top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

as opposed to many of the baseless predictions of cuts and reorgs on this board, this one has merit, can attest I am seeing/hearing very CEO is a finance guy, industry knows process controls are coming, and when is the last time our R&D groups actually produced any significant new products?

facts. Hiring freeze already effective or on the way depending on division. Next will be talent assessment and separation. The deck will be cleared while managers can layoff employees from the comfort of their home without needing to drop the news face to face.


This totally incompetent Canadian has been moving around the organization for a while now.

I just noticed he is heading up the Japanese organization and I’m gobsmacked

He is a sleaze (those that worked with him will know exactly what I mean). A walking Human Resources complaint.

Good luck to us when he finally comes back to us here in the US


This totally incompetent Canadian has been moving around the organization for a while now.

I just noticed he is heading up the Japanese organization and I’m gobsmacked

He is a sleaze (those that worked with him will know exactly what I mean). A walking Human Resources complaint.

Good luck to us when he finally comes back to us here in the US

Yes indeed…. the mighty Kyle Tattle…. Hoped I would never hear that name again.

the master of managing up and convincing big Frank that he has created rainbows under him


god help us all

I didn’t believe that he was being discussed online haha. I colleague just messaged me to get on this site (didn’t know this was real)

I worked with Count Kyle in Switzerland and he had many people upset, hated man and try very hard to impress the ladies but was not so success at it haha

I think this man has no social way and is awkward

useless man and I pray for us as I feel he is regarded highly by the blind bosses

We are working with Mr Tattle now. He is not sincere. He want to go back US and be big for sure. Get him out of Japan please. Give him dream he wants

Big joke person. He wants to make things just to show his big boss he is innovative but he is old and useless. No brains just usual American talk in strong way to seem clever to our people he is nothing about culture and sure he hate asia

I share this site now with Japan colleagues and they will sure mock

Spineless excuse of a man. Managing up is his only strategy. Loathes everyone working for him. Squirms against others senior staff but bullies all under him - Tyrant is the only language I can find to describe Kyle. I think most of the other senior leaders despise him from what I have heard directly. Can you leave already?

I work in Asia Pacific in a senior role and can testify to all the points about Mr Tattle. Between Kyle and the President here they have destroyed Merck. At least someone finally fired Dorthe this week.
We now have a chance to bring some happiness back to our region. Bad leaders create fear anxiety and despair. I’m excited about our future with David Peacock returning.

please please please David, get feedback on Kyle and Dorthe and do the opposite. I know we can be great again. And change out our HR leader. All she cares about is her selfie poses. Noora Nonesense

make MSD great again xxx

Spineless excuse of a man. Managing up is his only strategy. Loathes everyone working for him. Squirms against others senior staff but bullies all under him - Tyrant is the only language I can find to describe Kyle. I think most of the other senior leaders despise him from what I have heard directly. Can you leave already?

I am a managing director here in Asia and say the easy fix for our region. Fire Kyle, we already fire Dorthe the useless excuse for a President and next please delete the role of HR head.
Noora benefits from no voice survey being conducted as she would finally get some self insights and realise we all think she is useless also. Her only priorities are to pout in photos and find the most senior person in a room to suck up to.

we have David Peacock to save the region and I am very happy. Dorthe is gone, get rid of Noora and Kyle and we have a chance to be great again. Jan and Patrick worked hard to help this region and all these people have done is ruin it all.

I am a managing director here in Asia and say the easy fix for our region. Fire Kyle, we already fire Dorthe the useless excuse for a President and next please delete the role of HR head.
Noora benefits from no voice survey being conducted as she would finally get some self insights and realise we all think she is useless also. Her only priorities are to pout in photos and find the most senior person in a room to suck up to.

we have David Peacock to save the region and I am very happy. Dorthe is gone, get rid of Noora and Kyle and we have a chance to be great again. Jan and Patrick worked hard to help this region and all these people have done is ruin it all.



we were on the gmap program assigned in AP and had no help or guidance from regional HR. Speaking to the countries it was clear she and her team did nothing for them. No training help, no hiring help, no development help and no leadership. They thought the STEM initiative was all they needed but I attended and it’s pretty weak

Kyle I know super well from Europe. Worked so close to him so let us be careful

very insecure guy that panics with his own manager. Like a little puppy.

he is harmless but causes a lot of issues with low environmental awareness. He loved one girl and that was the only person and he took her to Asia