To those that were severed:

The good news: revenues for pharma globally are increasing at between 7.7% - 10.4% per year (adjusting for inflation), and profits % is up by 13.2% in the 5 year period ended 31-Dec-2013.

The downside: US-based pharma/device/biotech payrolls have been steadily decreasing at 2.7% per year over the last ten years.

Bottom Line: Higher paying American-based jobs are being cut, while lower paying Asian-based jobs are increasing: for example, NVS is moving 5000 jobs to India over the next 18 months at 70% less pay (salary is still higher by Indian standards)

Horror story: Lower quality products, fake clinical trials, and bribery-driven sales are all set to increase exponentially - India is corrupt to the core

This isn't true in Switzerland. They've Obamacare for years, have a higher per capita GDP, have unions throughout out the country yet are ranked as a more competitive economy than ours - thanks GOP!

We'll put and very accurate. Pharma jobs are paying higher salaries, there just fewer jobs out there. Most of the counter part/ pod jobs will be gone by 2015. Small sales forces with singled covered territories are the wave of the future. Layoffs will continue until all of oharma gets down to this.

Not what many said here over the last few months. Anyway, what do you expect from "cannon fodder" recruited for jobs that paid much higher than their real skill levels who basically delivered donuts and read off scripts.

Not what many said here over the last few months. Anyway, what do you expect from "cannon fodder" recruited for jobs that paid much higher than their real skill levels who basically delivered donuts and read off scripts.

Yeppers you are correct with your primary care, Pod selling mentality. You And your pod mates Along with the massive herds of PCP reps were never needed. As you stated, those days either have already ended or will be ending sometime this year. Small singled covered specialty sales forces are in. Salaries for those jobs continue to rise but unfortunately most of the herd of PCP reps will not qualify for these jobs. Unemployed Pharma reps will remain on the rise.