top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

WFH scaling down next month, excited to read the weekly book reports and diary entries from other WP and KW researchers from the home quarantine period! Womp womp..... $500-$1000 bonuses given to those willing to report to work to dust the shelves and check the freezers! Excellent my dudes! Keep up the goooood work. almost time for dept socials, journal club, poster sessions, safety luncheons, coffee breaks, and important team meetings to resume! Hope the on site gyms will open too, really missed afternoon yoga and wellness checks

didn’t you hear? WFH continuing until “after summer” LOL. researchers on Keytruda welfare for 9 months returning to deliver value over the holiday season by hanging Christmas decorations and removing raccoon nests from beaker stock rooms

Peter Loscher was a joke. Supposed to "transform" the company and left after a year for Siemans and was fired from there. The country and many companies are so fuc*ed because self marketing types are elected and promoted to important positions. Wake up!!!

Peter Loscher was a joke. Supposed to "transform" the company and left after a year for Siemans and was fired from there. The country and many companies are so fuc*ed because self marketing types are elected and promoted to important positions. Wake up!!!

there has never been more hype about an incoming executive than 'ol Petey Loscher...I remember well my
manager being absolutely giddy about his arrival and the fundamental "transformation" that would be taking place...yeah right...I soon learned that every new exec, every new reorg, each new "operations model" that Merck undertook was just more lipstick on the same dang pig...

Has anyone read the article in the NYT today’s edition” How Merck, a Vaccine Titan Lost COVID Race. I like to have some comments . My impression is that we are niche market leader with only minimal products to sell.

reorg coming in July/Aug, will move quick after organon separated. R&D structure closer GSK, belt tightening to head off another 87% score stay tuned
as opposed to many of the baseless predictions of cuts and reorgs on this board, this one has merit, can attest I am seeing/hearing very CEO is a finance guy, industry knows process controls are coming, and when is the last time our R&D groups actually produced any significant new products?

as opposed to many of the baseless predictions of cuts and reorgs on this board, this one has merit, can attest I am seeing/hearing very CEO is a finance guy, industry knows process controls are coming, and when is the last time our R&D groups actually produced any significant new products?

doubt it. all that cash from the spin off will be spent on the new hq.

doubt it. all that cash from the spin off will be spent on the new hq.
Wrong, all you have too do is look at the number of sr.level people leaving, should tell you something. Lot of orgs being combined or put under other current sr. leaders. This company will look very different a year from now, will be much leaner.

Wrong, all you have too do is look at the number of sr.level people leaving, should tell you something. Lot of orgs being combined or put under other current sr. leaders. This company will look very different a year from now, will be much leaner.

Wrong about what? Have you seen the money they are blowing on construction?