top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

lost faith in neuro looking to exit. morale low, pulse scores down and management asks why…..why? when I tell you it wont b mattering anywaze nothing ever happenz. great collegue recently retired no farewell party and organized own, another colleague squeezed out, another colleague eliminated after great success. motivates me to show up enough to target middle bucket. is this to scare? a message of future ? get Houghton back to neuro and Marshall lead, bring back the ones shafted
not gonna happen...this company has a turnover problem...little to no turnover. Means they can't bring in fresh new talent, can't shift resources to areas of more urgent need. so they are gonna make things tougher, try to force people out.

not gonna happen...this company has a turnover problem...little to no turnover. Means they can't bring in fresh new talent, can't shift resources to areas of more urgent need. so they are gonna make things tougher, try to force people out.

This! Absolutely the case at Merck. This company also has a tendency to laud the wrong people. Worthless talentless idiots are literally praised for doing something either insignificant or running their mouth. Compound that with equally dumb managers and clueless leadership and that about sums up the culture here. Stagnant and uninspiring

This! Absolutely the case at Merck. This company also has a tendency to laud the wrong people. Worthless talentless idiots are literally praised for doing something either insignificant or running their mouth. Compound that with equally dumb managers and clueless leadership and that about sums up the culture here. Stagnant and uninspiring

Reward the ass kissers, the loud mouths and idiots. Fire the talent and take the credit. Just eliminated someone in neuro that drove a program in clinic shown to work. Thank you for your service, Merck will take it from here. Nice move by management

Reward the ass kissers, the loud mouths and idiots. Fire the talent and take the credit. Just eliminated someone in neuro that drove a program in clinic shown to work. Thank you for your service, Merck will take it from here. Nice move by management
He’s better off but cut after success is bullshit. Any of us are vulnerable and working hard and getting results is not rewarded. Maybe he pissed off that jerk off boss showing how to drug discovery. That Canadian should protect talent.

The sales managers here are beyond incompetent. They are corrupt. I would say easily 98% of these managers also have some very deep rooted psychological issues. They are absolutely incapable of leading a team let alone being in any position of power. Because they abuse their power here. Everyone knows it, sees it and yet allows it to happen. Bullying and manipulation are rampant here. You will be managed by a lazy dumb who peaked in high school

The sales managers here are beyond incompetent. They are corrupt. I would say easily 98% of these managers also have some very deep rooted psychological issues. They are absolutely incapable of leading a team let alone being in any position of power. Because they abuse their power here. Everyone knows it, sees it and yet allows it to happen. Bullying and manipulation are rampant here. You will be managed by a lazy dumb who peaked in high school
Your just jealous because you were not a star HS athlete back in the day like some of us…

This! Absolutely the case at Merck. This company also has a tendency to laud the wrong people. Worthless talentless idiots are literally praised for doing something either insignificant or running their mouth. Compound that with equally dumb managers and clueless leadership and that about sums up the culture here. Stagnant and uninspiring

wow! Amen. Ain’t that the truth. Laud the wrong people and ignore the limited talent.

2028 is coming -

Your entire dam company is incompetent. You are in the most corrupt industry in the world.

Anyone that works for companies like Merck are:

1. Very dumb about the world they live in.

2. Love money above all things.

3. Hate themselves.

This industry usually tries to “Create a Need” for itself and its products. Creating a need used to work. Not anymore. Too many fantastic generic medicines. Consumers are better educated about risks. Most employees should really get out of this industry. Only going to get worse. No meaningful stock options. Customers hate how big pharma charges 5X the price in U.S. for same medicines sold in Japan, France, UK, Germany and Canada. They take frustration out on representatives who bring lunch to office staff door to door in August Heat. Doctors do not even say hello. Home office people get stock options and expect customers to roll out red carpet during urgent field visits. If representatives can’t get customers to do a red carpet “Dog and Pony” show for home office dignitaries, the representative is labeled as ineffective and fired. The weekly sales numbers remain zero.

This industry usually tries to “Create a Need” for itself and its products. Creating a need used to work. Not anymore. Too many fantastic generic medicines. Consumers are better educated about risks. Most employees should really get out of this industry. Only going to get worse. No meaningful stock options. Customers hate how big pharma charges 5X the price in U.S. for same medicines sold in Japan, France, UK, Germany and Canada. They take frustration out on representatives who bring lunch to office staff door to door in August Heat. Doctors do not even say hello. Home office people get stock options and expect customers to roll out red carpet during urgent field visits. If representatives can’t get customers to do a red carpet “Dog and Pony” show for home office dignitaries, the representative is labeled as ineffective and fired. The weekly sales numbers remain zero.

The game has definitely changed.

Most people (rightfully so) have lost respect for their doctors, as the information age is in full effect. Doctors don't really bring much value to medicine anymore, unless it is an ER doctor, helping a person survive.

Pills are petroleum based for the most part, which tells you right there, that they are not good for you. Add the side effects (look at the rates of death from pills and doctors), the lack of increased life spans, and cost, and you have a terrible industry.

I am very happy to to be out of this industry, and wish I had this knowledge when I was younger.

This! Absolutely the case at Merck. This company also has a tendency to laud the wrong people. Worthless talentless idiots are literally praised for doing something either insignificant or running their mouth. Compound that with equally dumb managers and clueless leadership and that about sums up the culture here. Stagnant and uninspiring

The old evil culture still exists. And none of them have anything to point to as accomplishments worthy of anything.

10? Just 10.

there are probably 500.

Haha exactly. Not just 10. More like 50x that. And that’s why a count of 500 is not even joking. Especially if you include the remaining ones that these corrupt managers handpicked. I’m literally surrounded by imbeciles. It has never been more evident how far this dirty company will go to protect their trash.