Tomorrows Call

This is ridiculous. Just 2 days ago on national call they are telling us how the future is bright, they want to retain folks and now they are cutting the met team. Seriously? They are so tone deaf.

It was neutral, SAE can post for the other open positions for CRM and they will get them. No layoffs will happen in met, just redrawing the lines. Resp are the ones who need to be worried

Were you not on the same call? KR clearly stated there would be headcount reductions on the Met side and just because they kept saying it’s gonna be a headcount neutral does not mean that there will be an opening anywhere near your current territory. If you live in South Texas and are cut oh, there’s an opening, but it could be in Nebraska or in Mississippi and then you have to move or you leave the company…. But the futures bright!

It was neutral, SAE can post for the other open positions for CRM and they will get them. No layoffs will happen in met, just redrawing the lines. Resp are the ones who need to be worried

It was stated that the total headcount would be neutral for CV and Metabolic teams, but CV would be increasing…wouldn’t that mean a decrease on the Metabolic side? So some reps would be getting laid off…

And they just expect Metabolic reps to just wait around until next year not knowing if they will be cut? Also heard some Metabolic reps would be getting rolled into CV positions without interviewing. Not sure if that’s true.

Does anyone have any idea how big of an increase CV will be getting or how many Metabolic reps are getting cut? Or where?

It's not about money, BI is hiring more KAMs and they report directly to the directors. Most results come from SAEs, but SAEs get a small credit because they do not get as much exposure to senior leaders. BI could save money to combine the KAM/SAEs into one job description. SAEs should be capable of managing their accounts. They all work hard, but the squeaky wheel always gets the oil. Congratulations to all who get to keep their jobs!
The KAMS would sell their mother for a great success "story" to share on a national or regional call. Most people aren't even listening, they are trimming their toenails or making dinner for the kids while the KAM flaps their gums and strokes themself. It is usually the same KAMs over and over again too. Most are men, trying to impress other men. My D*CK is bigger than your D*ck!

The KAMS would sell their mother for a great success "story" to share on a national or regional call. Most people aren't even listening, they are trimming their toenails or making dinner for the kids while the KAM flaps their gums and strokes themself. It is usually the same KAMs over and over again too. Most are men, trying to impress other men. My D*CK is bigger than your D*ck!
The ones with the smallest D*cks have the biggest stories.

The question becomes this and simple…why wait till Feb? Is there an expectation that we’re all gonna work hard from now till then just to lose our job? Who gets cut first? People on short term dis? People w double digit years? Overlays? …

RBS should also apply for any open position now too. They are next on the reorganizing agenda. Their calls go out in Q1. Their chances of getting a CRM spot is less than metabolic, so they need to hustle.

GS came from respiratory and he had no problem getting the RAD position over metabolic candidates. Plus most of the respiratory reps have sold Jardiance in the past so you are nothing special!

GS came from respiratory and he had no problem getting the RAD position over metabolic candidates. Plus most of the respiratory reps have sold Jardiance in the past so you are nothing special!
GS did hustle, and this wasn't the 1st time he applied. He earned it! There will be competition, so you better have something more to say than you are special too.

The cuts to Met are going to be large. Get your resume ready now. Start looking now. As another poster said, there will be openings but they may not be in your current territory. There is a reason they didn’t let us know our fate on Friday as they did the HSBS they’re giving us two months to get a new job. Don’t wait folks.

The cuts to Met are going to be large. Get your resume ready now. Start looking now. As another poster said, there will be openings but they may not be in your current territory. There is a reason they didn’t let us know our fate on Friday as they did the HSBS they’re giving us two months to get a new job. Don’t wait folks.