Total Break-Up of the Empire

WIth the announcement of the new consolidated corp structure, Pfizer will have the biggest downsizing in corp history.

The Plan is to consolidate specialty and primary care. The only divisions not effected is Oncology and Vaccines. All other specialties that are 1 product divisions will be merged by March 2015. (MS, ENDO, AI, Hemophilia, Inflammation will merge together)-- MS doesnt have a product in Dec, AI products will move to generic/establish division, Hemo doesnt make any money, and the Xeljanz inflammation division is way under performing for a blockbuster drug status and need to move Wyeth reps out and upgrade talent.

Primary Care will move all products to a contract sales force model given PC doctors decision to prescribe products is payer base, not rep or product itself. This CSO model will deliver the same results given reps have little impact with results in the PC market, at the same time save the company multi millions from salary (pc cso reps avg 35-40k yr--so $100million a yr savings just in salary) as well as from not paying Obama healthcare costs, and retirement costs. A select few pfizer PC specialty reps will be placed to call only on therapeutic specialty physicians. (bottom line Pfizer like most companies are getting out of the primary care product business in the US and turning to more of a biotech/specialty product company where more profit exists-- every earnings report those products loose money and the RD pipeline doesnt have true PC products; its all specialty products.)

As a shareholder these moves will boost the stock price as profits will increase with massive operations expenses reduces while supporting resources to drive core products with the greatest profit margins. For employees it is going to be a massive change, but for those who stay it will be very rewarding with the stock price soaring--- and that's the CEO job is to increase stock price. THis is the model that will do it.

WIth the announcement of the new consolidated corp structure, Pfizer will have the biggest downsizing in corp history.

The Plan is to consolidate specialty and primary care. The only divisions not effected is Oncology and Vaccines. All other specialties that are 1 product divisions will be merged by March 2015. (MS, ENDO, AI, Hemophilia, Inflammation will merge together)-- MS doesnt have a product in Dec, AI products will move to generic/establish division, Hemo doesnt make any money, and the Xeljanz inflammation division is way under performing for a blockbuster drug status and need to move Wyeth reps out and upgrade talent.

Primary Care will move all products to a contract sales force model given PC doctors decision to prescribe products is payer base, not rep or product itself. This CSO model will deliver the same results given reps have little impact with results in the PC market, at the same time save the company multi millions from salary (pc cso reps avg 35-40k yr--so $100million a yr savings just in salary) as well as from not paying Obama healthcare costs, and retirement costs. A select few pfizer PC specialty reps will be placed to call only on therapeutic specialty physicians. (bottom line Pfizer like most companies are getting out of the primary care product business in the US and turning to more of a biotech/specialty product company where more profit exists-- every earnings report those products loose money and the RD pipeline doesnt have true PC products; its all specialty products.)

As a shareholder these moves will boost the stock price as profits will increase with massive operations expenses reduces while supporting resources to drive core products with the greatest profit margins. For employees it is going to be a massive change, but for those who stay it will be very rewarding with the stock price soaring--- and that's the CEO job is to increase stock price. THis is the model that will do it.


Dude, this is free enterprise in action. Our American model is to continually funnel money to the rich and powerful regardless of how well or badly they perform. Every Republican would tell you what a righteous and beautiful thing that is.

No commie, it was your democrat CEOs that did this. Your democrats run Wallstreet and it's their lack of morals that cause the cancers we have now. A true free market system has no use for your demoncrat crony capitalism we have now. Dumbass.

Pfizer announced last week that it will split-up into 3 separate divisional businesses.
Two innovative cores will be called Pharmacia and Wyeth. And the third value generics business will be called King.


Proceed With Caution? 6 Stocks With Aggressive Accounting Practices, Hitting New Highs
| by Kapitall | includes: PFE, RAI, MKC, SJM, WU, PRGO
Below is a list of stocks that have recently hit new 52-week highs. However, all of these companies also have very aggressive accounting practices, according to the ratings developed by forensic accounting firm Audit Integrity.

The Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR) rating is a forensic measure of the transparency and reliability of a corporation’s financial reporting and governance practices. The closer the score is to 1, the more aggressive the company's accounting practices, according to Audit Integrity.

Do you trust that the rallies of these stocks can continue? According to Audit Integrity, it's probably best to proceed with caution...

AGR ratings sourced from Audit Integrity, short float and performance data sourced from Finviz.

#1. Pfizer Inc. (PFE): Drug Manufacturer. Market cap of $154.11B.

According to Audit Integrity, the company has Very Aggressive accounting practices, with an AGR score of 1.

Thanks! Great info. That answers my Enron question....

No commie, it was your democrat CEOs that did this. Your democrats run Wallstreet and it's their lack of morals that cause the cancers we have now. A true free market system has no use for your demoncrat crony capitalism we have now. Dumbass.

Do you use aluminum or tin foil? I always forget which one works better.

Pfizer to follow Abbott/Abbieve but will create two other companies. The only thing that Pfizer will promote in the future will be oncology drugs, Biologics and Vaccines. Primary Care drugs (better known now as Innovation 2) will be it's own stand alone company, Pfizer wants to get out of the incremental drug improvement business that managed care now obama care will crush them. The 2nd stand alone company will be the largest company of drugs that are currently generic (still gigantic, take Lipitor still 4 Million dollar drug). Expect less reps and tons of TV and Digital marketing. Pfizer is telling wall street that they will show differences for 3 years and this will happen in 2017 but when they show the growth of the innovation 1 group compared to how the other two companies will drag, Expect this as early as 2016.. Pfizer will reach its goal to be the "premier innovation company" and will try to gain public opinion back by getting rid of generics (Value) division and then the primary care (Innovation 2) "Me too" division.

No commie, it was your democrat CEOs that did this. Your democrats run Wallstreet and it's their lack of morals that cause the cancers we have now. A true free market system has no use for your demoncrat crony capitalism we have now. Dumbass.

It's an effective combination of greed, ignorance, and arrogance...regardless !!!!!
Now the golden goose is almost out of crap.

Pfizer to follow Abbott/Abbieve but will create two other companies. The only thing that Pfizer will promote in the future will be oncology drugs, Biologics and Vaccines. Primary Care drugs (better known now as Innovation 2) will be it's own stand alone company, Pfizer wants to get out of the incremental drug improvement business that managed care now obama care will crush them. The 2nd stand alone company will be the largest company of drugs that are currently generic (still gigantic, take Lipitor still 4 Million dollar drug). Expect less reps and tons of TV and Digital marketing. Pfizer is telling wall street that they will show differences for 3 years and this will happen in 2017 but when they show the growth of the innovation 1 group compared to how the other two companies will drag, Expect this as early as 2016.. Pfizer will reach its goal to be the "premier innovation company" and will try to gain public opinion back by getting rid of generics (Value) division and then the primary care (Innovation 2) "Me too" division.

Totally agree with this post.

Don't be fooled by your manager. Business as usual. I don't think so and neither do your managers.

How it works. Management does everything they can to give the impression it's business as usual. While doing this they focus on the following.

networking, trying to come up with meaningless projects, job searching, stabbing their peers and subordinates in the back in an attempt to create a potential opening for themselves if needed, always working out of their office, always saying they have a teleconference call or an appointment, resume writing. Watch how many emails with success stories they start to send out. The BS emails are going to increase. Watch.

Every manager is using this time to try and secure a job. They are prepared to do anything to keep it or get one. Most of you have no idea what they are capable of. Don't be fooled.

Don't be fooled by your manager. Business as usual. I don't think so and neither do your managers.

How it works. Management does everything they can to give the impression it's business as usual. While doing this they focus on the following.

networking, trying to come up with meaningless projects, job searching, stabbing their peers and subordinates in the back in an attempt to create a potential opening for themselves if needed, always working out of their office, always saying they have a teleconference call or an appointment, resume writing. Watch how many emails with success stories they start to send out. The BS emails are going to increase. Watch.

Every manager is using this time to try and secure a job. They are prepared to do anything to keep it or get one. Most of you have no idea what they are capable of. Don't be fooled.

There has to be some level of understanding at this point in the employee reduction policies at Pfizer that no one in a mgmt. position above DM will give any indication about reductions to the sales force. Talk of reductions will always be dismissed until the actual notifications come. Mgmt. who may know of things to pass are desperately trying to maintain a position with the company themselves, and they will not jeapordize that by being open about what they may know or may believe will happen. That's just life, and your the fool if you believe anyone cares about you at this company. Hasn't it already been proven.

There has to be some level of understanding at this point in the employee reduction policies at Pfizer that no one in a mgmt. position above DM will give any indication about reductions to the sales force. Talk of reductions will always be dismissed until the actual notifications come. Mgmt. who may know of things to pass are desperately trying to maintain a position with the company themselves, and they will not jeapordize that by being open about what they may know or may believe will happen. That's just life, and your the fool if you believe anyone cares about you at this company. Hasn't it already been proven.

When you start to see additional measures and e-mails of management control methods like new call trackers, number of signatures, copay card trackers and enabling GPS tracking on iphones/ipads while holding back on field resources and regional positions remain frozen for backfill you know something is near. This is not normal course of business behavior unless Sr mgmt and ELT knows there will be lack of trust and control once word starts leaking out and is finding ways to reign in tighter controls upfront.

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