their, credibility.

Trifexis is NOT going to happen in this house.

Returning my trifexis , my black lab mix is lethargic and out of breath quickly. I'm just glad it wasn't worse! She used to be on heartgaurd and frontline ...seemed to do well.

there is a recall petition on line for the drug. sign it. It's a bad drug. And it's not the heartworm part of it it's the flea killing part. put poison in their system, i guess they'll get sick. Fleas are hard "suckers" to kill!!

Returning my trifexis , my black lab mix is lethargic and out of breath quickly. I'm just glad it wasn't worse! She used to be on heartgaurd and frontline ...seemed to do well.

there is a recall petition on line for the drug. sign it. It's a bad drug. And it's not the heartworm part of it it's the flea killing part. put poison in their system, i guess they'll get sick. Fleas are hard "suckers" to kill!!

Looked up this "petition" on line, is basically the same 10 people who do all the posting on Facebook about the product and people they interact with on other message boards (they always put their name out there for recognition). So to get this straight there are a small group of people (150-200) claiming an FDA approved drug with well over 2 MILLION Doses out there is the sole reason behind their pets misfortunes....

Hmm, less than half of a percent complaining just think if we heard from even a portion of the customers using product, their words/thoughts/comments would be seen very differently.

Also, if it were "just the flea killing part" which is Comfortis the number of doses being used would more double with posted "issues" being even less.

Just a thougt, overall perception is never represented just the negative bystanders usually.

Not 1 product is for everyone, I just recommend getting them from your Veterinaroan for when/if theses few and unfortunate circumstances do arise you have someone to help you. B/c if it came from the Internet there's no telling what you really got in the first place.

My gosh, your spelling ability would directly enhance your credibility. Just saying, grammar in the medical field does have an effect on how you are perceived. Do not call me the grammar nazi. You should either write properly, or do not write and preach at all.

My gosh, your spelling ability would directly enhance your credibility. Just saying, grammar in the medical field does have an effect on how you are perceived. Do not call me the grammar nazi. You should either write properly, or do not write and preach at all.

Pretty shitty & weak to just artack grammar on here. I agree it isn't good but the point is established and it is a fairly good one for once on this board. If you dont have a better objection than grammar you should probably just save yourself the time of posting at all.

To Poster Above with an actual point: Solid post, thank you for some actusl perspective based ob factual information. In the future work on using better punctuation and grammar for those who have nothing better to bitch about, such as Novartis employees who have no products to sell other than generics and cat NSAIDS.

Pretty shitty & weak to just artack grammar on here. I agree it isn't good but the point is established and it is a fairly good one for once on this board. If you dont have a better objection than grammar you should probably just save yourself the time of posting at all.

To Poster Above with an actual point: Solid post, thank you for some actusl perspective based ob factual information. In the future work on using better punctuation and grammar for those who have nothing better to bitch about, such as Novartis employees who have no products to sell other than generics and cat NSAIDS.

Sorry messed up on a few words there, but replying on a phone makes it a little more difficult. Maybe, the other one your ripping on grammar was as well....