How many total?

Become a plumber! 5 year apprenticeship starting at $30 an hour. Journeymen make 60, foreman 90 if its a union shop, plus all you can eat. At least you have a real job with a purpose and job satisfaction. The only drawback is that you actually have to get out ion bed in the morning and work! But I am sure as an overpaid and underworked drug rep you don't mind!

Correct. We’ve been lucky to have our jobs as long as we have. Most of us with half a brain knew this was coming. I have 22 yrs with Pfizer…..66 weeks of severance, and a position to go to for hopefully 3 more years when I plan to retire.
If the fools with less than10 years stuck around without looking for another/ better job want sympathy, they won’t get it from me.

The fools you speak of are getting the same offer you are, a guaranteed job with Exact Sciences so what the fuck is the difference if they were with Pfizer for 1, 10 or 20 years? All of us who were on Team 1 move laterally and some might get a salary bump. No need to feel sorry for anyone unless they didn’t take the 60 seconds to fill out the information in the link to secure a position.

Become a plumber! 5 year apprenticeship starting at $30 an hour. Journeymen make 60, foreman 90 if its a union shop, plus all you can eat. At least you have a real job with a purpose and job satisfaction. The only drawback is that you actually have to get out ion bed in the morning and work! But I am sure as an overpaid and underworked drug rep you don't mind!
A UPS driver can earn $106K, all you do is drive around and drop off stuff, just like……..

Become a plumber! 5 year apprenticeship starting at $30 an hour. Journeymen make 60, foreman 90 if its a union shop, plus all you can eat. At least you have a real job with a purpose and job satisfaction. The only drawback is that you actually have to get out ion bed in the morning and work! But I am sure as an overpaid and underworked drug rep you don't mind!
Ex manager here, there’s no fucking way I’m becoming a plumber, I’ve been dealing with other peoples shit for way too long,.

The fools you speak of are getting the same offer you are, a guaranteed job with Exact Sciences so what the fuck is the difference if they were with Pfizer for 1, 10 or 20 years? All of us who were on Team 1 move laterally and some might get a salary bump. No need to feel sorry for anyone unless they didn’t take the 60 seconds to fill out the information in the link to secure a position.

How long do you think ES will be able to keep you employed? We’ll all be in the same sinking boat.
20 years gets you a very nice pension, 1,10 gets you very little. You can’t be that stupid.

How long do you think ES will be able to keep you employed? We’ll all be in the same sinking boat.
20 years gets you a very nice pension, 1,10 gets you very little. You can’t be that stupid.

Definitely not stupid and my personal retirement portfolio is excellent. I am under 55 and only need three more years. Nothing is guaranteed in life so fuck off and have a great weekend!

Yes, you are stupid…and very ignorant. Your response proves it. Good luck in life, you are going to need it.

Enjoy yours as well you cunning little runt! It’s comical what is said here, life is great especially since I don’t have to deal with dolts like you anymore. Go get those 8 VCC’s a day tiger!

Enjoy yours as well you cunning little runt! It’s comical what is said here, life is great especially since I don’t have to deal with dolts like you anymore. Go get those 8 VCC’s a day tiger!

Hahahaha! Yes, you are comical……actually more of a clown. Too bad people have to deal with a total jackass like you.

I've been partying non stop since last weeks call. Have some interviews coming up. Life is good. I feel like Andy Dufresne after he crawled out of that tunnel full of shit. Better even. He crawled thru 4 football fields. I was stuck in it for 25 years.

Hahahaha! Yes, you are comical……actually more of a clown. Too bad people have to deal with a total jackass like you.

It has served me well, I appreciate the acknowledgement. The best part about the anonymous postings is you have no clue about what is true and who is who. Hope to meet you one day face to face ( which certainly won’t happen if you work for Pfizer) !