Tomorrows Call

Don’t you think it’s strange how they would not take questions during the call? Mangers have No answers at all to any questions. What type of company announces lay-offs, but won’t tell you what the criteria for being retained or let go is?
But remember… The Future is Bright!

There’s not gonna be lay offs …except for the people who aren’t hitting metrics and numbers…cutting out the people who they know aren’t doing shit…you work hard…you’re gonna fine…anyone else Adios

There’s not gonna be lay offs …except for the people who aren’t hitting metrics and numbers…cutting out the people who they know aren’t doing shit…you work hard…you’re gonna fine…anyone else Adios

BS a third party will handle the territory realignment. Where you live and the market need will be the deciding factors. Metrics could play into it as well.

Cut the fat! I’m happy to see you slackers go!

Amen!!!! And that’s the same for all of the divisions. I’m sick of these losers that “fly below the radar” and only do enough to get by. They luck out every time because of where they live. We should all interview against each other and let the strongest survive!

Don’t you think it’s strange how they would not take questions during the call? Mangers have No answers at all to any questions. What type of company announces lay-offs, but won’t tell you what the criteria for being retained or let go is?
But remember… The Future is Bright!

won’t tell you what the criteria for being retained or let go is? You're joking right? It's called litigation and man you must be green spanking new.

DT does not have our back.
DT is terrible. How many times did he say ‘if you choose to stay with us’? It’s clear that BI doesn’t believe in the HS model.

Then make most of CV interview for their current jobs?

metab will get thumped soon also. Probably waiting to see how many openings they will have.

The KAMS would sell their mother for a great success "story" to share on a national or regional call. Most people aren't even listening, they are trimming their toenails or making dinner for the kids while the KAM flaps their gums and strokes themself. It is usually the same KAMs over and over again too. Most are men, trying to impress other men. My D*CK is bigger than your D*ck!

but is it thick with a big vein in it? That’s the key. And can it throw a solid rope?

If you don’t know what biosimilar, don’t bother applying for the job. Have you been living under a rock? You must be on a therapeutic team. HS is already trained on it.

DT is terrible. How many times did he say ‘if you choose to stay with us’? It’s clear that BI doesn’t believe in the HS model.

Then make most of CV interview for their current jobs?

metab will get thumped soon also. Probably waiting to see how many openings they will have.

He does not get it, because even though he shows up, he does not seem present. It's like he's just checking a box to give leadership what they want, and tell them what they want to hear. I'm no psychologist, but he seems detached and burnt out, just goes through the motions. Nice man though. Did he apply for the position he has, or was he just put there? I think that would tell us a lot. It is usually political.

Cut the fat! I’m happy to see you slackers go!
Just stop it. No one can do the job anymore. We all know there’s no access for anyone and everybody lies about the calls they make. EVERYONE. KAMS, HSBS, CV, MET, RESP all lie on a daily basis. The worst liars are the ones posting they want to see the fat cut.

Just stop it. No one can do the job anymore. We all know there’s no access for anyone and everybody lies about the calls they make. EVERYONE. KAMS, HSBS, CV, MET, RESP all lie on a daily basis. The worst liars are the ones posting they want to see the fat cut.
For sure, does anyone know and have real insight as to how big of a cut the met team will have in Feb? And, how it’s decided who is cut? How many per district?

For sure, does anyone know and have real insight as to how big of a cut the met team will have in Feb? And, how it’s decided who is cut? How many per district?

It’s usually done based on territory workload and profitability, Then they place reps in those positions based on where they live geographically. A third party usually handles it, Your performance only really comes into play if you’ve had a below expectations on your Mag,

Are you all kidding me no one has a clue ..we are all a big tax right off for the company…anyone who is meeting all their metrics (Liar Liar pants on fire) …why would you keep a sales force that sees next to know one and hire 100 more and give them nephrology docs OMG..nephrology access about as good as Cardiology ..Next to Zero ..someone in HQ wanted to Save Cards and now you call them Consultants and pay them do again next to nothing..avg 6.5 calls a day what a Joke…finally downsizing HSBS (emphasis on the BS) another overpayed sales force..back to my original point ..we are tax right offs fortunate that you have a job in this fragile industry