top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

OK. Should I conclude that her boss Tillyer is competent because he recognized incompetence? And that Peter Kim is competent because he recognized incompetence? Or are they so incompetent that they could not actually recognize competency in the people that have left?

If you hire an incompetent person and it take you several years after the damage is done to realize it then you are incompetent. That's Peter Kim.

Tillyer? Based on his past experience in chemical development, he is just unfit leading a fast evolving discovery environment.

Peter Kim and his whole gang down to EC+3 should be removed. In fact the whole discovery operation should be torn down and rebuilt into small accountable biotech-like organizations to save Merck.

As it stands the whole leadership only cares about hoarding cash for themselves the way Fred Hassan and his team did at SP.

Good scientists shouldn't bother coming to Merck unless they really need money and willing to put up with the incompetence.

Whoa, Chris Hill?? He certainly doesn't belong in that elite group. Chris, in fact, is very good, give the guy a chance.

What kind of dope are you smoking? The guy is a nutcase. I didn't like him when he was in Boston. Talk to the guy for 5 minutes and you'll be scratching your head about why he's running (ruining) sites. Anyone who makes his successor bow to him on bended knee on stage in front of the entire site is a total egomaniac. He TOTALLY belongs in the group of incompetents.

From MRL, Building 34, Herb Synder comes to mind. and before that it was Pam Fearon who was 'let go' after 16 years. UP om her departure she wrote some slop story about how much she had accomplished - we couldn't stop laughing - what a joke that was!

OK. Should I conclude that her boss Tillyer is competent because he recognized incompetence? And that Peter Kim is competent because he recognized incompetence? Or are they so incompetent that they could not actually recognize competency in the people that have left?

omg. what were you trying to say? Is this how you talk to doctors?

Jackie McClarty OMG what a piece of work. A real sapphire!

Now there's a beaut! Where have they put her lately and doing what exactly?

Nothing but a phony--no smarts, no creativity, no leadership skills, just a big, cardboard smile with a haughty demeanor. That combination passes for competence in a Merck just a shadow of its former self.

Now there's a beaut! Where have they put her lately and doing what exactly?

Nothing but a phony--no smarts, no creativity, no leadership skills, just a big, cardboard smile with a haughty demeanor. That combination passes for competence in a Merck just a shadow of its former self.

All perfect descriptions of Princess!

SCOTT SMITH, what a dbag.... sits around his house making the most ridiculous MVX messages with his kid and HE, and only HE, thinks its funny. Not only that, he plays this ridiculous horse race music in the background. Totally incompetent worthless manager. He is a joke of a manager.

Chris Hill does not belong on this list. He was a well-liked and well-respected site head at Organon and Schering. He did the best he could for the people at his site and looked after their best interests. He has been jerked around by MRK since the merger.

That's ok, Chris, let them vent as much as they want over this forum. Your boss and HR will never take such blabber into account. Just make sure you kiss enough boot cause that's what makes it in this circus.