top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

Ken Frazier - worse CEO ever. Has no value for employees at all, is only interested in lining his own pockets. He'll retire VERY well while everyone else will suffer. It's a shame.

Ken Frazier - worse CEO ever. Has no value for employees at all, is only interested in lining his own pockets. He'll retire VERY well while everyone else will suffer. It's a shame.

What do you expect from a lawyer other than big talk and heavy bills? Since when is it ok to put a lawyer at the head of a science-heavy enterprise with a mess of a supply chain? What do lawyers know about the medical community? Do you remember his earlier days at the head of GHH when he would actually stand up in EBBs and blame poor GHH performance on US wholesalers? Or his days at the head of legal when he was echoing Gilmartin's "no settlement" strategy? It's actually going to be interesting, at the end of Ken's tenure, to compare his work to Gilmartin's: it's difficult now to judge who's actually worse but there is little chance, in the long history of otherwise Great Merck, to have anybody worse than these two arrogant clowns.

Adam Schechter? Let's wait and see the results of his latest stunt. When I read the news I thought it spells disaster but let's give it its fair chance - everything done in this company seems more like gambling than business.

Willie Deese

AKA King Monnracer

The "Island of Misfit Toys", another canonical addition to the original story, is an island sanctuary where defective and unwanted toys are sent. Among its inhabitants:

King Moonracer - a winged lion who acts as the island's ruler, voiced by Stan Francis. King Moonracer is responsible for flying around the world each night in search of unwanted toys. He lives in a large castle atop a hill on The Island of Misfit Toys, and acts as a 'governor' to the island, deciding who can or cannot stay on the Island,
Charlie-In-The-Box is a misnamed, but otherwise seemingly normal jack-in-the-box who acts as the island's sentry.
Spotted Elephant is a polka dotted elephant and also is the island's footman.
"A Dolly for Sue" (as she calls herself) is a seemingly normal girl rag doll with red hair and a red gingham (checkered) dress. Her misfit problem is never explained on the special, but was possibly revealed on NPR's Wait Wait… Dolly's problem was psychological, caused from being abandoned by her mistress and suffering depression from feeling unloved.
Bird Fish is a toy bird who swims instead of flies.
A misfit cowboy who rides an ostrich.
Trainer, a train with square wheels on its caboose.
A toy boat that sinks rather than floats; a squirt gun that shoots grape jelly; an airplane that cannot fly, a bear that rides a bike, and "a scooter for Jimmy".

Willie Deese

All the man knows how to do is scream at his employees.

When he stated that he knows that not everyone is 100% engaged but then states this is his feeling, it is obvious he has a serous case of rectal-cranial inversion!

He was brought in to do one thing and one thing only,

Chop up MMD and outsource everything!

This outsourcing crap is a fairly recent idea. He was brought in to run MMD as a sustainable enterprise which already had a long history of running quite OK until it joined the general decline of Merck. The decision to outsource is based on two criteria. The first and most powerful is does it meet the monkey-see, monkey-do test? If Pfizer is doing it, we will too. Unthinkingly. And the second, is it broken? Note that anything broken under senior management's watch is irretrievably broken and the even best talent in the land (Merck senior management) would have had no hope against the will of the breaking Gods. Given the mood of the industry, Willie, who must have organizational survival instincts even if he lacks managerial acumen, realizes that he can be a business hero AND avoid blame for running MMD so incompetently merely by embracing outsourcing and ditching this albatross he created. Considering the very large pool of clued-in talent that Merck had when he was brought in, it is shocking that they needed to go outside to acquire dictatorial cluelessness.

Alan walked. He is too dignified and too smart to ever be outwitted by PK. He saw the writing on the wall, that Merck is in serious decline, and decided he wanted to be somewhere where there was a positive energy - watch this space!

Alan, I wish you well! What happened to Kathleen Metters? Did she walk, too?

Metters was pushed out for her incompetence.

OK. Should I conclude that her boss Tillyer is competent because he recognized incompetence? And that Peter Kim is competent because he recognized incompetence? Or are they so incompetent that they could not actually recognize competency in the people that have left?