To those of you that care, not only did i lose my house, now I have lost my wife.

At least Novo N. wants me. I can't believe it has come to this. I bought this beautiful huge expensive home and was unable to make the payments. Now the bank wants it back. Those bastards. Now she has had it. She thinks I am irresponsible and has decided to stay local and not take the job move with me. Anyone else losing everything? At least I still have a few months I my lease. I love that car. Only sincere people need reply. Nothing nasty please.

YAWN.... Loser overpaid self absorbed loser - fuck all you at NN and his ex too

Money is the #1 reason for divorce. Women need a home and a man that they can rely on. It's that simple.

Women need money, and money they can rely on. The man is irrelevant. It's that simple.

Fork, Neck, Curb, .... stick a fork in her neck and kick her a$$ to the curb.

Enjoy the car while you can. Better days are coming.

At least Novo N. wants me. I can't believe it has come to this. I bought this beautiful huge expensive home and was unable to make the payments. Now the bank wants it back. Those bastards. Now she has had it. She thinks I am irresponsible and has decided to stay local and not take the job move with me. Anyone else losing everything? At least I still have a few months I my lease. I love that car. Only sincere people need reply. Nothing nasty please.


At least Novo N. wants me. I can't believe it has come to this. I bought this beautiful huge expensive home and was unable to make the payments. Now the bank wants it back. Those bastards. Now she has had it. She thinks I am irresponsible and has decided to stay local and not take the job move with me. Anyone else losing everything? At least I still have a few months I my lease. I love that car. Only sincere people need reply. Nothing nasty please.

hookers are cheaper in the long run dude

dude, be glad. i wish mine would leave. she's too damn expensive, stopped putting out and is generally a control freak. i didn't get married just to have sex but i sure as hell didn't get married to stop having sex either. if i knew then what i know now.....

Because the bank gave me a 1/2 million dollar loan. The should never have done that. It got tough to pay so I stopped. I love having my mortgage gone, just like that it went away. So did all my stuff. Oh well on to greener pastures.

Please help me, another liberal looking for others to blame - "the bank gave me a 1/2 million dollar loan". Did they hold you down at gun point to sign it? No, you signed it voluntarily. Take responsibility for your actions!

dude, be glad. i wish mine would leave. she's too damn expensive, stopped putting out and is generally a control freak. i didn't get married just to have sex but i sure as hell didn't get married to stop having sex either. if i knew then what i know now.....

LOL! Having the same problem. Why don't you try helping her out around the house without her having to bitch and scream about it? Do you do anything with the kids for more than 1 hour without her having to request it? Do you give her compliments w/o asking for sex within the next 10minutes? Do you show your wife affection w/o wanting sex within next 10minutes? Is your only interest watching tv? This is what turned me off from my husband. Unfortunately, you guys don't seem to get it. Helping your wife out without her having to ask will open up those locked pussy gates! Helping with household chores and kid responsibilities=foreplay for the majority of married women=sex for the married man! Trust me and try it.

LOL! Having the same problem. Why don't you try helping her out around the house without her having to bitch and scream about it? Do you do anything with the kids for more than 1 hour without her having to request it? Do you give her compliments w/o asking for sex within the next 10minutes? Do you show your wife affection w/o wanting sex within next 10minutes? Is your only interest watching tv? This is what turned me off from my husband. Unfortunately, you guys don't seem to get it. Helping your wife out without her having to ask will open up those locked pussy gates! Helping with household chores and kid responsibilities=foreplay for the majority of married women=sex for the married man! Trust me and try it.

In other words, do thing exactly YOUR way (with no regards to what we want), and we'll finally be happy? That's an interesting argument. Typical woman. We should WANT to do it it your way without being told, right? Despite the fact that you could give a shit about what anyone other than yourself thinks.

In other words, do thing exactly YOUR way (with no regards to what we want), and we'll finally be happy? That's an interesting argument. Typical woman. We should WANT to do it it your way without being told, right? Despite the fact that you could give a shit about what anyone other than yourself thinks.

I suggest getting a mistress. It works for me!

In other words, do thing exactly YOUR way (with no regards to what we want), and we'll finally be happy? That's an interesting argument. Typical woman. We should WANT to do it it your way without being told, right? Despite the fact that you could give a shit about what anyone other than yourself thinks.

No you are missing the point. Women need help around the house and with children and husbands should help. It is your home and your kids too! This has nothing to do with. .Do it my way. It is more like tje woman is stressed out because her man thinks the family is her responsiblilty.

i have gone the extra mile for years including taking care of the house and family. no, not to the extent that she probably does but then again, she does not work full time like me so something has to give. i don't believe it is just her responsibility but in her mind, my responsibility is to go out and make a living so she can live in a nice house and spend the money and then have me come home and do the chores. however there is no reciprocation in the bedroom. i won't leave due to the kids but i certainly don't mind playing on the side at this point. yes we have talked about it and it goes in one ear and out the other so spare me the "you should talk to her about this" shit. deep down, i don't think she would care if i did play around as long as the paychecks keep coming in. when the kids get older and move on though, she may and probably will find herself without my paycheck coming in because i will be gone by then. yes it will be expensive but yes it will be worth it.

i have gone the extra mile for years including taking care of the house and family. no, not to the extent that she probably does but then again, she does not work full time like me so something has to give. i don't believe it is just her responsibility but in her mind, my responsibility is to go out and make a living so she can live in a nice house and spend the money and then have me come home and do the chores. however there is no reciprocation in the bedroom. i won't leave due to the kids but i certainly don't mind playing on the side at this point. yes we have talked about it and it goes in one ear and out the other so spare me the "you should talk to her about this" shit. deep down, i don't think she would care if i did play around as long as the paychecks keep coming in. when the kids get older and move on though, she may and probably will find herself without my paycheck coming in because i will be gone by then. yes it will be expensive but yes it will be worth it.

No reciprocation in the bedroom. There's many reasons why that could be. Maybe she just isnt any good at sex, and doesnt really care about it. No wonder some guys look elsewhere for it. And if they happen to find someone who is good at it, and does care about it, it's no wonder they play around.

No you are missing the point. Women need help around the house and with children and husbands should help. It is your home and your kids too! This has nothing to do with. .Do it my way. It is more like tje woman is stressed out because her man thinks the family is her responsiblilty.

Actually, I think you're missing the point. Don't get pissed at your husband because he spends his time differently than you think he should. YOU think he doesn't spend enough time with the kids. YOU think he should help more around the house. If YOU think it, then it must be true, right? What makes you right and him wrong? YOU do; that's it. Don't pretend to be the know all, be all on everything and perhaps your husband won't dislike you so much. And, trust me, he doesn't like you nagging him all the time.