TBM is riding with rep, demanding drs office visits or demanding virtual access to call

That's all very nice but your input and evaluations do not mean a thing. This is how PHARMA rolls not your hospital setting. Rep goes back to their protocol after DM leaves (dah).. a DM has to evaluate how you sell and how you message when they see you, it's called accountability, compliance and prevention of litigation. Capeesh.

You don’t get that you and the way pharma rolls is the cause of the death of an industry! You are a joke and a part of the problem. You just stated “rep goes back to their protocol when dm leaves (duh). Then how does that create accountability, compliance, and litigation prevention. There are so many ways to develop people and empowerment to a key component. I did not say not to have field visits but 1-2 days in the field with a seasoned rep is baby sitting not development. Try to understand the psychology behind this...people rise to the level they are treated. If you have to be there to create accountability then I will say you are not a leader or you can’t hire. If managers have to be there to create all you mentioned above then why pay a rep. You just do it. Again I will state you are a manager but not a leader!
As a manager you are creating box checkers just like you.

And again, the key point is the manager is pushing his/her agenda in a physicians medical practice. And with covid right now this could be a tipping point. I am afraid some offices will not reopen to reps.

And again, the key point is the manager is pushing his/her agenda in a physicians medical practice. And with covid right now this could be a tipping point. I am afraid some offices will not reopen to reps.

The manager and the rep needs to be pushing the company’s agenda but in the guise of the doctor’s agenda. The smoother you can do this, the better you will look in the eyes of your manager and his manager and up the chain. You don’t work for a non-profit organization. You work a sales job, not a charity.

You don’t get that you and the way pharma rolls is the cause of the death of an industry! You are a joke and a part of the problem. You just stated “rep goes back to their protocol when dm leaves (duh). Then how does that create accountability, compliance, and litigation prevention. There are so many ways to develop people and empowerment to a key component. I did not say not to have field visits but 1-2 days in the field with a seasoned rep is baby sitting not development. Try to understand the psychology behind this...people rise to the level they are treated. If you have to be there to create accountability then I will say you are not a leader or you can’t hire. If managers have to be there to create all you mentioned above then why pay a rep. You just do it. Again I will state you are a manager but not a leader!
As a manager you are creating box checkers just like you.

And again, the key point is the manager is pushing his/her agenda in a physicians medical practice. And with covid right now this could be a tipping point. I am afraid some offices will not reopen to reps.
New flash this was happening pre-covid at a rapid rate. Why don't you go into consulting and save the world of Pharma that way, you input as a rep falls. on deaf ears.

Wow. Or perhaps I shouldn’t even be surprised at how narrow-minded you are. If you’re as smart as you think you are, I would expect you to be a little more creative in gaining your customers’ consent to have your manager with you virtually. Probably sounding something like, “Doctor, we are acutely aware of your office policy of limiting foot traffic in the office. My manager is with me today and is outside. In order to be respectful of your office policy, would it be okay for him/her to join us virtually via FaceTime on my phone?” or something to that effect. Geez...why don’t you use what’s left of your brain cells from time to time? Smh...

THIS! If you are so empowered that this is the right thing to do at this time then stand behind it. Post that you are the manager that wrote this and which State you reside. Show you’re unabashed accountability for this ridiculous tactic. Then we’ll see if the company supports you in this practice.


Yeah. Didn’t think so.

All you losers up in arms over managers asking their reps to do FaceTime video calls to be with their reps in the office virtually (with customer consent) whenever office policy limits who and how many people are inside at any given time should probably be reminded that field rides are also known as “coaching sessions”. Technically if the manager cannot observe the rep doing what they should be doing during an interaction, no coaching is taking place. Part of the coaching process is observing the interaction happening. All TBMs are aware of this fact. So it is within a manager’s purview to have his reps do this. Of course, if a customer refuses to give consent, then that’s what it will have to be.

All you losers up in arms over managers asking their reps to do FaceTime video calls to be with their reps in the office virtually (with customer consent) whenever office policy limits who and how many people are inside at any given time should probably be reminded that field rides are also known as “coaching sessions”. Technically if the manager cannot observe the rep doing what they should be doing during an interaction, no coaching is taking place. Part of the coaching process is observing the interaction happening. All TBMs are aware of this fact. So it is within a manager’s purview to have his reps do this. Of course, if a customer refuses to give consent, then that’s what it will have to be.

And this is why you are invited to ride with me every day! As you wait in your car with your usual thumb up your ass as I spend 2 hours in each office chatting up the staff and a 2 hour lunch.....and kindly let you know that the doctors would not consent:). Can’t wait!!!! Let’s go

New flash this was happening pre-covid at a rapid rate. Why don't you go into consulting and save the world of Pharma that way, you input as a rep falls. on deaf ears.

Yes, thank you I should go into consulting. But instead I banked a few presidents clubs and left. I did share these concerns with management, but managers need to justify their jobs too, so they check the quantitative box and a way we we go without showIng direct outcomes. It is hard to change when you know the industry is contracting but instead of innovative ideas the industry is killing itself...doing the same reach and freq model, but now lets get 2 people involved in this mess. We are in a profit business but please tell me where pushing the manager in front of a customer during this time is impactful? It is easier for the office to say no reps because, not only Bi, but every company is pushing the “coaching” role right now. Again, no innovation just a copy of everyone else.

I am done responding...I love this industry and I hate to see this happening ...so go check a box! Luckily I moved to an area of pharma where the metrics games has not taken over yet. Peace.

Yes, thank you I should go into consulting. But instead I banked a few presidents clubs and left. I did share these concerns with management, but managers need to justify their jobs too, so they check the quantitative box and a way we we go without showIng direct outcomes. It is hard to change when you know the industry is contracting but instead of innovative ideas the industry is killing itself...doing the same reach and freq model, but now lets get 2 people involved in this mess. We are in a profit business but please tell me where pushing the manager in front of a customer during this time is impactful? It is easier for the office to say no reps because, not only Bi, but every company is pushing the “coaching” role right now. Again, no innovation just a copy of everyone else.

I am done responding...I love this industry and I hate to see this happening ...so go check a box! Luckily I moved to an area of pharma where the metrics games has not taken over yet. Peace.

.I love this industry and I hate to see this happening ..

Hey we ALL DID..Pharma is not what it use to be, even 2 years ago. I'm am at peace just a realist. Times a change'en. Oh, won PC 8 times..

Wow. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever come across professionally. What a ridiculous ask of someone practicing medicine, oh btw Dr. can my boss listen in. As a rep you want to be seen as more of a knowledgeable colleague than a rep that has to be micro managed by someone who probably has no medical degree - it's a wonder you have any access at all.

"Doctor, my Manager is trying to justify his job, besides approving expense reports and is in his car, listening in to our conversation. But I want you to still trust me and my knowledge. Is this ok?"
C'mon, as a Manager you should be disgusted with yourself. There is no reason to do this type of call. The fact you tried to defend this type of ride along behavior is really pathetic.
Couldn't agree more!