Do those who were retained feel safe?

Here's another hint.

If I have a large company. Why not just give the employee the dollar amount required to get Obama care and make them pay the difference If they want private insurance?

My DM and I have a great relationship and he told me not to worry for at least 12 months. He will protect me and in exchange I will sell like crazy. Performance COUNTS!! As for the sexist comments about female reps well too bad your numbers pale in comparison to mine!

My DM and I have a great relationship and he told me not to worry for at least 12 months. He will protect me and in exchange I will sell like crazy. Performance COUNTS!! As for the sexist comments about female reps well too bad your numbers pale in comparison to mine!

Who did you do to get them? Little lady, you are so full of yourself you make me laugh. Success or failure is so far out of your hands...favorable formularies, contracts, etc. drive this business, not the rep...male or female. So stick your ego up your ass, cry to daddy, and go sit on a carrot.

Here's another hint.

If I have a large company. Why not just give the employee the dollar amount required to get Obama care and make them pay the difference If they want private insurance?

You are too dumb to "have a large company" because unless your employees make enough to get govt susidies under law then it would cost them about the same to get insurance under Obamacare as it would for they get it through. And, if you did it they way your company wouldn't get the tax break that it does now under the law.

And lastly just too show how really fucking stupid you are, when you get insurance through your employer it is private insurance. In fact, it is one of the same priavte insurance companies that sell through the Obamacare exchanges.

You gotta get from in front of that Faux News more. Too much O'Riley / Hannity killing yo old white evangelical man brain.

Safe, really? What you gonna sell in that territory 6-12 mo from now?[/Q

Can we please stop using the word selling!!! Pharma reps do not sell, they promote. Just wait until you get out there and try to get a real selling job in another field. You will quickly learn that other industries do not consider pharma a sales job either.

Remember, you promote, like a walking advertisement!